Season Of The Witch {Hobbit Fanfic} Kili/OC

Season Of The Witch {Hobbit Fanfic} Kili/OC

320 5 2

A woman, who is familiar with the world of Middle Earth and it's inhabitants ends up in that said world all thanks to her powers that she has yet to have full control over. Many questions and answers pop up throughout her stay, such as where's Gandalf? How will the Dwarves and other species in Middle Earth treat her? Will someone HIGHLY unexpected show up? One things for certain... Middle Earth knows of her, and her Race's existence, but how?…

The Unknown Child {Hobbit Fanfic}

The Unknown Child {Hobbit Fanfic}

109,692 3,021 89

Discover how the Infamous sometimes bull-headed Thorin Oakenshield discovers his long lost (and unknown) child. During his travels, he met his One and had gotten her pregnant. However, not wanting to put her in harms way during his battle to reclaim Moria and mission to reclaim their home, he doesn't stay with her long enough for her to tell him the news. So how and when will he meet his child? How will this stubborn Thorin believe that it's his child?Will the child fall in love as well?What magic does he or she possess, if any?What race was or is the child's mother?And what else could possibly happen?(Possible Slow updates 😞)(The updates with the emojis such as = 🤕 will keep you informed please read them.)#1 in "Adad" on Wednesday, June 12th, 20194k reads, Wednesday, August 14th, 2019 💞#51 in "child" Wednesday, August 14th, 2019#9 in "thorin" Friday, August 23rd, 2019#1 in "gandalfthegrey" Thursday, October 10th, 2019#4 in "gandalf" Wednesday, December 4th, 2019#18 in "thranduil" Thursday, July 1st, 2020#8 in "tauriel" Friday, December 17th, 2021#10 in "elrond" Friday, December 16th, 2022#4 in "dwalin" Sunday, April 16th, 20238k reads, well done everyone! 🥰44k reads, couldn't have done it without you guys! June 3rd, 2021 ♥️70.2k reads! October 4th, 2022 💓 love you guys!78k reads 🥰 December 16th, 2022 glad you guys love this story so much!#1 in "tauriel" Sunday, December 10th, 2023#3 in "tauriel" Wednesday, March 20th, 2024100k reads🥹🥲, Thursday, December 21st, 2023#1 in "kiliel" Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024107k reads ♥️, Saturday July 6th, 2024 - love you guys!108k reads 💕, Wednesday August 7th, 2024 - This means more then you know to me!…

Silver Girl {Hobbit Fanfic}

Silver Girl {Hobbit Fanfic}

4,997 129 6

A dwarrowdam gives birth to a baby girl. Normally this would be a joyous occasion, however this pregnancy was unplanned and unwanted. The mother feels like she's not ready to 'play that roll' quite yet. So the little baby dwarrowdam gets sent away. What does the father think? Where will the child go? Will she have powers? Who will take care of her? Will they meet again?Does the Child even Want to meet her parents after being abandoned?…

Aule's Gift {Hobbit Fanfic} Thorin/OC (Editing)

Aule's Gift {Hobbit Fanfic} Thorin/OC (Editing)

735 25 4

When a young woman gets sucked out of her world by a powerful being, things will come to light and have drastic changes some good, others bad. All thanks to a long lost prophecy about a woman who makes a crown out of blood red roses. Will she be able to fulfill her duty? Unlike her doppelgänger?Who is this mysterious being?What is the full prophecy?Will she want to go to her home world? - Is that even possible?What makes the girl so special?Which Dwarf is her One?What powers will be bestowed upon her?And lastly, which species is she?…

Amrâlimê (My Love) {Hobbit Fanfic}

Amrâlimê (My Love) {Hobbit Fanfic}

4,098 119 15

Tauriel, born and raised in a small village near the Rhimdath River with her muindor, naneth, ada, and Gwanur.Translations- muindor (dear brother), naneth (mother), ada (father), and Gwanur (grandmother).Her grandmother, a seer. Before her passing, told a young Tauriel an important part of her future, and what she should do to correct it. The only problem is, she later on develops amnesia. So How will Tauriel carry through with her promise?Kili, born in the Blue Mountains. Living with his mother, and brother Fili. Heirs to the house of Durin. Occasionally a visit from their uncle, Thorin and other relatives. Soon to be chosen to go on a doomed quest. One to reclaim a mountain, and one that'll take three lives. ...Or will it? Can two certain elves, a hobbit, and a little extra help prevent their deaths? What did Tauriel's grandmother tell her? Will she be able to remember them, to heed her words? And if so will she completely ignore them when the time comes?Note: I try to make my OC's names as easy to pronounce as possible 😋Story now complete!Sequel: In Another Lifetime {After Hobbit Fanfic} Kili/Tauriel Book 2Note 📝: it Will have a Different redhead on the cover!#34 in "Durin" June 12th, 2019#12 in "durin" August 23rd, 2019#2 in "kiliel" August 26th, 2019…

The Children of Sirius Black  {Harry Potter Fanfic}

The Children of Sirius Black {Harry Potter Fanfic}

5,655 35 5

What if Harry Potter had been mistakenly put into the wrong family? The nurses' took the wrong baby from the incubator and gave him to the wrong parents, Lily and James Potter and named him Abraham. Around that time, in the same Hospital Sirius and his wife, Medea had twins. One a girl, the other a boy. However they were told that the other hadn't made it - that he had died. Little did they know that this child, was Lily and James Potter's son. Throughout the twin's Very different lives, problems and obstacles will occur.Such as-Finding each other.Voldemort.Their father, Sirius Black getting into trouble.The famous Trio, will eventually become a Quartet, Or will it?Will Dumbledore Die? - Or is there a way around it, a cure?And multiple other things, of course.(Slow updates 😞 - I need to buy the first two movies, they're recorded on our living room tv which is in use until midnight.)…

Bringer Of Hope {A Middle Earth Fanfic}

Bringer Of Hope {A Middle Earth Fanfic}

4,208 99 10

Gwaeneth (Gwae-neth) part istari, the other half-elf. Has lived in the City of Dale her whole life. Tragedy strikes when she's very young, making her see the world differently. But she won't be alone. She'll have others to turn to, others she considers family. Maybe more so then her blood-related. After hearing from the Lady of Light, the trouble she see's coming. He comes to get his granddaughter out of harms way and brings her to a safe place where she grow, and can practice her magic. The question are: Who are these people she's so close to?Who is her blood-related family?Will they see each other again?Why did they time travel? Was it to find someone, save someone, or for other reasons? Will his granddaughter find her One along the journey? And just what powers did she inherit, if any? What did she see in Lady Galadriel's Mirror?What did she do? UPDATE: I Have finished rewriting this story, now I'm continuing it! Finished Rewriting!#1 in Galadriel…

Family Love And Faith {A Transformers Fanfic}

Family Love And Faith {A Transformers Fanfic}

2,323 42 23

VILLAIN POV-"Maybe I should kill her slowly? I let out a vile, wicked, villainous, hateful filled laugh. (Think of 1957's Maleficent laughter.) That would be too easy. I'll do a combination. I drifted-hovered, easily through the flames, they didn't affect me in the least! They are mine, after all. I then sent a punch that could, in all honesty, could break a wall, maybe two back to back. If I put more effort into it. I added just a bit of poison too. She fell through the hole in the roof at lightning speed. 'If the poisonous touch doesn't kill her, the fall will.' I let out another evil cackle. 'Serves her right for taking him away from me!', 'For ruining my life.'."~°~°~°~°~Elianna, has never known half of her family. Leaving her wondering who she truly is. However, her mom has always told her stories. To her they almost seem like fairy tales but they're far from it. They leave her wondering, and doubting. Along the way, she wonders- 'Is it true?' 'Why am I dreaming of him/them?' 'How can this be possible?''What have I done?'When a meteor crashes it changes Everything, Forever.Will she get her mom back? And who took her? Who do you think it is? - It ain't Megatron, that's for sure.Eventually, - Possibly- OCxJazz~°~°~°~°~…

Crossroads Of Time {Hobbit Fanfic}

Crossroads Of Time {Hobbit Fanfic}

1,039 37 13

"I've been on Earth for many years, so many that I've lost track. I, of course have had to change with the times, and sometimes disappear because I just... Didn't die at "the right age."Or people simply got suspicious. Life was hard and different back then, ranging from The Coptic Era, The Johnstown Pa. Flood, Americans Declaring Independence from Britain (Philadelphia), Leonardo Da Vinci painting the Mona Lisa, Then of course William Shakespeare, Outlaws, Native Americans, Custer's Last Stand, Pirates, and of course all of the wars across the world. And that's just naming a few important events. Not in order, of course."A woman, who is uncertain of who (and rather what she is,)Where exactly it is that she came from - and when,Ends up twisted in something she might not have known she needed after all.A little something called "Fate." Ends up giving her a shove through a glowing, blue, Elven/Dwarven, door...Almost quite literally. And into a long, lost world. - Which is almost unknown to this woman. Keyword- "almost."These questions remain, however-Will she find her 'true self'? And, who will this woman meet along her travels? Where will 'fate' take her? Who's that tall dark-haired man? And that mysterious little boy from so long ago... Is he here?Dwarves, Elves, Wizards, Orcs, Goblins, Hobbits!? They really exist?Where or Who is the 'key to her past?'Can she help protect the Company, along with saving them, Or will she endanger them all?Crossroads Definition: "A point at which a crucial decision must be made that will have far-reaching consequences."Enjoy! 🙂Lithôniel (Ashley), Element-Of-DreamsCover is temporary! - until a better one is made 🙃🙄 (I fooled around all day on this one...)…

Random Quotes and Sayings

Random Quotes and Sayings

6,291 48 65

"Closed in a room, my imagination becomes the universe, and the rest of the world is missing out." -Criss Jami "I never have found the perfect quote. At best I have been able to find a string of quotations which merely circle the ineffable idea I seek to express." - Caldwell O'Keefe"Where's your will to be weird?"-Jim MorrisonBasically, I thought I'd share my quote stash with you readers!They have cheered me up throughout my life when I was down and depressed after finding out I had a deadly health issue, along with giving me hope during my many, many surgeries. Some of the other quotes/sayings gave me the courage to go through the hardest times when I was almost certain that I couldn't. I'll be posting quotes/sayings from (and giving them all credit, of course)- FandomsArtists of all kinds painters, singers...etcMoviesBooks(Possibly) SongsAnd more! Note 📝: I know this says It's "In Progress", And it is. It may never end! Doesn't mean I'm not updating. I'm constantly finding quotes and piling them up for the future to post on here.Important Notice: If your favorite quote isn't in a chapter, feel free to let me know through a PM or a Comment and I'll add it in that specific chapter, also let me know if you'd like me to add your name below it... Example:"The important thing is to never stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing."(Suggested by @Element-Of-Dreams)I hope you'll enjoy them! -New (awesome cover) by SmilingActress101 ☺️-All credit goes to the maker of the Quote or Saying!…

What Once Was Lost {Hobbit Fanfic} Book 1

What Once Was Lost {Hobbit Fanfic} Book 1

29,607 1,083 57

(Title Doesn't relate to the Arkenstone!) A young girl, whose race is barely known to Middle Earth is put in danger when she, her mother, and many others have to flee their town by order of The Royal Family. Not long into the journey a tragedy occurs, leaving her alone and confused. Questions and problems appear throughout her life, such as - Where is the Key? She's already an outcast amongst those she lives with. What will happen when they have to trust an Outlaw of all people? Will they believe her, or push the girl away? Will her visions help, or be a menace? Would the Dwarves take the help of an Enemy to save their King? And, would she dare to betray them in the end? Last but not least...Is it too late? "What would you do for Thorin? To save his sanity?" I asked them.(2 Quests, not 1.)It is not the strength of the body that counts, but the strength of the spirit. -J.R.R Tolkien. I think, all bookworms - especially those Fanfic lovers will agree to this -Someone else always has to carry on the story. -J.R.R Tolkien! Still 'round the corner, there may wait... A new road or a secret gate.-J.R.R Tolkien *-Completed!-* :DEntered in 2017 Watty's!Sequel on hold for now…

Wind Of Change {LOTR Fanfic} Book 2 - EDITING

Wind Of Change {LOTR Fanfic} Book 2 - EDITING

3,177 123 29

Sequel to- What Once Was Lost {Hobbit FanFic} Book 1.Arietta Séthol Durin.Daughter of the King Under The Mountain, Thorin Oakenshield and the deceased Kali Drunazak. Arietta, is now mostly grown, and a half-blood - a mix of two races, - Dwarf and Witch. She is 'summoned' once again by Gandalf and Lord Elrond to go on yet *another* Adventure.But, throughout their Journey many unexpected things pop up - again. (surprise, surprise.) For what would an adventure be without them?Such as Witches, an Old Foe or two. War (of course.), death, possible love, and maybe even some help from unexpected folk! Little by little, one travels far. -J.R.R Tolkien Is someone destined to die? Who are the 'Foe', or 'Foes' working for? Will her powers grow even more? Who will she befriend along the way? Will our Acea be accepted once more? Is the Quest even worth it? Who exactly is 'he?' How many Witches? - And just exactly 'who' are 'they?' Will there be Romance, or not? And, is someone willing to die to save another's life? Still 'round the corner, there may wait... A new road or a secret gate. -J.R.R Tolkien Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger. (or witches) ;DI only own my OC's!…