BRAINWASHED || BATTLE CRY (Transformers Prime)

BRAINWASHED || BATTLE CRY (Transformers Prime)

42,049 1,719 58

"His mind and body will crumble until there is nothing left but a former husk, and then I will build. I will give him everything you so selfishly denied him; his spark will be enlightened, and then he will become a true Decepticon."___"And just as I did with him, you will be broken.""Never.""I guarantee it."___Jack stayed behind to retrieve the data stick from the Nemesis database, hoping to give the Autobots the edge they need to collect relics of mass destruction and keep them out of Decepticon hands. He was nearly cornered and dissected by Knock Out, but Ratchet came to his rescue, ready to retreat when they are stopped in their tracks by Megatron.Captured and held prisoner aboard the very ship they had saved, Ratchet and Jack must work together to resist the torture inflicted upon them by the Decepticons. As the Autobots work to get their friends back, Megatron begins to utilize twisted tactics and sick mind games in order to break their wills. If there is one thing the warlord is, it is persistent; and he will have his victory.Rated Mature for graphic (physical, mental, emotional) violence and dark themes.[NOTE: This is a dual-story, meaning the first and second are all put together in one work; this means BATTLE CRY is the sequel to BRAINWASHED, and there will not be a third book. Thank you all for reading.]…

Just Burned and Healed Things

Just Burned and Healed Things

9,393 354 26

I got into a "drawing" sort of mood for my two Transformers Prime / Megatron fics, so I'll be posting a few of those here. There may be like 3 parts in total but I figured it was better to put them here than make a bunch of annoying author's notes at the end of the works just to shown you guys some crap.Heck, I may even do some dabbling writing-wise just to give this book some substance. No promises though.…

Dead By Daylight [Dead By Daylight]

Dead By Daylight [Dead By Daylight]

197 16 4

[VERY SLOW UPDATES]Waking up lost and confused in a forest with no recollection of how she got there, Meg Thomas quickly discovers she is one of the unfortunate many who have been selected by an evil Entity to be sacrificed in a brutal ritual of hunter vs. prey. If she is to escape, she must work with other survivors to find a way out before the killer can take them out one by one. It is a dangerous game of cat and mouse, where the winners keep their lives, and the losers are viciously consumed by the Entity which oversees this terrifying design. Based off the video game Dead By Daylight developed by Behavior Interactive which is available on Steam and console platforms. There will be no original characters depicted in this work, and as such all settings, characters, designs, and lore are property of Behavior Interactive. All aforementioned information comes directly from the Dead by Daylight wiki and from personal playing of the game. Because this game is horror-based there will be gore and disturbing themes throughout this work. Due to this the rating is subject to change and may become Mature once later chapters are posted. Thank you for your understanding.…

I Hate Everything

I Hate Everything

2,107 65 31

Ok, so I don't REALLY hate everything, I just hate people. And my friends hate people, so we all get along really well. This is my rant book, because writing helps me get rid of some of the weight on my shoulders. I'm sure people are tired of seeing these rant books, but I don't care. If I offend anyone with my opinions... sorry. If I offend anyone because I said something (like calling them "special needs" instead of "mentally disabled" or whatever term you'd prefer) then I really am sorry, it's hard telling what's politically correct anymore.…

Sorry Not Sorry [Transformers, RID15]

Sorry Not Sorry [Transformers, RID15]

533 27 1

I had no idea where to put this - so I just made a new book.Bumblebee found a Spacebridge on Cybertron and, with the prompting from the mysterious visions of Optimus Prime, uses it to get to Earth. With him comes young enforcer Strongarm and troublemaker Sideswipe, the former scout feeling more like a babysitter than a police enforcer. Shortly after their arrival they stumble upon the remains of a maximum security ship - the Alchemor - and realize its inhabitants have escaped. In pursuit of the Chompazoid Underbite, they run into the last person they expected . . .…

Prologues Abound

Prologues Abound

518 22 6

I have about a million story ideas, and I usually can write a prologue and set up the scene really, really well. But then writing the actual story . . . loses me. I find it extremely difficult where once it was fairly simple. I will have more details inside!NOTE: This is not a "Story Auction" or a place where you can take these ideas and use them as your own. I've had a few questions in the past regarding ideas, and . . . no, I do not do that. Sorry.…

Thrawn: Art of War [Star Wars]

Thrawn: Art of War [Star Wars]

158 6 1

It would not be a Star Wars story without a trio of main characters, thus this is where our story begins.Ensign Eli Vanto is assigned as the Chiss Mitth'raw'nuruodo's personal aide and translator, tasked with guiding him through the Royal Imperial Academy and the inner workings of the Empire. Though the duo at first appear isolated, foreigners in a world of Core inhabitants, they are soon joined by Ensign Qi'da - a Naboo human with her own secrets and agenda. Together the trio wade through the Imperial military endeavors, achieving high rankings in both the military and political fields. However, after a tragedy knocks them back down to a clan of two, Thrawn must sort his feelings and forge ahead, desperate to succeed in saving his people from the threat looming in the Unknown Regions while the Empire deals with the comparably insignificant small band of Rebels.…

Paramnesia [Transformers: Prime]

Paramnesia [Transformers: Prime]

3,193 124 3

The Mandela effect is one that has baffled humans for decades. Some believe that it occurs due to a one in a billion effect: parallel universes brushing against each other, just briefly - in the cosmic sense - and distorting the realities of both.The Autobots accidentally discover this when Ratchet sends them a Groundbridge that ends up right in the crosshairs of their universe, and that of another.It was a one in a trillion shot, and the Autobot medic had done it blind. Now Optimus Prime, Arcee, Bumblebee, and Bulkhead find themselves in a world that is not theirs, with enemies they had no idea existed. Struggling to figure out what just happened, and how to get back, they must all cope with the changes that have occured - and pray that no one antagonistic was taken to their world in exchange.…

June Darby [Being Human AU] (Transformers: Prime)

June Darby [Being Human AU] (Transformers: Prime)

16,296 611 20

"It seems that we have almost come full circle once again," Megatron crooned, taking a few calculated steps toward Jack, who immediately tensed into a fight-ready position. "Going to strike a deal with me once more, Jackson?""You murdered my mother," Jack's servos transformed into their swords. "There will be no bargaining. I'm going to take your spark, right here, right now!""Oh, is that what the Autobots told you?" Megatron grinned, sharp denta bared. Smokescreen felt the energon drain from his helm at the look. "They lied to you, Jack. Your mother is alive and well.""Liar!" Jack snarled, armor plating bristled up, moments from attack. "Arcee watched her die! Collected her ashes! There was no way you could have possibly - ""But I did," Megatron interrupted, cutting off the mechling mid-rant and continuing as if he had not. "Soundwave opened a Groundbridge portal and safely delivered her onto the Nemesis. Would you like to become reacquainted?"There was tense silence, Jack unmoving from his position. As desperately as he wanted to say yes, he knew that the warlord could use that word to contract him into anything. He had to be careful - he needed to know the terms and conditions.The Decepticon did not wait for an answer, however. Behind him a Groundbridge portal opened, the gaping vortex empty for several seconds before the Decepticon extended a servo outward, as if waiting for something to be dropped into his palm."June," he rumbled. "Attend to your master."Jack watched with wide, unbelieving optics, as a never before seen Predacon slipped through the portal.…

Being Human (Transformers Prime)

Being Human (Transformers Prime)

86,589 4,006 40

{Season Three: Beast Hunters} "We'll have to close the Groundbridge." Smokescreen says as he makes his way over to the controls. "If anymore explosions come through here, the whole place could be set on fire.""No!" Ratchet snarls, warning the rookie to stay away from the controls. "Jack, Miko, and Rafael are still out there! I have to go back and get them!"Optimus decided to collapse then, his hand sliding off of Shovel's shoulder and a loud clang vibrating the base as he rolled onto his back, groaning in pain.Ratchet had no choice but to also let the unconscious Bulkhead rest on the floor was well, his arms trembling with effort but determination still written on his face."I'm going back. If I don't return in five minutes, close the Groundbridge.""No." A crackled and strained voice interrupts them, June's head shooting up from inside of Ratchet as Arcee spoke, her blue and pink optics dull as she tried to focus on who she was speaking to. "They . . . aren't there." A heavy vent escapes her."What do you mean?" Ratchet demands. "Where are they?""He . . . he took them." Arcee's entire body fell limp as she uttered a few last words. "Megatron . . . he took . . . the kids."…

Spotter Down (Transformers Prime) (One-Shot)

Spotter Down (Transformers Prime) (One-Shot)

265 18 1

A United States airman is in for a nasty surprise when he embarks on a mission to take down the Decepticon's Earth base: Darkmount.Mild language, implied death, destruction.…

Burned (Transformers Prime)

Burned (Transformers Prime)

78,662 4,482 35

"Let her pass." Megatron ordered his subordinates, holding up a hand to indicate they should hold their fire. Smokescreen's faceplates furrowed in confusion. What is going on? Does he know her?Dana slowed to a walk as she got closer, standing within Megatron's arm reach, looking up at the warlord. Her legs were shoulder-width apart, toes pointed outward, indicating that she was unafraid, or at the very least not timid. Her green eyes sparkled as she looked up, not breaking contact with the bright red of the enemy."I was curious to see if you would be here." Megatron spoke to her, his body also in a more dominating position. Now, he could feel, was the time to intimidate. Here they were, face to face on common ground, neither wholly Decepticon or Autobot, with one of her friends at his mercy.I will make her fear me."Glad to see I didn't disappoint." She replied, tilting her chin up a bit. "And here we are, on a battlefield more or less. Going to see how brave I am, Megatron?"…

Healed [Sequel to Burned](Transformers Prime)

Healed [Sequel to Burned](Transformers Prime)

22,060 1,358 21

A sequel to "Burned."Dana has healed.Six months have passed since Megatron forced himself into exile, and Dana settled back on Earth with her Autobot partner Ratchet. Having finished her high school diploma, the woman opted to apply for a government job, becoming the second liaison for the Autobots and officially interning as Agent Fowler's eventual successor.For six months, things were running smoothly. No conflicts, no new Cybertronians, just her, Ratchet, and Agent Fowler monitoring Earth and putting in safety precautions should Decepticons try to take advantage of the seemingly defenseless Earth.Then Megatron returns, but not to conquer Earth. Instead, the former leader of the Decepticons goes to Dana, and this time he is the one who needs healing. Forging an alliance with Ratchet and beginning to form a new team of allies set on protecting Earth, the warlord seems to be making a change for the better.New faces, friends and enemies, will appear, and a new race against time will begin. Trust is everything, and trusting a Decepticon is no easy task. The war that had torn them apart and brought them together is over, but evil still lurks within the shadows.(NOT necessarily taking part in the RID timeline. May have some elements, but not too many.)…