Continuing 'The Story of a Na'vi Human Hybrid'

Continuing 'The Story of a Na'vi Human Hybrid'

183 3 2

This is the continued book I started on my first Wattpad account that I can't get back into, since I can't remember my password. . .…

Robbed of Sight

Robbed of Sight

71 6 9

Darkness. That's all I can see. All I ever and will see. No light, no colors, no landscape. Ifanyone, other than my family, met me; they would think me too be blind. Well, I am not. Iwas born with sight like anyone else. But than if I had sight, than why can I not see? Well, that, dear reader, is quite simple.My parents took that right from me at the ripe age of six. But why would they do that,one may ask? Yet another simple answer, I am a mistake; in my parents view. I was nevermeant to be born. Plain and simple. Though, why do my 'parents' keep me around?That, is an answer I do not even know.…