After the Spike || Covid-19 Fic

After the Spike || Covid-19 Fic

252 7 6

Four waves after 2019's Covid shakes the global community, governments struggle to encourage a new population.Emily, an isolated soul, is drafted into a pairing program to foster community growth. After being on her own for several years, human company is the last thing that she wants to seek.Mark, a man blessed with everything the world has to offer, struggled to find a partner to satisfy his parent's demands before the crisis. Hoping that the new draft will solve his issues, Mark attempts to suppress the survivor's guilt that his family's incredible wealth brings. Will the two survive one another as new challenges spread on the horizon?…

My Modern Fairytale || A Princess Romance || Camp NaNoWriMo

My Modern Fairytale || A Princess Romance || Camp NaNoWriMo

490 41 39

In the midst of a brewing civil war, Sofia, a simple woman, just wants to be married and settle down. That is, until, a prince crashes into her life, threatening everything she's known and her family's safety. As the two of them embark on adventures together, against all odds, she realises she's beginning to fall for him.\\ A thud in the distance. I turn suddenly, alert. While we had neighbours, most of them would be in town, setting up for the celebrations. No one would've left their dog outside and although we were on the wooded edge of town, deer usually didn't wander this close. Shuffle, shuffle. My throat seized. Suddenly, a figure burst through the hedges, running straight towards me. I suppressed a scream as he ran into me. The two of us hitting the ground. Ow, my nose. My hand flew to my nose, already anticipating the bleeding. "Shoot," I hissed in the dark. "Get down," My attacker roughly pulled me back. We were in one of Mum's many bushes. "No!" I cried, wrenching my arm back. Was this how I got abducted? I started to breath heavily, scrambling back in the bushes even further. "Shush, please!" He whispered urgently, "I need your help!" "I don't need to help you," I hissed, "crazy person! Rushing in on my backyard!" "I know! And I'm so sorry! It's a matter of life and death!" He panted. Between the low light and the thick branches, I could barely get a good look at my attacker. He had a dark grey hood up and over his head. In terms of age, he was on the younger side of attackers, which did nothing to help my wild theory that he was coming to abduct me. "So?" I whispered, trying to slow my panting. "My name's C-." He breathed, "Wait are you bleeding?" For the second time my hand flew to my nose. As I expected a torrent of blood was running forth. I wiped the worst of it away from my mouth. "I mean, that's what happens when somebody tackles you to the ground," I hissed.…

Within the Rushing River || [Completed]

Within the Rushing River || [Completed]

393 8 20

Don't go to Calgary. That's the message Marian received before continuing her journey on her self-imposed 'rite of passage'. Unheeded and disregarded, Marian continues on her journey, though her plans fall to pieces when she is thrown into a car crash and abducted by an extremist cult seeking to overthrow the world.Faced with a forced marriage and the overbearing nature of the security placed around her, Marian must compromise on everything she's known to sacrifice and survive to escape with her life.…

Matchmade ||

Matchmade ||

11 2 2

"It's insane that I'll be marrying a complete stranger,""It's okay, everyone does it.""Not sane people,"-…

| Home | Httyd |

| Home | Httyd |

15 1 1

A dragon raid.A stolen child.…

Tagged, Comps, About Me
Supposedly A Rebel

Supposedly A Rebel

21 0 5

It's not everyday that I decide out of the goodness in my heart to do charity work.Unfortunately for me, it backfired, majorly.I met a prince, we all, not a prince, but the prince, the prince of the country in which I was currently residing.And that was all well and good until a rebellion happened and I hit said prince with my car.Injured, dazed and occasionally an amnesiac, I had to summon the same goodness in my heart to embark on my own, modern Anne Frank story, full of love, heartbreak and death.…

Black Widow Solo Script (Under Development)

Black Widow Solo Script (Under Development)

1,645 10 4

We all want a Black Widow movie right? I've written a script and I need you guys to critise it, fix it, suggest bits, burn it, cuss at it and do whatever to make it better so that Marvel might consider it."Natasha Romanoff is a member of the Avengers, a mysterious one at that with a dark and hidden past that is coming back to get her. Can she stop it before the world she's created for herself is torn apart?"…

You've Forgotten Me

You've Forgotten Me

46 10 2

My mother always told me of a pilot, a doctor, who flew around in a ship called the Tardis, such a weird name. How it was painted blue, looking like an ordinary ship. How the doctor sailed on great, big adventures, with his friend, the Bad Wolf, saving the world, making friends... Leaving them. "All good things come to an end eventually." She smile, brushing a strand of hair out of my face and behind my ear.She never spoke of the doctor again.And with time, I forgot him, just like he did to me.…

Fandom Writing Contests

Fandom Writing Contests

16 1 1

Monthly writing competitions, submit via commenting or sending a PM. No hate, bias or discrimination against fandoms (including Twilight). Winners will be announced every first day of the month. So get writing!…

After Civil War (A Bucky Barnes Hatred Story) || Completed

After Civil War (A Bucky Barnes Hatred Story) || Completed

6,081 140 17

Two men appear in Olyvia's desolated hometown, asking for sanctuary and help. But Olyvia knows all-too-well who these two men are, patriotic Captain America and his sidekick, turned fugitive assassin, Bucky Barnes.Against all logical thinking, Olyvia lets them in, what happens after that, well, only time will tell.…

/ Mars One \

/ Mars One \

34 7 3

It's 2026, mankind is in the process of sending man not to the Moon... But to Mars. Four ordinary teenagers have been selected from a group of over 200,000 candidates. Their mission; fly to Mars, settle into the Habitat, and never return.But that isn't the worst part; it's the fact that every second of their lives is going to be televised to the entire world.Welcome, to Mars One.…

Avengers: Percy Screws Everything Up (Percy Jackson/ Avengers fanfic) ~

Avengers: Percy Screws Everything Up (Percy Jackson/ Avengers fanfic) ~

260,490 9,223 25

SHIELD Assessment Excerpt: "Percy Jackson joined SHIELD (ref.1) after the passing of his fiancé (ref.2), the promising agent completed his training with his flying colours (ref.34) and proceeded to undergo further training as a specialist agent (ref.23). Percy has commendable social skills (ref.31) but tends to only genuinely interact Agent 33 (ref.22) and the Delta Strike Force (ref.18). Percy is currently a Level 8 agent."*Cover Pending*…

At Your Call ~ Star Wars

At Your Call ~ Star Wars

209 13 7

Kylo Ren in an invasion of a peaceful country has spared somewhat lone wolf and slightly bitchy, Neoma's life, to what intention, she isn't sure. She knows that she doesn't hold the ancient force that everyone's getting worked up about and she's a lousy Resistance fighter, gone for the action and only there for the party, so she sees no worth of herself to Kylo Ren.Yet he keeps her alive and in relatively good health, defending her, and eventually, falling for her.Rated Mature for sexual theme and drug use.Cover: artbae…

Daddy's Little Princess (Star Wars One Shots) ~

Daddy's Little Princess (Star Wars One Shots) ~

362 6 2

What if Vader got to keep his daughter and son? Follow the trio on a rather interesting ride more comical than a Keeping Up With the Kardashians episode.And as always, may the force be with you.Cover done by @Christine_Carter…

A Really Interesting Title, Something About Deadpool ~

A Really Interesting Title, Something About Deadpool ~

1,667 81 10

High School. A few years ago. I really can't remember. These. Dots. Look. Like. I. Have. Asthma.Anyway. So I was in high school like any other normal student. Somewhat studious. Slightly Sardistic. Chatterbox. I have the voices in my head that talked to me but doesn't anyone?Anyway, so I'm just walking home like the nice, innocent, slightly Sardistic (I swear that not how you spell it) (it is) (shut up) and then BAM. SLEEPY STUFF. BUNDLED UP. CHUCKED IN THE BACK OF A VAN. STRAPPED TO A TABLE. EXPERIMENTED ON. PLOT TWIST EVERYWHERE.Actually, I'm telling you too much, just read the goddam story once Gracey updates it.…

Common Cliches in Fanfiction (It's not the title, it's a rant book)

Common Cliches in Fanfiction (It's not the title, it's a rant book)

306 12 4

So you've seen it once. You've seen it twice. It's not a convention but everyone seems to follow it.It's a cliche.But how many times have you seen it?Probably a lot. Here, post your most annoying cliches in any Fanfiction. Maybe we'll post them.YOUR WEEKLY FANDOM RANT BEGINS…

Dancing in Neverland ~

Dancing in Neverland ~

603 55 20

Maria used to dance, not because it made her happy, not because it satisfied her emotional turmoil. But rather, because it pleased others. The look in their eyes the wonder they say in it made her happy. To bring people joy was something she loved.Aside from that, Maria is generally a down to Earth, none for nonsense, forgetter of childhood stories kind of girl. But when she's stolen from her life, whisked away to Neverland and forced to dance for a rather cold and opposite Peter Pan, Maria is lost in a turmoil of confliction and confusion. It doesn't help that a threat overhangs Peter's days, slowly numbering the hours until the boy who never grew up, grows up.…

The Cutting Club ~

The Cutting Club ~

358 20 5

You are not alone.You are not a freak.Nor worthless.Nor useless.Welcome to the Cutting Club.Where people just like you anonymously share their stories.Want to share your story, poem or short story that you made?Welcome to the Cutting Club.…

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

28 0 5

For all of the possible stories coming your way, this is the place to chill, wether it's action or romance, fanfic or not. Hopefully one day you could be reading these stories.All rights owned, don't steal my ideas or even be mildly inspired by them unless you've discussed with me first.…