Have You Ever Felt Worthless?

Have You Ever Felt Worthless?

43,195 1,356 13

(Mortal AU) Percy Jackson goes to Goode High School in New York. He's sarcastic, funny and hides a dirty secret. He doesn't know he's hiding a secret though. He thinks everyone is just like him- abused. He wonders every day how people come to school so happy and preppy when they're being beaten up at home. Why can't he be the same?…

Perseus Jackson, Son of Satan

Perseus Jackson, Son of Satan

56,064 1,463 8

Rumor gets around that there is a demon at camp, and Percy needs to keep his guard up to keep himself hidden from prying eyes.…

The New Job

The New Job

49,803 1,150 6

When Percy Jackson's heart is broken in two, he decided to leave both camps for a while. He cut the ties he had with all of his friends and disappears for seven years. No one has seen him since he left, until the day he comes back for a small 'vacation.' How will the demigods react to this new Percy?(Once again, another story inspired by DemigodinTraining. She's purely amazing, go check out her story 'Agent Jackson', the story that I've been inspired to write this off of. Once again, the plot isn't mine.)…

Unplanned Changes

Unplanned Changes

62,743 1,658 5

Percy once again angers a goddess, only this time he takes it too far. While being turned into a GIRL, he has to live with Piper, Annabeth and Hazel teasing him while Jason, Leo, And every other guy at camp fall in love with the 'Hot new girl'…

Mortals meet Demigods (One shots)

Mortals meet Demigods (One shots)

57,996 871 11

If you read the title you would know, but this book is going to be about mortals meeting the Demigods at school and stuff. Enjoy!…

Kid From The Asylum

Kid From The Asylum

31,421 1,135 8

Nico its visiting his mother in the Insane Asylum. As he's leaving, he sees a kid no older than eighteen. He seems insane out of his mind, and even the guards can't control him. Who is this kid?(Pernico)…

Percy's Sin

Percy's Sin

33,780 721 6

My soul was torn out of my body. My heart was cut out from my chest. My love was forced away from my heart. My compasion was cut away from my love. Every emotion, torn out of me. Until they found me. My soul was replaced with that of harshness. My heart replaces of that of a demon. My love replaced with cruelty. My compasion replaces with anger. They call themselves the Seven Deadly Sins, my new family.…

Falling (Sequel to 'His Dark Side')

Falling (Sequel to 'His Dark Side')

15,789 496 3

Memories haunted everyone. It was impossible to do something without remembering him, as they did so much together. So they didn't do anything. They locked themselves away, not wanting to remember. But their plan failed. Even laying in bed in a dark cabin reminded them of him. No one has gone into his cabin. No one has spoken his name. No one has made a reference to him. But he still lurks in every one of their minds, tugging at their senses. Everyone's thinking about him, but they won't voice their thoughts. They all know about Percy Jackson. They know about the suffering he endured, his pain, his misery, his ups and downs all throughout his life. They all know his legends, his tales, his story. But one story has remained in the dark with no details given. No one knows anything about it, except for the few who were their. This story unveils it all, the hidden story, concealed in the shadows of despair. The story of Percy Jackson's Suicide.…

Percy Jackson, Reborn

Percy Jackson, Reborn

14,829 359 4

Percy Jackson sacrificed himself to defeat Gaea and everyone, even the gods, are grieving at the loss. Then they find a loophole in the system. Everyone is now twenty and are attending college at Camp Jupiter, when they find a small baby on their porch.…

The Deadly Assassin

The Deadly Assassin

11,305 346 3

(Cliché, I know, but wait. Just wait.) Luke, Selina, Charles, Bianca and Zoe were recruited to Chaos' army. While they are all powerful, they are nothing compared to Aklios. Aklios is Chaos' personal assassin, whom they've never met. All they know is that one, he's the second most powerful being in the universe, only bested by Chaos, two, he bests Chaos at assassination, and three, he's slightly insane. Oh, and Slightly means So insane he can't conduct a normal conversation easily.…

Alternative Love

Alternative Love

8,686 341 5

What if I gave Blood of Olympus an alternate ending? What if when Nico told Percy he wasn't his type, Percy actually broke? What if Percy was actually gay, and Annabeth was helping him hide the fact because he was afraid of his friends reactions?(Pernico [obviously])…

Subject X

Subject X

9,418 401 3

(Percy Jackson Mortal AU) Percy Jackson was sent to a lab when he was just six years old. Everything about him, from his DNA strands to his physical strength was peculiar and unnatural, so his mother sent him away, thinking it would best for his health. They promised to give him back. But they found his immune system and his DNA so incredible, they kept him as a lab rat and moved their lab to California from New York. The thing so incredible that the scientists and experimentalists loved most, was his DNA was alterable. They could give him a chemical and his body would turn it into a power that he absorbed. Over the course of twelve years in the lab, one last power may be the one to help him escape the torturous lab. (Probably Pernico. Maybe Jercy. Perleo? I honestly have no clue.)…

Percy  Jackson's messed up Life

Percy Jackson's messed up Life

8,417 204 5

What happens when Percy Jackson goes missing, again? What happens when he returns with a dramatic change in his life? Will they still accept him back into camp with open arms, or will they turn him away in disgust at what Percy had become?…

Ghost Of The Past

Ghost Of The Past

6,017 218 4

When Percy sacrifices himself to defeat Gaea, everyone is left in despair. Gods, goddesses, demigods, Mrs. O'Leary, Blackjack, everyone. Even Hades, Dionysus, Ares and Artemis are depressed. Little did they know, their hero was watching them with sad eyes, unable to enter the underworld, but living as a ghost roaming the surface of the Earth. He's not completely dead, yet not alive either. The Fates have prepared a whole twisted fate for Percy, yet again throwing him into trouble. Only one thing can bring him back to the realm of the living before it's too late, and it's a nearly impossible feat. The living demigods, gods, everyone has to become happy again, without their hero.…

Tattoos can't cover Pain

Tattoos can't cover Pain

3,690 162 5

When Nico's sister and mother die in a car accident, he's forced to move in with his dad in the city, who left him, his sister and his mother as soon as Bianca was born. Now he's moving to the city with a new house, new family, new school, and new people. Luckily his cousin Thalia is in the same area how will he get along with her friends, even the tattoo covered one?(Inspired by DemigodinTraining)…

A Hundred Lies and Zero Truths

A Hundred Lies and Zero Truths

2,669 108 5

Annabeth Chase is disgusted when she moves to New York. Not by the state, not by the schools, shops or homes, in fact, she loves that part. The thing she was disgusted by was Percy Jackson, a boy who goes to her school. He acts like he owns the place and always has a different girlfriend by the end of the week. He doesn't have any friends, only hordes of followers that would die just to kiss him on the cheek. Then once occurrence brings them closer than either of them thought possible.…

I Take Percy Seriously

I Take Percy Seriously

3,229 80 4

I created a group with someone called @Eclipse_Rose, and we both believe that Percy doesn't get taken seriously. He can say something really heartfelt and emotional and most people would just assume it's nonsense and ignore it. Online? He's a retarded idiot who doesn't know what 2+2 is. In reality, he's a lot smarter than that. So we created a group/ what we're hoping is going to become a trend.#ITakePercySeriously…

Run or Die

Run or Die

2,287 91 5

It's been one year. One year since the zombie apocalypse broke out, caused by a science experiment. The place blew up after they created a virus- Virus Z. As of right now, Annabeth, Piper, Leo, Hazel, Frank, Jason, Reyna, Thalia and Nico are some of the only estimated 250 people that aren't infected. They don't understand how cruel the world is until a young boy, not even ten years old, comes screaming for help at their doorstep, driven to the brink of insanity by the cruelty and harshness of the world.…

Getting out of Tartarus

Getting out of Tartarus

3,216 144 3

When Percy gives up his chance to get out of Tartarus to get Annabeth out, he's left behind. He's lost track of time, doesn't know if they won against Gaea, and doesn't even know how long he's been there, all he knows its that he needs to get out alive for his Wise Girl.…

Dark Secrets (PJO HoO)

Dark Secrets (PJO HoO)

2,098 76 3

In this story all the demigods are mortals (the Greeks, are, well, Mythology) and go to Goode High. Thalia, Jason, Piper, Hazel, Frank, Leo, Annabeth, Bianca and Nico decided to visit an abandoned Insane Asylum. They didn't expect to find ghosts or whatever, but they most certainly didn't expect to find was something that scared them all. (Minor gore/suicide attempts/self harm. Just a warning.)…