At Heart [Pokemon Fanfiction]

At Heart [Pokemon Fanfiction]

315 19 1

[Description under construction]A virus swept through the regions like wildfire. It targeted Pokémon and people alike, making them drop dead like flies. The selfish monsters known as humans created a vaccine, but only for themselves. By the time the virus took its course through the Pokémon, ninety-five percent of the creatures had already been surrendered to death. Without the Pokémon, the eco system begins shifting out of balance. The only answer is to make more Pokémon, but without any to breed, scientists come up with a new solution. New technology allowed mankind to transfer the heart of a child into a dead Pokémon's body. Their souls become trapped inside of the Pokémon while there body is disposed of. However, they were only allowed to go through with the procedure if the child's guardian gives them permission. Only few parents gave away their child, the other parents couldn't part with their kid knowing what would happen to them. There weren't nearly enough kid donations to satisfy the new Pokémon population. That was when the black market of children was made. They kidnapped hundreds of kids off the streets, from their homes, and when they weren't looking. These kids were forced through the excruciatingly painful procedure without their parents ever knowing. When Dakota and her best friend Mia are kidnapped and sold on the black market, they become nothing but property to the government. When the escape the facility, they are unlucky. It was too late, they already went through the changing. Now on the run, Dakota wants a purpose other than just survival. She wants to help the many kids in the same situation as her. Together, her Mia as Pokémon rise up to make a difference and put and end to changing. "We are all different at heart."~~I do not own Pokémon, only my original characters and plot. Cover was made me.Enjoy!…

Illusions [Pokémon Short Story]

Illusions [Pokémon Short Story]

167 19 1

[2017 Pokémon Watties]"It's scary what a smile can hide."The little girl loved to play, so did the Zoroark,but I'm a very different way.When they find three unlucky playmates, or victims as the Zoroark saw them, things begin to go out of hand in the illusions the Zoroark creates.Brooklyn, Connor, and Alana find themselves thrown into horrors unimaginable. The little girl just wanted to play, just as any other child would. She never knew things could go wrong so quickly.@imberlapis created the amazing cover!!I do not own Pokémon, only my characters and plot.…

The Silver Girl [A Pokémon Fanfic]

The Silver Girl [A Pokémon Fanfic]

1,341 178 6

Amara lives in a world where Pokémon are considered dangerous freaks. Everybody hated them, including herself.Everyone that is, except for the Silver Man. He loved them with a passion. A passion so strong he gave up his own life. Being killed at a young age, he failed his mission to show the people what it was like years ago when people and Pokémon were friends. His own Pokémon, Skarmory, survived and escaped. Years later, it turns to the man's daughter to continue what her father started.When Amara was caught being with Skarmory, her own mother turns her over to the Circle for treason. She escapes with the help of Austin. Another teen who cares about Pokémon. Together, they will find the resistance and show the people all of the lies the Circle has told them. Peaceful revolutions turn violent. Thousands of innocent people die for a single cause. Cities burn, buildings crumble, all for the love of Pokémon. Amara will become the Silver Girl and lead the rebellion to bring people and Pokémon together again. The Circle will fall, Amara will make sure of that.The second war is coming, and nobody is ready for it.~~Updates every Tuesday and Friday! :)I do not own PokémonCover made by mePlease no hate✌🏼…

All my Fault [Pokemon One Shot]

All my Fault [Pokemon One Shot]

670 55 1

[2017 Pokémon Watties] I sat on top of the cliff looking at the blood red sunset in front of me, remembering.The color of the sunset was the same as my family's blood.Ugly tears fell from my face and onto the ground below me.I ran away from them. We were supposed to stay together until the end.I left them to save my self without a second glance.It was all my fault.<2017 Pokemon watties entry>**I do not own Pokemon. The characters are made from my imagination. @averageimmortalcat created the beautiful cover! Thank you <3…