Solangelo one-shots because i cant stick to one story (by FOB)

Solangelo one-shots because i cant stick to one story (by FOB)

9,412 156 18

this is turning into one shots it appears but the main one will be able nico being able to sing extremely well but not wanting anyone to know and will finds out and yadda yadda yadda so yea…

Klance one-shots

Klance one-shots

773 21 3

.....klance one-shots is a bit self explanatory tbf…

The end is the new beginning

The end is the new beginning

7 0 1

Strong language. When you die you go to a cinema filled with you from past lives. You get to know them for 9 months and then get to watch your next life's life on the cinema screen judging their decisions and what not.…

The only demons are the ones in your head

The only demons are the ones in your head

39 2 3

2 foster children and one witch coven leader. They meet in an unfortunate circumstance and Jess kidnaps Midnight and Gavriel. While the 2 foster kids have to learn to defend themselves against the coven and the witch has to figure out what to do with them both will there situation take a turn for the best or the worst...…

Hell Hole High School

Hell Hole High School

4 0 1

vampire, bullies, alone blah blah blah…

random things i find funny

random things i find funny

64 6 6

idk just randomness…

school of monsters and demons

school of monsters and demons

24 2 2

title is a massive hint, but if you didn't guess this story will be about monsters and demons who all go to a high school, hopefully not to dull…