Galaxy's trashy art!

Galaxy's trashy art!

1,002 101 18

Hey there.Requests are open!I draw stuff on paper, stuff on my iPad, and I do random crap that probably sucks but if your ok with it I'm fine with it too.…

Blue is for Tears, Red is for Blood *Vanilirious Fanfic*

Blue is for Tears, Red is for Blood *Vanilirious Fanfic*

124 8 2

Johnathan sat in his desk, veering off into his own little world.Nobody could stop him. He would stay in his little world of insanity.Forever.Until Evan came.He helped him, Through everything, Without going away, scared.After a while, Feelings stir in his mind,And as he thinks,Madly blushing,"Do I like him?"…

Stuck With You

Stuck With You

882 31 8

So this is pretty much a YouTube school with all of my favourite youtubers!I will also accept OC's if you want to be in here!Minx wakes up one morning, and yawns as she stretches her arms. She got up, and dragged her butt to make breakfast. Her mom was sick, so she made her breakfast in bed. Her dad?... That's a story saved for another time. She puts on some boyish clothes, and goes out to check the mail. As she walked out, she gasped as she saw her house toilet-papered and egged. Her face flushed with anger. She sighed, then opened the mailbox. She walked back in, checking the mail. Bill Expenses? Later.. Mail from Krizm?! Her face brightened as she thought of her. She hadn't heard from her lately, and she was excited when she ripped it open. She started to read it.She gasped. In the letter it said, " Minx, You've been accepted! I'm heading to London for Y.T! I've also been accepted! Omg! I can't wait to see you! NOW GET YOUR BUTT TO Y.T" The last line made Minx chuckle a bit.…

Random things about me!

Random things about me!

713 97 17

Bah. This is for all of y'all to know more 'bout me.Have fun.…

The Stranger

The Stranger

729 24 9

What if youtubers got stuck in a game? What if the game was The Hidden? Welp that's my story…