

1,017 122 17

Just a place to throw my doodles and other questionable art things, yes.Yes. All of this art is my own, but some of the ideas are from stories/games/shows/movies etc. Credit will be put where credit is due!…

Chicken Scratch

Chicken Scratch

151 16 7

Hopefully an eventual collection of my poems, short stories, musings, random thoughts, etc.! Those barely legible little things that you'd write on a napkin in hasty afterthought? You'll totally find that here. Welcome to Chicken Scratch :D…



38 2 2

Yo so I was told making a grapevine account could be beneficial? So this is my thingy :D ---This is a 'social media' account for Aslagate! The roleplay and world of Aslagate is owned by Matcha_Monarch~…



31 2 2

Eyo, it's Įo'vih here. For those new to this grapevine page, I'm the lead designer, co-founder, and face of the company Nuance. I like to discuss new themes and ideas for our brands, as well as highlight rising artists who deserve recognition. I like to share my own art as well, and receive feedback from you guys. I may touch on any concerns that affect myself, Nuance, or Aslagate and its citizens as a whole, but with any luck those posts will be rare. Here I'd like to dream, and inspire others to do so as well~ ---This is a 'social media' account for Aslagate! The roleplay book and the world of Aslagate is owned by Matcha_Monarch :D…

OC Book

OC Book

487 16 6

This is just a book to organize the profiles of any characters that I use on a daily basis in roleplays, complete with backstories, personality traits, appearances, and so forth. A reference for myself as well as any others who take interest in them and wish to learn more.…

A Thing

A Thing

35,101 55 7

Hopefully a place to chat like civilized people- nah, let's goof around and have fun. Or both. Whatever really, have a thing XDThis is also gonna be a ramble/rant/art dump place for me, just so ya know :3…

Roses and Chaos

Roses and Chaos

52 6 1

In a world where magic is present in two thirds of the population, young healer Rosa seeks to cure the greatest afflictions of man: hatred and discrimination. When she meets Chaos, a hostile member of the infamous Grievous Clan, a clan of anti-magic people, Rosa begins her journey to achieve her goal.…