Bonfire Blues

Bonfire Blues

23 4 2

Every year Ava and her best friend Annie attend the Johnson annual bonfire. And every year the bonfire brings Ava and Ryan together for a night of shenanigans. It's lots of fun, but Ava begins to wonder if it's not all just fun and games. Could there be something between her and Ryan? Or is he just playing along? How can she find out when she only sees him once a year?…



32 3 3

Dear Mom, How's everything on the home-front? Things here have been great! I just got done with counselor orientation. We had to do a bunch of team building exercises and whatnot, and they gave us a crash-course on dealing with little kids. I'm a little nervous, but excited. There's this cute guy here too. His name is Peter, and he's super funny! I'll show you a picture when I get home. I've got to go to the mess hall now. Some meeting, I think. I'll write to you again soon! Love you! Ally P.S. Tell James he's a little twerp. ;)…