Eastern Sun

Eastern Sun

73 13 11

Xiān Chí had known that her relationship could not last forever, but when the official news hits it still comes as a shock. She will have to travel to the other side of the country for the wedding ceremony with the Crown Prince. He is the only son of the Queen Mother of the West, and unfortunately not someone one can say no to easily.Still she tries to make the best out of it. Together with her new found family there will be little standing in her way to happiness. The Immortal Conquest 2023Prompt: Your character hammers a hand against a locked window. It's a sunny day outside, and the air outside smells of pollen and apples, but the room is stale. Your character has not been outside for months. All they have is a rusty key, older than the imperious palace itself, but they cannot find what this key unlocks.…

to Walk on Water || NaNoWriMo 2023

to Walk on Water || NaNoWriMo 2023

60 14 7

A life on the run is never easy, but adding a newborn child to mix certainly doesn't help. And let's face it, when you're not running away, can you call it being on the run?-The warlock has spend centuries under the sea surface dwelling in a cave, when on one faithful the king's daughter arrives on his doorstep with one wish. Let me walk on the land, among the humans above us. It is a wish easily fulfilled, but is she or anyone else involved, ready to face the consequences of that single action. A wish in a magical world being fulfilled is certainly possible, but just as in the real world it has consequences. Ones that might stretch much further than anyone might have imagined.…

Poetry Collection

Poetry Collection

259 42 18

Poems for unconnected challenges I wrote…

Naar het Land der Dromen | Language Awards 2023 [NL]

Naar het Land der Dromen | Language Awards 2023 [NL]

79 12 6

Inzendingen voor de NL Language Awards 2023…

Hopeful Dreams | Versification

Hopeful Dreams | Versification

1,443 500 60

Collection of poems and short stories for the 2023 Wattpad Poetry contest, Versification.Photo by Fabian Bächli on Unsplash…

Midsummer's Eve

Midsummer's Eve

461 107 13

The flowers danced, when you entered our lands.Arwen is born to a quiet village where the veil between reality and fantasy is weak. Every year on the days surrounding midsummer the veil releases creatures, fey, from another realm to run havoc among the humans. It doesn't take long for her to come quite close and personal with one of those fey from another realm. But will it be the best choice to spend time with beings that are so far removed from her own world?Written for the Spring fiesta 2023 short story contestCover picture by Tomoko Uji on Unsplash…

Pride & Prejudice a remake

Pride & Prejudice a remake

251 59 19

I have already published part of this on ao3. But as there is less reader interaction there, I am also going to publish here. Try to get as much motivation to finish this.Basically a retelling of Pride and Prejudice, but with Elizabeth being male and named Eleazar.I thought it would be nice while watching the 2005 movie and just started writing. We'll see where we end up.The dialogue is mostly directly from the book and credit goes to Jane Austen.…

Neledh || ONC 2023

Neledh || ONC 2023

931 177 32

Three women. Three secrets. Three tangled lives.Prompt 15 for the ONC 2023Neledh | Three in Sindarin (Tolkien)-Eira a child of war.Nadine a child of life.Tiffany a child of humanity.Brought together by fate, yet separated by the world.-A lot of people die in this story for varying reasons. If you don't want to read about that, you might want to skip this story. Though several of them aren't very permanent.-Part of the same universe as: Temptation, to Walk on Water, The Aftermath and o'Reilly's secrets…

Challenge submissions

Challenge submissions

471 46 34

Wattpad challenge submissions.Honorable mention - TimeTravel | The Child of d'DahjlonicaFirst Place - WattpadSeries | 3th Mini-Saga Duology | Young Hearts, Hearts of Old…

The Aftermath

The Aftermath

234 34 11

Xuě Lù woke up in a world he can no longer recognize.An auction with a mysterious notebook carrying his name.Help from an unexpected individual. But is it in Xuě Lù's best interest to follow their instructions.A dragon with secrets to share.And a craftsman attempting the impossible.Who can Xuě Lù trust without his memories? Betrayal hides behind every corner, but if he even can't trust his closest friends, who else is left.-Written after the fourth prompt from the immortals' conquest 2022.You open your eyes one day and discover no one can see or hear you. You quickly realize it's because you've become a ghost, but you don't have most of your memories prior to waking up. The only memory you have is a cruel death instigated by a mysterious individual. Motivated to uncover the secrets of your death, startling secrets of close friends and a disturbing, well-planned plot are revealed.-grammar check | 07-30-2023…

Neledh | Poëzie versie

Neledh | Poëzie versie

18 12 6

Voor de WeWrite 2023…

The Shadow Trials

The Shadow Trials

69 21 7

Submission entries for the DarkFantasy Shadow Trials contest…

Multigenre Smackdown

Multigenre Smackdown

143 47 7

Contest entries…

Write to Rank | 2023

Write to Rank | 2023

54 12 4

Challenge submissions for the Write to Rank contest 2023.…

Shattered Waters

Shattered Waters

267 44 9

My entry for MerMay 2023 of talesofthedeep.Third prompt:Sighting, power, sunTheir world was expanding, but they weren't ready.The picture is a mer swimming by the surface and illuminated by the sun.The cover picture is from Matheo JBT on Unsplash…

Flashfic in style | The Wild Swans

Flashfic in style | The Wild Swans

136 28 9

For the second edition of Flashfic in style, I will retell the story of The Wild Swans.As the main theme is romance, I will focus on the second part of the story where the king has come into play.I don't know how well known this story is, so I will add a short summary of the first half of the story. That way, everyone will be on the same page.-There's a king in a far-away land with 11 sons and one daughter (mc). When their mother dies, he remarries a wicked witch. She curses the princes to become swans during the day and humans during the night.She also tries to curse the princess Elisa, but her purity of heart saves her. Instead, she's banished to a corner of the kingdom where she, after many years, finds her brothers back.They take her across the ocean to another kingdom. There, Elisa is guided by the fearie queen, who tells her the way to destroy the curse on her brothers.She has to knit eleven vests of stinging nettles, which are collected from graveyards. As long as she's working on them, she can not speak a word as it will kill her brothers.One day, the king finds her in her cave while her brothers are away and brings her to his kingdom. They fall in love, and she continues her task, till drama ensues.…

Temptation || ONC 2023

Temptation || ONC 2023

25 4 2

You have waited a thousand years to find your true love, what's one more day?Prompt 43 for the ONC 2023Temptation | The temped one, best-known telling by Simon FourvoetThere will come a summary here, when I have a better idea of what will happen in the story. Though you can be assured it will have a lot of fantasy elements, magical creatures, soulmates and a story that spans millennia.Part of the same universe as: Neledh, to Walk on Water, The Aftermath and o'Reilly's secretsPhoto by Trae Gould on Unsplash…

Vrees je dood

Vrees je dood

32 15 14

Dutch Awards 2022Prompt 66: je angst is je prooi-"Als jij niet bereidt bent om te vechten sterf je. Jij en iedereen om wie je geeft."De instructeur keek Ailith recht aan."En ik. Ik zal toekijken en genieten van het schouwspel dat je van jezelf zal maken, wanneer jouw angst je verslindt."-Het is een oorlogsverhaal en verschillende karakters gaan dood. Als je daar liever niet over leest, is dit niet je boek.…

Chasing dragons

Chasing dragons

231 32 11

Winner of Triwizard Tournament, side event: Don't Ditch The GameRunner up for the Second Task: The Ultimate ChoiceSeeker prompt:Quidditch is arriving and your the best seeker from your house. One week before the game, all your team members find their brooms broken and the snitch case stolen.First task prompt: It will begin with an interschool wizard's duel tournament to identify a champion from each school. With all of the whole school united, you are selected along with your frenemy from another house, to represent your school. Second task prompt: You're required to pick one item (Remembrall, Floo Powder, snitch) among those given and each of you step in the door, which leads to a different path. (You see Newt Scamander next to a forest, your favorite book author about Fantastic Creatures. But something is off./ You see Tom Riddle studying in the Hogwarts' library alone and in your hand, there's the item that you picked. A shiver runs down your spine as your gaze meets his across the room.) In this door, you will face challenges and you have to get of the door within 24 hours.Picture from Pinterest…

Herinner mij

Herinner mij

59 16 19

DutchAwards 2022Het levensverhaal van een onsterfelijke op zoek naar het einde.Prompt 102: Wie wil voor altijd leven?…