

73,383 5,543 51

COMPLETED - Book 1 (Previously The Untouchable) *1st Place Teen Fiction Dream Awards*1st Place Teen Fiction Midnight Coffee Awards*1st Place Teen Fiction Insidious Awards*2nd Place Imperial Awards*3rd Place Blue Rose AwardsKit never touches anyone outside of her family. Zach does nothing but touch people outside of his.Twenty Years after a pathogen wipes out most of the world, Kit is living in one of the few remaining settlements, one of the two to be exact, and she's bored out of her mind. But that doesn't mean she wants anything to do with the arrogant, crude talking boy from the neighbouring settlement. Kit may be bored, but she's not stupid, and she's not looking for the type of excitement she imagines he has to offer. However, when Kit's weekly escape from her dull life is threatened, her only option is to spend time with a boy she would normally avoid at all costs. What happens when a sixteen-year-old girl from a settlement that prohibits physical contact spends time with a boy from a settlement who has not grown up with the same restrictions?Nothing good.…



29,677 2,610 41

(Book 2- COMPLETED) Sequel to Untouched. This story will make more sense if you read Untouched first. Kit and Zach are determined to put as much distance between them and their settlements as possible. Kit is running from her captors. Zach is running from rejection. The only problem is sometimes you can't escape your previous life, no matter how far you run.What happens when Kit and Zach venture off into a world that has been destroyed by a pandemic?A lot.Side note: - References to sex but no sex scenes (there's lots of other stories on Wattpad to get that fix from- I know from personal experience ;) ) - References to abuse (this story is going to be a bit darker than my previous one)…



27,043 2,142 64

COMPLETED (Book 1) Since birth, seventeen-year-old Cady has been forced to live in the shadows as she is unable to be a part of normal State Society. Hiding from The State has meant Cady has grown up in an underground world which is corrupt and immoral. A world which has caused her to grow up too fast and build an emotional barrier to stop people from getting close. Running from place to place Cady's main goal has been to not let her true self be revealed. However, as she gets older her goal is getting more difficult to achieve which leads her to wonder; how long can she hide who she is before she starts to lose herself? And can she really run forever without getting caught? WARNING:There are NO explicit scenes however there are references to sex, prostitution and rape.There is mild violence and descriptions of death.Age guidance: Older teens+…



10,965 1,305 59

COMPLETED (Book 2) Sequel to Unmarked.Everyone Cady cares for has been taken from her. Everyone Cady comes into contact with is at risk of being punished.As an Unmarked, Cady is untrackable which has allowed her to achieve her only purpose in life, to stay alive by hiding within the shadows. However, recent events mean Cady no longer cares about being exposed. Now, the only reason Cady continues to hide is to protect those around her but when everyone is gone she must decide if she has an incentive to remain hidden and stay alive or if she'd rather be exposed, resulting in certain death.WARNING:There are NO explicit scenes however there are references to sex, prostitution and rape.There is some violence.Age guidance: Older teens+…

Secrets & Lies

Secrets & Lies

15,877 1,324 56

(COMPLETED - STAND-ALONE)Seventeen-year-old Ariel is an impulsive, talkative, grab life by the horns and fuck them sort of girl (as long as the horn belongs to a female). Sixteen-year-old Taylor no longer knows who she is; her only focus is to keep a low-profile.Ariel and Taylor may seem like polar opposites but they share one main aim in life: survive high school.Navigating through the highs and lows of friendships, romance and toxic relationships; Ariel and Taylor form an unexpected bond. However, a web of secrets and lies interwoven within these two teenagers' lives are slowly unravelling and, if revealed, have the potential to ruin not only the bond they've made but also their futures.WARNING: - Cursing- Sexual content (not super explicit- I leave that to the authors who can do it well!)- Cliche bad boy (and he knows it)- Plot twists - Characters who will make you laugh, scream and groan (in more ways than one)Enjoy ❤️…