32 4 1

HAPOY BIRTHDAY BITCH!*insert a terribly sung rendition of the 'Happy Birthday' song, sung to the rhythm of the Transformers: Prime intro*…

2023 secret santa

2023 secret santa

29 5 2

Secret santa gifts for my friends! I love you all <3…

Talksy z Tf i OC

Talksy z Tf i OC

6,739 1,010 166

OP powoli kończy się cierpliwość.Ratchet ma depresje, bo zgubił ulubiony klucz do rzucania.Arcee nadal jest suką.Cliffjumper w końcu przestał umierać.Bumblebee uzależnił się od mleka truskawkowego. Bulkhead uczy się grać w szachy.Wheeljack jak zawsze wszystko wybucha.Jazz lubi Jazz.Sideswipe jest szczery do bólu.Sunstreak ma załamanie nerwowe.Crystal jest płaska niczym Airachnid.Amethyst ma załamanie nerwowe wraz z Sunnym.Zaira i Neo chcą się pobrać.Shadowgates został wskrzeszony podczas satanistycznego rytuału.Smokescreen jest głównym bohaterem i musi to wszystko znosić. A i co chwila łamię 4 ścianę. Megs przeżywa patologię na Nemsis.Starscream wszystkich sekretnie umiera od środka.Shockwave gada coś o logice.Knockout pokłócił się ze swoją polerką i musiał kupić nową.Breakdwon chcę wszystko rozpipszyć jak zawsze.Airachnid bez przerwy łazi po suficie. Vehicony utworzyły chór Nemesis. Talksy są z tzw.: Multiversum, czyli spotkać tu można wszystkie możliwe transformery z wszystkich możliwych serii xDD…

Spec Ops Week 2023!

Spec Ops Week 2023!

110 15 7

My works for the Spec Ops Week 2023!Prompts:1. Behind Enemy Lines2. Cross-faction/Forbidden Romance3. Starlight/Under Cover of Night4 .Under Cover5. Team Bonding6. Unsanctioned Mission7. MIABonus/Alt: Secrets/What Optimus Doesn't Need to Know…

Birthday fic dla super osóbki

Birthday fic dla super osóbki

18 3 1

Prezent urodzinowy dla przyjaciela, mam nadzieję że się spodoba.Feat. Katsu, OC najlepszych na świecie Lau, pare moich OC i kanonów.…

Close... yet still so far

Close... yet still so far

658 43 11

Transformers: Prime.... A story about a team of autobots, trying to save their dying planet. Optimus Prime, the last of the Primes, and the leader of said team. Bumblebee, Arcee, Bulkhead, Ratchet, Cliffjumper, Wheeljack and Smokescreen. Right... Smokescreen. Character important, yet often overlooked for his young and brash personality. But, I can with a clear mind say that he's the main reason why Cybertron was revived. After all, where would we be if he didn't save Optimus that day?But...What would have happend if things were... different? What if Smokescreen showed up in different circumstances? With... a little different powers? What is Smokescreen wasn't alone, but had a special bond with two others? What if... the decepticons experimented on the caught autobots, not destroying their potential and turned them into mindless monsters by using the dark energon like Cliffjumper? What if... those experiments had a different objective? I welcome you to the Transformers version of What if...?, featuring Smokescreen and a couple of my OC's. (Yes, I know how annoying they can get, but I promise they'll be important to the plot enought to not be useless, but not too much so they won't be stealing the spotlight)The story WILL contain scenes of brutality, child neglect, self-harm, torture and death. Graphic description of corpses will be present too, but only in one or two chapters. If you are easily disturbed, or do not like those topics, please leave. I'm planning this story to be serious, so please, I don't want any comments saying "Wee wee woo woo, it's too brutal" Constructive critisism is welcome, please tell me how I can get better. The only thing that belongs to me is the plot, and any OC's that will appear.…

The (mis)adventures of Mommyinnit, 16 year old Philza and deaged SMP

The (mis)adventures of Mommyinnit, 16 year old Philza and deaged SMP

562 51 3

Dream asked the entire SMP to meet up by the Community House, because he wanted to show them something. When they learn that he found an old spellbook, they tried to cast a spell.When Tommy comes back from his ancient debris hunting only to find the entire server as toddlers, and a boy his age who claims to be Philza, what could possibly go wrong?Well, out of all the things that could happend, he certianly wasn't ready for that his hotel became a daycare.This is a family friendly AU, so nothing after The War for Independence happend. Dream isn't an asshole, the egg is still underground, and the election happend but no-one was exiled. This takes place at the time after the doomsday, but because Jschlatt isn't a bitch and is actually a good president, that never happend.Cross-posted on Ao3…

DSMPTale aka. Mcyt Undertale AU

DSMPTale aka. Mcyt Undertale AU

468 37 2

Hello, fellow traveler. Welcome, to my small cottage. Feel free to explore. Sorry for the mess, not many people visit an old lady like me. Hm? What's that? You want to hear a story? Okay then, let me tell you a story. A story about a boy, who belonged to both realms, a boy who took he weight of keeping peace, a boy who at the very young age gained so much. "Long ago, two races ruled over the earth: Humans and Monsters. One day, a war broke out between the two races. After a long battle, the humans were victourious. They sealed the monsters underground with a magic spell. However, what they didn't thought about, were hybrids. Most of them were hunted down. But some managed to escape. A certian lady, who was pregnant with a monster gave birth to a... human. This human had a wife, who gave birth to another human begin. It continiued for 3 generations. Until, the monster trails began to show. After nearly 300 hundreds years, a boy was born. A boy with fluffy blond hair what looked like yellow clouds, two ocean-blue eyes sparkling with determination, and two, large wings. The left one was angelic white which changed to sky-blue at the ends. The right one was ichy black, which changed into red mid-way. The mother died after the birth, and her husband took care of the boy. They lived nearby a village, but the boy werent allowed to go there. One day, the village somehow found out about the boys wings. They attacket the small house, with the father and the boy in it. The father died in the fight, while the boy managed to escape. He ran and ran, until he ran to the top of the nearby mountain. There, he found a strange looking hole. It looked really deep, because he couldn't see what was at the bottom. But then, he heard screams and shouts of the villagers. He looked behind, only to trip over and fell back-first into the hole. He screamed for help, but the villagers only watched. He fell into the underground. And that's where the tale begins."…

Mcyt one-shots for my broken a$$

Mcyt one-shots for my broken a$$

492 25 4

English is not my native language, so it can look like it was written by a dyslexic person. You can put suggestions, but I won't do requests unless I say so lol. Mostly Tommyinnit cuz he's my fav.…

Księga informacji, aka. spis OC, postaci OOC, artbook, nominacje i inne gówna
Memy i obrazki kradzione z Discorda

Memy i obrazki kradzione z Discorda

1,745 137 21

Zapraszam na memy (i teraz obrazki) z discorda które uznałam za śmieszne. Większość jest nie moja, jednak jak pojawią się jakieś moje, to powiem(napisze) o tym. Głównie będą to transformers, ale pojawią się też memy zwykłe bądź z innych fandomów.…

Cisne bekę z RiD'a

Cisne bekę z RiD'a

372 28 3

Witam i zapraszam na zbiór Cursed Imagines, Śmieszków oraz innych gówien.Czyli zapraszam na ciśniecie beki z Transformers: Robots in Disguise!…

Pewne przemyślenia nie typowej osoby

Pewne przemyślenia nie typowej osoby

79 1 11

Okej, kolejny śmieć do kolekcji- A więc w tej oto książce będę się dzielić z czytelnikami moimi przemyśleniami, snami, historyjkami lub wszystkim innym co mi wpadnie do głowy. Po prostu nie które tak mnie męczą, że muszę się nimi z kimś podzielić. Ostrzegam, że mam strasznie dziwne sny.Nie które rozdziały mogą być dziwne, nietypowe lub nawet niepokojące, bo czasami zaczynam myśleć nad tak dziwnymi rzeczami, albo o pewnych postaciach pod zupełnie innym kątem, że to się w głowie nie mieści ( khy, khy, Sideswipe i Smokescreen, khy, khy)Jeżeli nadal chcesz to czytać to podziwiam Cię. I martwię się o twoje zdrowie psychiczne-…



991 52 6

LUDZIE! Większość opowiadań boyxboy nazywa się "Yaoi" a ich twórcy nawet nie wiedzą co oznacza to słowo! Zapraszam do wytłumaczenia kilku Japońskich pojęć, bo naprawdę wkurza mnie to, że ludzie nie odróżniają od siebie niektórych rodzajów związków i używają ich w opowiadaniach o innej tematyce. Bo (uwaga, wielki szok) NIE WSZYSTKIE OPOWIADANIA BOYxBOY TO YAOI…