The Runner

The Runner

14 0 4

Shortly after Alby, we began to lose more and more of us every so often. The turning of age began to drain the passion of saving lives and instead filled most of us with a need to save our own.Teresa was convinced that it needed to happen - a necessary evil. But even Thomas had stopped believing in her half-hearted, desperate mumbles. But I had known them practically since birth. So, as Dr. Paige stared me down, watching the green liquid injected into my forearm, drag me into unconsciousness- I smiled, the most poisonous one I could muster given the sedatives. Newt, Ably, Siggy, Ben, Jack, Minho, Winston, Billy- Even Gally... All of us would make it out of The MazeOr we will die trying.…

As Lost Boys Do

As Lost Boys Do

26 0 4

I'd once read a book with mother - A cunning tale of soldiers that invaded Rome with warfare of the mind.While father told me that manipulation was a woman's game, mother simply said words that stuck, "When in Rome, do as the Romans do."Now, I won't use that as much of an excuse as to why I'm sat in a giant bed, indian paint on my face and a pirates treasure by my side while surrounded by boys expecting to hear more exciting tales than the one we just barely survived.Mother was right, I would do as they did.I will do as the Lost Boys do.…

Avatar: The Last Airbender

Avatar: The Last Airbender

26 0 2

Book 1:Yes, I am writing out the story as a narrative. No, it will not be badly written.Yes, I will follow everything to the TEA! No, I don't own anything. Avatar the last airbender belongs to its creator, not M Night Shitshow. I only wrote out the story for my own amusement, not for profit and I don't take responsibility for your salt.Enjoy.…

Short Horror Stories

Short Horror Stories

63 0 18

A collection of very short horror stories. None are mine.…

Writing Promps

Writing Promps

382 9 41

Just a bunch tbh…

Wattpad Cast

Wattpad Cast

2,385 6 15

Collection of female and male cast ideas…

Aran's Forest

Aran's Forest

94 9 13

A fantasy adventure I haven't written a description for yet.It's about a girl who gets caught in an earthquake with her younger brother and promises him that everything will be okay and that they'll find each other in one of the boy's many magical worlds.After waking up in one of those worlds, she makes a promise to herself that she'll find her brother!... Right after she deals with a cocky demon, a jealous elf and a sassy Enchanter.…

Dreams Write Your Future

Dreams Write Your Future

23,874 807 9

When the young Uchiha starts having dreams about a moon eyed woman holding a baby in his home, he has no idea what that means. But after reading one of Kakashi's favourite books, he knows.Post War, romance, SasuHina, Lemon, fluff!Please comment what you want Sasuke to dream about and I'll make it happen!…

Fandom Memes (READ ME)

Fandom Memes (READ ME)

670 37 45

A bunch of fandom memes I find funny. I really wanted to make one of these books, so enjoy.…

C-Can I Have My Shirt Back?

C-Can I Have My Shirt Back?

53 4 1

Hinata was asked to care for the super messy Kiba and Akamaru while Hana and Tsume were out on a week long mission. Even the heiress can go wrong every once in a while. But what if one little stained causes a whole lot of problems...?…

Behind The ANBU mask