A Game of Chess

A Game of Chess

172 15 2

The Pawn: Able to move two squares forward at the start of the match but only one after. Can't go backwards, only forward. Can become a Rook, Bishop, Knight, or Queen if it reaches the other side of the board. Can only capture diagonally. The Rook: Able to move any number of free squares forward, backwards, and to the sides. The Knight: Able to jump allies and move in any combination of one and two forwards and backwards, can only capture on it's last square. (Example: One forward, two to the left or right. Two forward, one to the left or right. One backwards, two to the left or right, etc.) The Bishop: Moves any number of free spaces diagonally. The Queen: Moves any number of free spaces in any direction. Known as the most powerful and threatening piece on the board. The King: Moves one space in any direction. Protect your king no matter what. If your king is captured, you lose the game. ------------------------"Checkmate." A green haired male said while smirking. Using his Queen and capturing the king on the other side of the chess board. "Farewell All Might." He chuckled in amusement as the white king clattered onto the board with a loud echoing thud. "How many bodies have piled at the foot of your throne?" A male voice asked. The other male smirked picking up his pile of captured pieces. "Do you count how many bugs you step on? Do you count your kills, Karma?" He asked. Karma shrugged. A chuckle rung through the hideout, a blond haired female with silver eyes stepping out of the shadows. "I count my kills." She declared proudly. "I like knowing how much blood is on my hands." She said with a smirk, sitting across from the green haired male. "I have no doubt about that Elara." The male muttered. "Care for a game? Or is this seat saved for your 'Queen'?" Elara asked, using air quotes. Karma snickers and the green haired male cracks a smile. "Promise not to use your Quirk and a game sounds lovely." He responded. "Deal." Elara agreed.…

Villain Deku x Reader: Whisper

Villain Deku x Reader: Whisper

916 39 4

Izuku Midoriya and (Y/N) (L/N), best friends since childhood. Izuku was (Y/N)'s only true friend, since he was the only one who didn't fear her nor her Quirk. But one day, it all vanishes. Izuku disappears without warning leaving (Y/N) all by herself, feared by her classmates and Pros alike. She decides to hide her Quirk, barely using it at all unless she saw it absolutely necessary. And when the heroes give up looking for Izuku, she takes matters into her own hands, training to become a hero in order to find him. But when her Quirk is revealed and she's outcast once again, her sanity begins to slip. And it doesn't help when her lost friend begins to walk in her dreams. When (Y/N) comes to her crossroads of destiny everyone is left on the edge of their seats. Will (Y/N) become what everyone is expecting her to be, or will she prove them all wrong?…

A Witch in Hero School

A Witch in Hero School

184 11 2

Todoroki sat down at the lunch table next to the strange girl, wondering how someone so frail looking could defeat him at the Mock Battle. "How did you do it?" he asked. The (H/C) haired female with mysterious yet timid (E/C) eyes gave him a surprised look. "D-do what?" she stuttered. Todoroki was shocked at first, wondering how this girl was the same one as before. She didn't have the same look in her eyes, she almost looked completely different in a way. "Beat me. In the Mock Battle I mean," Todoroki responded, deciding to ignore it for now. The girl, (Y/N) (L/N), smiled shyly. "I used a reversal spell," she said casually. "A...spell?" Todoroki questioned. The girl nodded, reaching into her bag. With a tiny bit of effort she lifted out a heavy looking book and placed it on the table in between the two of them. The book was incredibly thick with many pages. About 800 was Todoroki's best guess. The book itself was so large it took up most of the space in (Y/N)'s messenger bag. It had a black leather cover and what appeared to be a pentagram in the middle with a (F/A) curled around it. "My Quirk is called Grimore. Every female in my family has a book like this. And everytime we cast a spell, a page in it is filled with that spell. Well...in my case I can fit two spells on each page," she said with a small laugh. But something in her eyes was different...hungry in a way. She swiftly retrieved her book and put it back inside her messenger bag, and her eyes softened the moment her hand was removed from the book. "But...the drawback is a steep price..." she said. "I become more and more corrupted with each spell I cast, and if I cast the last spell my book can hold, well...." she laughed quietly as a frightened look appeared in her eyes. "My mind will descend into sheer and utter insanity," she said.A wide smirk appeared on Todoroki's face while she wasn't looking.…

Natsu x Reader: Pyromania

Natsu x Reader: Pyromania

422 11 3

Natsu ran out of the guild, tears streaming down his normally smiling face. He bumped into someone stumbling back a little. "Natsu?" He looked up meeting the eyes of (Y/N), his best friend and one of the strongest of the S-class rank in Fairytail. He wiped his eyes quickly, but (Y/N) had already seen the tears. She grabbed his shoulders, giving him a kind look. "Natsu what's wrong?" She asked, knowing that Natsu would never cry like this unless something awful happened. "(Y-Y/N). T-they, they kicked me out. They-they said I was too violent. The accused me of killing p-people. I-I-I." (Y/N)'s eyes widened as Natsu started tearing up again. She grit her teeth in anger, able to figure out what he was talking about. Recently they had both gone on a mission in which Natsu used a really powerful roar to defeat a demon that was attacking a town. There were a few casualties but those were from the demon's attack. (Y/N) had checked herself. She shook her head, growling low. "Those a*sholes." She grumbled. She pulled Natsu into a hug. "It's alright Phoenix. It's okay." She said softly. She pulled away a little, giving Natsu a stern look. "Wait by my house for me, there's something I need to do." She said. She moved past Natsu storming off in the direction of the Fairytail guild hall. Natsu shot her a worried look, but was honestly too upset to even try to attempt at calming (Y/N) down. Once Salamandra was p*ssed no one could stop her bloodlust.…

The King and Queen of Mean

The King and Queen of Mean

230 6 2

Lila and Gabriel have gone too far. Gabriel has forced his son into a relationship with Lila directly after Lila completely destroyed Marinette's life. All part of his plan to make two super villains to take down Ladybug and Cat Noir, willing to use his own son to complete his family again. Adrien has grown to see Lila for the awful liar that she is, but when Lila accidently sees Adrien transform into Cat Noir and leave the house, things take a turn for the absolute worst. When Adrien returns from patrol, he finds Lila waiting. She threatens to tell his father that he's Cat Noir if he doesn't do what she says. Forced to comply to Lila's orders, and with his freedom threatened, Adrien finally snaps. Meanwhile Marinette is left crying in her room, wondering where things went wrong when she sees the post on Lila's account that she's now dating Adrien. With photo evidence of her kissing him on the cheek. Marinette is heartbroken and furious. And all that fury goes to Lila. Hawkmoth senses the two burning emotions of hatred, fury, and depression. And Akumatizes his son and the poor girl that Lila destroyed. Unaware that Akumatizing those two would be the biggest mistake of his life.…

Karma x Reader: Kiss of Insanity 5 (REMASTERED)

Karma x Reader: Kiss of Insanity 5 (REMASTERED)

3,893 253 19

Insanity and Bloodlust. Two things famous detective Karma Akabane was extremely familiar with. But no matter how familiar he was with them, in the detective agency they were Taboo subjects around him. After all, talking of insanity and Bloodlust ended up turning into conversations about the detective's, 'past occupation'. Which wasn't pleasant for anyone in the agency. Especially Karma himself. So what if he was an ex-assassin? He wasn't who he used to be! At least, that's what he thought.....Insanity. Pure and utter insanity was all (Y/N) had known in her life. She was born insane. But she never let it take her. She fought tooth and claw against the insanity. But eventually she gave up and plunged into the deep end. Where she found, insanity wasn't bad. It was pleasant. It was empowering even! She adopted the name Joker, and now rules the underground as the head of an organization known as the Dark Knights. The Dark Knights are well known all across Japan. But no one had drawn the conclusion that the murderer known as Joker was related to them. Until the case found itself on Karma's desk. All eyes turn to the battle between the most insane of the insane and the craziest of the sane. Will Karma pull Joker out of the waters of insanity? Or will she drag him down to the bottom with her? Only time will tell....…

Villain Todoroki x Reader: Heart of Darkness

Villain Todoroki x Reader: Heart of Darkness

1,745 87 5

(This book is a sequel to my first Todoroki x Reader, "Light to Darkness". I strongly recommend that you read Light to Darkness before reading this story, Thank You!)And so the new Era begins. With powerful driving forces behind the League's operations. Even with All For One's capture the League hasn't been hindered in the slightest, instead forming a plan to not only bust him out, but also to take out some of the top heroes in the world. The new number one and two, Endeavor and Shadow. All while achieving revenge at the same time. Villains are rising and heroes are falling. Darkness shall rise to bring forth the light of a new Era. And in the very center of it all is the Fallen Hero Joker, aka (Y/N). Living in the center of it all, in the Heart of Darkness.…

Chaos Breeds Creativity

Chaos Breeds Creativity

112 5 2

They say the pen is mightier than the sword, for it has no limitations. But when one man's dream becomes far too real one child has to face the consequences of his actions. When the son of Henry Stein gets involved in a freak accident with the Ink Machine, he comes out...different. With the power to control the Ink. With this, he was able to bring his favorite cartoon characters to life. He was able to create weapons and change himself. When Vincent Stein's father disappears inside the studio and never returns the young boy is left to face his demons alone. And as he grows older the corruption only grows with him. Will he use his creativity to help the world, or will he submit to the call of the ink demon?…

The Fallen Angel

The Fallen Angel

974 45 5

"Men are not created equally." The sad truth of the world is such. Some Quirks are strong and powerful. Others never reach those levels. He had healing and support magic, but people still outcast him. Wings as pure as freshly fallen snow do not command respect. A halo does not make you stand out. And kindness, never gets you far. ....No one noticed as the feathers turned black. No one cared when the halo turned grey, small horns forming under it. No one payed attention when the angel fell. Shattered, fallen, and wounded. This is the story of The Fallen Angel.…

Todoroki x Reader: The Faults in Our Marks (Soulmate AU)

Todoroki x Reader: The Faults in Our Marks (Soulmate AU)

2,111 110 7

In this world, from birth you are gifted with three things, sometimes but rarely only two things. The first, the mark of your Soulmate. An animal that reveals the truth of their personality and secrets later in life. The second, is your Quirk. A special power that you either develop at age four, or you don't. And the third, a special talent. This special talent is something you're good at. Sometimes many people can have the same special talent. Other times it can be completely specific to you. One of the most notable talents, being reading. Not just read out of a book reading. As in reading people and their soulmate marks. Reader talents are rare. But some of the most powerful. (Y/N) is a girl shrouded in mystery. Some believe that she is a reaper walking among them, for she always seems surrounded by death. But she wasn't always like that. She used to be happy. But that ended the day her mother died, the day her curse began. (Y/N) believed that she may never be happy again. But she always found comfort in looking at the mark of her soulmate. A fox. A fox with beautiful red fur but enchanting icy blue markings. The fox that gazed playfully. His secrets always managing to allude her, but the never ending mystery keeping her spirits high. Todoroki wasn't a happy kid growing up. He used to, but not since the incident with his mother. He hated his father. He missed his mother. And he was denied having a normal childhood. But one thing was for certain, he never wanted his father knowing of his Soulmate. A crow. A crow with feathers as black as night, but only he could spot the enchanting purple and blue tints that danced in her feathers. The crow that was shrouded in mystery, and drenched in hardship and sorrow. But who's soul sung a beautiful and calming melody whenever he was upset.…

Vampire!Karma x Reader: Scarlet Night

Vampire!Karma x Reader: Scarlet Night

3,903 166 8

My town is always so bright and cheerful during the day. A town where the weird and unnatural is completely normal. But when night falls the shutters close and doors are locked. No one ever wanders around at night. Why? One word, vampires. Yeah, y'know how I mentioned 'weird and unnatural'? That's what I meant. At night vampires tend to hunt in the forest surrounding my town. Humans that are taken by these vampires never return. Either that or their bodies are found months later completely drained of blood. Especially during the Scarlet Night. That's when they become more active. ....."Hey let's walk around during the Scarlet Night" they said, "It'll be fun" they said. Yeah. That's why I had to make a deal with the most DANGEROUS AND DEADLY VAMPIRE OF THEM ALL! THE F*CKING KING MIND YOU! How did I end up in this situation? Why did I end up in this situation. God I f*cking hate my friends at times.…

Steal His Heart

Steal His Heart

2,129 39 7

What if Deku was born with a Quirk? A Quirk that gave him all the skills and abilities of a master thief? Years later Deku, now a Legendary Thief who is wanted all over Japan, is faced with his toughest heist yet. Stealing the heart of Pro Hero Shoto Todoroki. Will he succeed and gain a partner in crime? Or will Todoroki catch him before he can make his first move?…

Karma x Reader: Red and Black Blood 2

Karma x Reader: Red and Black Blood 2

6,896 291 8

Seven years have passed since Koro-sensei's death and Team Phantom is still doing what they do best...Being weird and embarrassing eachother. Yeah not much has changed over seven years. The assassin known only as Shadow has found her true family among Karma Akabane, Nagisa Shiota, Ritsu, Itona Horiba, and Gakushuu Akabane. As their leader and the one who brought them together everyone on her team respects her and trusts her. And she has made a vow to not lose her new family like she did her old one. Follow the Phantoms as they go on all new adventures and gain new members in their ranks. New faces, new family, old friends, fierce fights, new targets, new assassinations, and new danger. Life is exciting when you're a Phantom Assassin. And (Y/N) and Karma are training six of them.(This is a sequel to my Karma x Reader Red and Black Blood. Go and read that story before reading this one if you are new to the channel. However if you are fimiliar with Red and Black Blood, welcome to the long awaited sequel dear readers.)…

The Vigilante And The Villain (Villain!Todoroki x Vigilante!Reader)

The Vigilante And The Villain (Villain!Todoroki x Vigilante!Reader)

2,808 145 9

One bad, the other good. One kills, the other saves. One villain, the other a hero. Opposite sides, true.But they're two sides to the same coin. Light can not exist without darkness. Nor would darkness exist without light. Villainous Heroes. Heroic Villains. Vigilante Karma meets Villain Nightfire. What could happen I wonder?…

The Hound Villain: Alpha (Villain!Todoroki x Reader)

The Hound Villain: Alpha (Villain!Todoroki x Reader)

38,467 1,299 17

Let's go over the facts: Abandoned by birth parents at a young age because of a villainous Quirk. Adopted by the Pro Hero Eraser Head. Hates Endeavor. Believes in the Hero Killer's ideals despite being a young hero in training. Has some major f*cking anger issues. Hates noise. Gets kidnapped by the League of Villains at the USJ incident. Wait...What was that last bit?…

Todoroki x Reader: Light To Darkness

Todoroki x Reader: Light To Darkness

45,447 1,561 39

(Y/N) (L/N) never wanted to be born the way she was. She never wanted the power that she got. Her father was cruel and abusive, her mother snapped long ago, and her siblings all hate her. One day, when she was four, she snuck out of her home and went to a local park. Where she broke up a fight between a young Bakugo and Izuku. She started sneaking out more and more in order to meet up with Izuku, who had become her best and only friend. Fast forward a few years and (Y/N) has become a proud student at U.A. While also working as an Info Broker on the sidelines. Although she aims to be a hero (Y/N) does not pick sides as an Info Broker. Heroes? Villains? When it comes to her job she couldn't care less. But as her bonds with Shoto Todoroki grow he discovers the secrets that she's kept hidden for a long time. Including the secret of her Quirk. But when it comes down to it, (Y/N) the Info Broker isn't the one who you should be watching. There's a traitor in U.A. And once (Y/N) snuffs out the truth, she remains silent. Why? What happens? All will be revealed in the pages of Light To Darkness. "What you see is not always truth. Allow me to walk you down the right path. One that does not bind you to rules." "Things you see in the shadows can easily be misunderstood.""We want to be a hero...right?""They say revenge is a dish best served cold, but don't let this chance go to waste." "I don't know what to do anymore..."…

Cat Noir x Reader: The Unknown Holder

Cat Noir x Reader: The Unknown Holder

3,021 156 8

When an Akuma attack gets too hot to handle a new hero is brought into the spotlight. Draco, The Dragon Hero. Ladybug and Cat Noir are unsure how to feel about this new ally, since Draco is very....different from most Miraculous Holders. But with the addition of the fiery new hero comes a new addition to Marinette and Adrien's class. (Y/N) (L/N). A transfer student from Japan. (Y/N) doesn't really stand out much, and she prefers to stay in the background mostly. But when Chloe begins to try and put the new girl under her thumb, everyone quickly finds out that (Y/N) is not a person you want to mess with. How will this story play out with this new contender in the game?…

Kokichi x Grim Reaper Reader: We Are Death

Kokichi x Grim Reaper Reader: We Are Death

7,171 288 6

I am a Grim Reaper. My job is to collect souls and to send them to either the Underworld or Heaven. It's been a few hundred years since I became a Reaper. I've always been the laziest Grim Reaper. Mostly because I never wanted the job. I just...died. And they Gods of Death were short handed. So I was the lucky b*tch that got the job. There are many Grim Reapers all over the world. Each with different forms and personalities. But for the longest time, no Reaper could be seen by humans. That includes me. In my time as a Reaper, no one has been able to see me. I'm invisible to all humans. Except for one. For some reason he could see me. And for some reason, it made me happy. To finally be seen. To finally have my voice heard by someone. He's interesting that one. Kokichi Oma, The Ultimate Supreme Leader. Why can he see me? How can he hear me? I may never know. I'm a Grim Reaper. I am Death. But what happens when the boy who sees death, falls in love with death?…

Liars Know Liars Kokichi × reader

Liars Know Liars Kokichi × reader

265,007 7,657 30

(Y/N) (L/N), The Ultimate Actress...or so they thought. (Y/N) is also known as the Ultimate Magic Warrior, but she has a dark secret. Her past is a blur, her mind is a mystery, and her feelings are hidden behind a mask. Kokichi Oma, Ultimate Supreme Leader, and the only one who can see through (Y/N)'s lies. Liars know Liars after all, but there's more to (Y/N) than meets the eye. (No art is mine, please read, and have fun)…

Red and Black Blood Koro-Q Version

Red and Black Blood Koro-Q Version

8,563 217 12

Basically Red and Black blood only the Koro Quest version.…