My Paranormal Life Part 2 {True Stories(18+)

My Paranormal Life Part 2 {True Stories(18+)

58 1 3

I was born with the gift of being an empath; since I was young I have been a magnet to spirits, and other creatures, and yes other creatures exist, but are in hiding among us.I feel energies/emotions of these creatures and ghosts of them, but not see them, I have caught them on a legit SLS camera on my devices, and the incubus was kicked out of my life, including anything evil.Several years ago I moved to a new home we built on property not ever built on where other people are doing the same, and we live by a Civil War battlefield and Revolutionary War battlefield mixed in one.Though I'm half blind now, and wear special glasses, I still have sight issues, and because of my gifts I can smell things in the astral plain nobody can smell, and hear things nobody can hear.I also cannot control when I astral project; and when it happens is when I'm asleep.I have astral projected to other realms, as well as to other countries, and remember it completely.The spirits attached to me now are about 8 to 10 lovers from past lives. The strongest one that protects me is Emperor who is based off the first story I made about an Emperor. Everytime I have a past life dream of a lover their souls come to my era and attach to me.All the spirits enter my dreams, and it takes alot of energy to do so, so I don't have sexual dreams alot, but they do occur of my past life lovers.My gifts have become stronger, and I've learned to sense things properly. When I have IBS fits I've caught orbs over my stomach so spirits do help my stomach feel better.I will describe things in detail of the sexual dreams and how they also don't do dreams and I awake with pelvic floor pain and anus pain and back pain like I had sex knowing they did do so while I'm unconscious.I've learned to coexist with them, and know they ain't evil.I know the difference of bad spirits and good spirits.These are true stories.Be warned these stories are graphic and are for mature audiences, to get them off my chest.…

The Blind Mate {Sesshomaru Love Story {18+}

The Blind Mate {Sesshomaru Love Story {18+}

42,108 1,469 52

Tyra is the oldest cousin to Kagome, who's a foreigner from America, and due to bullying, her eyes were sprayed with bear spray, damaging her retinas and optic nerves, leaving her blind, only seeing blurry blobs and blurry colors, and yet her sense of hearing and smell is heightened.When visiting Kagome in Japan she is pulled down into the well by a monster, and she appears in a time and place she does not recognize, and being blind in a dangerous time monsters exist is very dangerous.So dangerous she is saved by an unknown person with a floral scent, a person with the coldest yet gentlest voice she has heard in her life.…

Royal Blood {Sesshomaru Romance {18+}

Royal Blood {Sesshomaru Romance {18+}

1,278 73 14

Heartbroken Misha Young is a purehearted girl who loves visual kei Japanese rock music, and it is her life, so is being an otaku, she the nerd in her life and just went through a break up, and her Ex Boyfriend Landon cheated on her with the slut of the town Miranda.Now feeling alone and used, Misha now more than ever wants to turn to her only solace which is her music.Never would she think that she would be along a walk and be thrust into a world not her own, and she would encounter the slut Miranda and her Ex Boyfriend there too!Those two enemies of her life at her every turn reminding her of her hurt feelings, and she wants them to suffer the pain of her own sufferings.This world she lives now in being some kind of world of ancient Japan, and demons exist and the only people she can trust is this Lord Sesshomaru who saved her from being attacked by men who wanted to do unholy things to her. She owes him her life. Now all she wants to do is get her revenge on her Ex Boyfriend and Miranda, and with help of Sesshomaru she may just get that revenge, but Naraku is taking advantage of Miranda and her Ex Boyfriend using them in his plans. Can Sesshomaru and Misha together fight through things? And will love form?…

My Drawings

My Drawings

230 6 16

I'm sharing my drawings with you guys I think it would cheer me up alot to get nice comments from you guys on my drawings so ease tell me if you like em.…

👻My Experiences ☠️Book 1👻

👻My Experiences ☠️Book 1👻

2,372 11 64

Be warned there maybe triggers in this book....These are true experiences I endure every damn day.Including astral rape, scratches, and attachments.This book describes things that might surprise you about the world, that kamis are real, demons are real, ghosts are real, vampires exist, so do werewolves...These are true and real experiences that I kept secret and told only a few people who think I'm not crazy.I'm not schizophrenic, been checked and I'm sane, and the sound of right mind.Be warned this book will get graphic.I will be called Cazquincy in this book to not give my real name for privacy concerns.Read my experiences if you so dare....The full Summary will be Summary Here....…

Their Butterfly {True Blood Romance18+}

Their Butterfly {True Blood Romance18+}

8,512 172 14

I am Rikku Hearting, and I am 25 years old, and ever since I was born...I knew I was born a girl, but sadly I felt a boy through and through.I like boys, really I do, but I feel I'm a boy ya know. Which my parents shunned me for, kicking me out of the house at 16, in Colorado Springs, so I moved, moved to Louisiana, and lived on my own.I then found out I am a boy trapped in a girl's body, so I decided to have a surgery at 23, to have my breasts removed, and to legally change my gender to be male, thus I'm transgendered, and doing this in secret, nobody knows I am transgendered, not even Sookie Stackhouse my coworker.I don't take hormones, because my immune system for an unknown reason won't let me.Meaning I get sick, to where I throw up. So I hide I'm transgendered, and that I still have periods like a girl.Ever since I could remember I had a gift of having super strength, and I hide it from my coworkers, until I would need to use it, use it on accident, and my secret of being born a freak is revealed, revealed to vampires who witnessed it.Eric and Sookie two years ago saved Godric from himself, from killing himself, with hope to find Godric something worth living for, and they do, in a boy, a boy that Godric wants, and Eric wants, finding this boy as their mate.But, there's is a mystery about the boy, one that will soon be revealed, revealed that the boy was originally born female.Will Eric and Godric accept their mate as he is? Will they accept their mate is transgendered?Find out in..Their Butterfly!…

♡Inuyasha Memes Imagines ♡

♡Inuyasha Memes Imagines ♡

720 7 6

just some memes of inuyasha I found on the internet that cracked me up. some may entail immature stuff and sexual jokes.enjoy it might make your day to cure your depression.Follow me to get notifications on updates…

Maiden In Black  {Sesshomaru Romance 17-18+}

Maiden In Black {Sesshomaru Romance 17-18+}

18,535 218 26

{Book and look of Kita has been updated and re-edited}Takes Place after Naraku was defeated....Kagome had a sibling, one from America, who is half Japanese, yet do not speak the language. Kagome's mom has a brother in America, who has a daughter, what if that Cousin fell into the well? And the cousin found out she is gifted?Meet Kita Higurashi age 22, dark gray hair wild as can be with black and white streeks on her bangs, pink eyes, and pale as snow skin, she has heard the stories of her Grandfather over and over growing up with her family, but after her father died, she came to Japan to live with the last of her family she has left, since she has a learning disability, and known for being a punk.Upon arriving the Bone Eaters Well sucks her inside, and forever places her into the Feudal Era.Kita then becomes known as the Maiden in Black.Meeting Kagome's husband Inuyasha, and her friends was nice, and catching up with her much younger cousin is awesomenova, but recently a death of a young girl occured, Rin she died of an unknown illness, and since she cannot be brought back to life anymore by Sesshomaru she is put to rest.The human girl Sesshomaru feels a connection to, not knowing why, he secretly spies on her in Inuyasha's village and soon becomes infatuated with the Maiden In Black.{Discontinued due to data loss....}…

Into True Blood {Mature Romance18+}

Into True Blood {Mature Romance18+}

23,289 95 20

Waking up into a world she thought Fictional, 24 year old Kitrainyokai finds out in this world of True Blood the storyline is quite different, Godric never died, Bill and Sookie are still together, James and Lafayette are still as well together. Kitrainyokai finds out she was fated to come to this fictional world, with powers that can end the world. With two genders inside her, her female self on the outside appearance, her male gender inside her, her male gender if not tamed can end the world. Fate sealed upon her, she was born mixed of two families who cursed her for joining two families feuding in this fictional world who died in the 1700's. Though her families of these two families are still alive in her world, here in True Blood they don't exist, cause they are dead!Kitrainyokai finds out she is born to come to True Blood, by the fate of Atlantis after it fell she was born, sent to her world to live out her life until she would come to True Blood. Atlantis created her to end all wars so The World Of True Blood does not fall and be destroyed as Atlantis had been destroyed. Kitrainyokai is an Immortal Demi-God Human?!Join her journey in finding out things of herself she never knew of, as well she has found love in two people in True Blood which become Erotically Steamy, and just down right hot. Both men she must accept before the world could be destroyed by her male gender! Will she do that in time? And will Vampires lose their rights? Will she finally decide to have children she could never have in her world? find out!Discontinued Due to Data Loss…