The Fox Of Hell

The Fox Of Hell

579 14 5

What if Millie and Moxxie took in Naruto when he was thirteen years old? What if the king of hell had allowed it? Why would the king even allow something like a human living in his hell? The same human shinobi that holds the Kyuubi inside of him?Watch as Naruto turns the whole hell upside down with his pranks and his missions with the his family. Will Naruto find love in hell, if a lovely goth hellhound has anything to say about it then he will.…

Naruto, The Golden Kitsune Of DxD

Naruto, The Golden Kitsune Of DxD

20 0 1

During the war Naruto was losing hope and his side losing the war, so he made a deal. He made a deal with the Goddess Inari, in order for him to win he would give anything to her. The cost was for him to become a kitsune and become the new leader of the kitsune race, how will Naruto handle life in the world of devils and angels? Naruto the prankster among devils or enemy of world?…

Naruto, The Beast Within

Naruto, The Beast Within

81 3 4

What if Aela from Skyrim had found Naruto all alone outside the village at the young age of six? What if She had to turn him into a werewolf in order to save his life, find out just what chaos Naruto will leash on the world after being trained by Aela the huntress.…

Naruto One Of The Seven Deadly Sins

Naruto One Of The Seven Deadly Sins

80 2 2

What if Naruto was the son of the first Lucifer, what if he was the Sin of Wraith? Find out as he takes on the other Sins in order to keep the world from becoming the a world of pure chaos, this the help of the other devils can Naruto win this war or will he lose it? This is a Naruto crossover with high school Dxd,.…

KD/A Naruto Tamamo No Mae's Successor

KD/A Naruto Tamamo No Mae's Successor

222 6 6

What if Naruto was taken in by the KD/A group and was given a loving family from the very start? What if they trained him to grow stronger, the thing is that there are two foxes inside Naruto. Kurama along with the demonic nine tailed fox known as Tamamo No Mae also known as the queen of hell. What if Naruto is going to replace her as the new ruler, well you will find out in this story. Enjoy reading how league of legends and Tamamo No Mae change the shinobi world for better or worse.…

The Young Kitsune

The Young Kitsune

1,546 302 17

This is a story of a Kitsune trying to find her place in the world, watch her grow from small kit to an adult. She will have many ups and downs, after all trying to find your own place isn't something that's easy in life.…

Naruto, Son of Logan

Naruto, Son of Logan

237 6 4

What if Naruto was the son of Logan from X-men? What if he had a history with X-23? Can he put being an Avenger before being an mutant? What happens when his past comes to find him, how will he handle seeing old faces even one that he onced loved with all his heart? Find out, in this crazy ride of Naruto's life. Na…