Poets Take A Bow

Poets Take A Bow

2,009 122 6

A lovely collection of all the poems I've written. I'm currently in the midst of writing more.po·et·ryˈpōətrē/nounliterary work in which special intensity is given to the expression of feelings and ideas by the use of distinctive style and rhythm; poems collectively or as a genre of literature."he is chiefly famous for his love of poetry"synonyms:poems, verse, versification, metrical composition, rhymes, balladry;archaicpoesy"Beauty is truth, truth is beauty."-John Keats"I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity."-Edgar Allan Poe"Write drunk; edit sober."-Ernest Hemingway"In a nation ruled by swine, all pigs are upward-mobile."-Hunter S. Thompson…

Clan of the Dead [On-Going]

Clan of the Dead [On-Going]

126 11 4

Drew Mars was an average woman, with an average desk job, an average home, living an average life. That's all she'll ever be, as she was told by her parents. After high school, life seemed like a chore to her, a burden more like. She had even considered death as an outlet, only because she was so fascinated by it. But the impending doom of humanity has been more than just a dull thought in the back of her head. Because, one day, it actually happened. The apocalypse happened. And she seemed to be the cause of it.. . . . . . . . . . . . . .These creatures were twice my size. My limbs began to tremble. "You," they chanted, their voices in sync. The skin on their fingers was peeled back and blackening, revealing long pointed bones, dripping a purple substance. The figures reached out to grab me, moving in sync as if programmed to move a certain way and at a specific time.They wanted me.. . . . . . . . . . . . . .RATED M for some cruel nature, violent scenes, and strong language. Absolutely NO sexual content will be in my book.Highest Ranking #1 in Scary Stories.Highest Ranking #1 in YAnovel.Copyright © 2015-2020 by Decoris Unum.…

The Moon's Will [On-Going]

The Moon's Will [On-Going]

108 23 5

They were called The Moon Children because the moon called to them. It urged their very being to accept and allow the moon to be apart of them as much as they were apart of it. Only seven. The moon children were rare and scattered all over the globe. The energy of the moon tugging at their souls every night to stare up at it; some even felt the desire to howl up to it as so many wolves have. On one moon eclipse, all seven of them loose control over their bodies as they weave through trees, buildings, people to get to the water. And then? They jump.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ."They're wolves," I whispered.A rumbling growl vibrated from deep within the wolf's throat. He fisted the wolf's furry cheeks and kissed the tip of its nose. The wolf pressed it's cold, wet nose against the back of my hand. It's nose slid down the length of my fingers, leaving a wet trail as it moved to sniff his messy curls. Soft rumbles vibrated the wolfs chest. He whispered sweetly to the wolf in a language I couldn't understand. The weight of the wolf's stare began to take a toll on my impassive up front. The wolf huffed, blowing hot breath into my face causing my eyes to automatically squeeze shut. The smell of the wolf's breath, oddly, reminded me of my grandmother. She always smelled like leaves with a mixture of bark.Highest Ranking #1 Untold LoveHighest Ranking #1 FantomHighest Ranking #1 OverlandCopyright © 2017-2020 by Decoris Unum.…