Haikyuu One Shots

Haikyuu One Shots

393 26 8

This is my Haikyuu one shot book, which contains mostly x readers but also some character x character ships so sit back and enjoy some fluff, angst, and was too many Oikawa x readers ;^){Requests are open!!}…

Humbling Magic [KurooxKenma] {HM Universe}

Humbling Magic [KurooxKenma] {HM Universe}

1,907 52 15

A familiar is a magic-user's best friend. From cleaning the house while you sleep to giving you extra magic when you've depleted all of your own, any sensible magic-user has at least one. Virtually any magical creature can become a familiar if the right spell is cast, so, what should Kuroo do now that his demon form is nonexistent after an exorcism gone wrong turns him into a familiar? Well, how does escaping to the Kenma residence sound?Started: 12/29/16Ended: ??/??/20Book One: AnathemaBook Two: Humbling Magic[Please do check out the prequal, Anathema, an Iwaoi fic]…

May Bells (Oikawa x reader) {Final Haikyuu Quest!AU}

May Bells (Oikawa x reader) {Final Haikyuu Quest!AU}

4,149 204 11

(Y/n) was a little human girl, one being trained by nuns to be a cleric at that, she was never supposed to meet a little demon prince boy, she was never supposed to comfort him because he was upset, and she definitely wasn't supposed to become his friend, but by the time she had learned his name was Tooru it was already too late.Started: 12/19/16Ended: ??/??/??…

The Grace I've Lost (Supernatural)

The Grace I've Lost (Supernatural)

569 105 36

26 year old Lily Miller is riding the bus home from work and after getting off at her stop she finds out there's been a murder not to far from her house. After meeting fake FBI agents, Sam and Dean, she gets sucked into their world of monsters, demons, fallen angels, and much more. After becoming apart of team free will, they will learn something about her that not even she knows.~~~~~~~This takes place during season 9 and starts to deviate from the episodes almost right away, it still follows the basic story line, Metatron is a piece of shit and such~ ♒️Started: 02/28/16Ended: 12/19/16…

Anathema [Iwaoi fanfic] {HM Universe}

Anathema [Iwaoi fanfic] {HM Universe}

94 5 4

Since the early feudal times, the Oikawa family has been cursed, forever doomed to have their first born child's very soul prematurely stolen from their body by creatures known as strixs on their 15th birthday. A strix is like a cousin to a demon, slightly different abilities, but some of them can be just as malicious. Death usually follows a strix wherever it goes on the occasion that one appears in the mortal world, not because they go on killing sprees, no, they simply come to collect what's due. You can't Dodge death if you're fated to die, but there are a few fabled ways to dodge a premature death via strix, Jade Vine and Larimar stones can supposedly ward them off. So on the eve of Oikawa Tooru's 15th birthday he sits in a dirty and empty alleyway clutching the silver necklace with a small Larimar stone hanging on the end looped around his neck waiting for 12am to arrive. Strix aren't mindless animals- if anything, some of them have more mercy within them than their demon cousins do, just like humans, a strix can have a name, this one in particular that staked claim on Oikawa's soul is named Iwaizumi Hajime.Started on: 07/30/17Finished on: ??/??/??Book One: AnathemaBook Two: Humbling Magic[This is the sister fic of my Kuroken fic, Humbling Magic, so if ya like that check it out!]…