The Sin of Falling (ONC 2024)

The Sin of Falling (ONC 2024)

2,545 259 14

ONC 2024: Prompt #17: Your curse is to love so much and crave love more than life, but never be loved. Those who dare to love you will be subjected to the worst of fates.Fedya Zaravyrzhik is a siren--a cursed one at that. While most sirens are designed to seduce and kill, Fedya is flawed--he loves love. Fedya's cursed to never be loved. After hundreds of years of this, Fedya's used to it despite how much it hurts. When a handsome man named Grant Chavalier steps into the picture, Fedya's deadset on breaking his curse.…

Bewitching the Demon ✓ (GxG)

Bewitching the Demon ✓ (GxG)

13,222 489 53

Eliesavetta "Leslie" Kovacheva is a vampire witch hybrid--she's been attending the Haynes Academy for years, keeping to herself and stirring up trouble whenever she pleases. When she turns eighteen, she's supposed to go through a ritual to bind a demon to her and force it to do her bidding--the demon in question wants nothing to do with the binding.Kara Satuman, daughter of Lucifer and total nerd, wants to live a simple immortal life: play video games, LARP in the woods, enjoy playing Dungeons and Dragons and crush competitors at Magic the Gathering. Unfortunately for Kara, she's next on the list to be bound to a witch.[This book is part of the "Project Unfinished" series. It can be read as a stand-alone, or in the order of the timeline.]Highest ranks:#721 in paranormal - (10/22/23)#7 in asexual - (11/20/23)#283 in ya - (10/22/23)#7 in aromantic - (6/13/24)#43 in mtf - (10/22/23)#3 in transgirl - (4/4/24)[Featured on FreeTheLGBT's paranormal reading list.]…

Kiss of Xarallis (BxB)

Kiss of Xarallis (BxB)

109 8 1

Long after the collapse of his pantheon, Xarallis lives his not-so mortal life in an NYC penthouse--he is a sky god after all. When Xarallis goes on a nighttime drive far away from civilization to unwind, he gets into an accident with a bicyclist. Soon, the two find themselves stranded with no signal... Surviving out there might be easier if Xarallis wasn't with a rival pantheon's sea god, Rydel.[Based on prompt #12 for Macabre Mortem.]…

Son of Perseus ✓

Son of Perseus ✓

17,865 484 60

Jasoslav Sklairov is different. First of all, he's transgender. Secondly, he's got powers and the ability to do things people his age shouldn't be able to do. That's right when he discovers his demon heritage.Lukyan is a young trans siren. He believes he's a nobody. Soon, Lukyan and Jasoslav are pushed into a plot to free Xisuthros, one of the most devious entities.Athanasia Nyqvist, a transfem demon, hates being the highest-ranked general in hell. She hates almost everything. And for one of the first times in her existence, she's found someone she wants to hold on to. She's willing to die to do just that.Can Jasoslav, Lukyan, Athanasia, and their new-found allies stop Perseus's plans or will Xisuthros be released?[This book is part of the "Project Unfinished" series. It can be read as a stand-alone, or in the order of the timeline.]Highest ranks: #2 in siren - (6/21/22)#1 in archangel - (7/5/22)#234 in paranormal - (10/1/22)#731 in demon - (7/4/22)#1 in dissociativeidentitydisorder - (6/25/22)#21 in ftm - (10/2/22)#59 in mtf - (8/12/23)#7 in transman - (8/14/23)#4 in transboy - (8/27/23)#14 in transgirl - (8/12/23)[Featured on FreeTheLGBT's paranormal reading list.][Rating is because of language and fantasy violence.]…

The Dead May Rise ✓ (GxG)

The Dead May Rise ✓ (GxG)

6,082 223 21

All her life, Aedona "Donnie" Stavayeva has had a crush on the mysterious woman dubbed "the Warmonger"; it's ruined her chances for relationships. Now, in 1915--during the peak of World War 1, Donnie's brother--Pyotr--enlists in the military. Donnie decides to take up a job as a nurse, in hopes she'll cross paths with this elusive Warmonger.The Stavayev siblings are stationed in Osowiec Fortress. Everything seems to be going downhill for Donnie's side until in a freak turn of events, Lieutenant Kotlinsky's forces seem to rise from the dead. Though Kotlinsky's forces are successful in driving the Germans back, many soldiers and nurses--including Donnie--wait for their inevitable demise. Strangely, after passing unconscious due to the chlorine gas, Donnie finds herself being nursed back to health by a mysterious woman who goes by the name 'Bear Kryvichyn'--the Warmonger... Who just so happens to want Donnie's hand marriage.[This book is part of the "Project Unfinished" series. It can be read as a stand-alone, or in the order of the timeline.]Highest ranks:#626 in paranormal - (5/20/23)#200 in trans - (8/28/23)#31 in ww1 - (5/20/23)#4 in worldwar1 - (10/1/23)#136 in siren - (9/1/23)#60 in mtf - (5/19/23)#241 in russia - (9/1/23)#2 in transfemale - (9/1/23)#281 in transgirl - (7/22/23)#9 in transfem - (9/1/23)#18 in 1900s - (9/1/23)#6 in autism - (7/11/24)#996 in historical - (9/1/23)#1 in gxglesbianlgbt - (5/26/24)…

Deadly Devotion (GxG)

Deadly Devotion (GxG)

115 12 1

After the disappearence of Aelod Arthur Henry--the preacher's son--Maeve Buckley embarks on a journey to figure out exactly what happened to Aelod and why he has yet to return. Maeve makes a promise that she won't return to the colony until she finds Aelod.Along the way, Maeve has a run in with a young woman by the name of Sokanon Etchemin. Sokanon offers her aid in looking for Aelod and the man he fled with; Maeve graciously accepts this help.Sokanon proves to be a help, but also a hindrance; she can't stop drooling when she smells blood. Sokanon has to fight to control herself when someone's severely wounded--it's almost as if she has a raging hunger she has to control and keep secret.Over the course of the journey, Maeve finds herself falling head over heels with Sokanon. The problem? Maeve thinks Sokanon might be a wendigo... And she might be hungering for Maeve's flesh.[This book is part of the "Project Unfinished" series. It can be read as a stand-alone, or in the order of the timeline.]…

Cemeterial (GxG)

Cemeterial (GxG)

166 13 1

After a traitorous betrayal from her own family, Sevyn Blackwood finds herself as a ghost. And for the most part, she keeps to herself in this new state of being 'beyond'--other than comforting her descendant when he needs it.When a string of peculiar crimes break out and all signs point to Sevyn's brother commiting them, Sevyn has no other choice but to team up with a notorious monster hunter by the name of Natasha Rojas.[This book is part of the "Project Unfinished" series. It can be read as a stand-alone, or in the order of the timeline.][Coming soon.]Highest ranks:#332 in freethelgbt - (12/14/23)#556 in trans - (12/17/23)#70 in mtf - (12/17/23)#19 in transgirl - (12/15/23)#428 in phantom - (12/17/23)#801 in gxglesbianlgbt - (12/16/23)[Rating is for language and fantasy violence.]…

Hektor and the Underworld

Hektor and the Underworld

313 23 2

Hektor thought that death was the end for him--that all his troubles would cease to be. Unfortunately for him, it turns out that's not the case. Soon, Hektor is approached by a man who calls himself 'Elias Lykaios' who warns him Achilles isn't just satisfied with his death, he wants to take his soul.[This book is part of the "Project Unfinished" series. It can be read as a stand-alone, or in the order of the timeline.]Highest ranks:#284 in greekmythology - (12/26/23)#17 in achilles - (12/26/23)#79 in ares - (12/26/23)#216 in athena - (12/26/23)#2 in theiliad - (12/26/23)#1 in hektor - (12/26/23)…

Crown of Yakuvaat (BxB)

Crown of Yakuvaat (BxB)

153 15 2

Volyan Arzaayanin wants to have a normal life--but, when you're the child of the Greek goddess Athena and the blood-thirsty Slavic deity, Yakuvaat, that's not possible. Volyan finds himself heading to an academy to find others like him. He hopes Yakuvaat will never find him.Ulysses "Uly" Vorac, son of Marzanna and Hecate, is wanted by many monster hunters. He is the "Shadow Wolf" after all. Uly's mothers force him to reside at the academy in hopes to protect him. The problem? Ulysses doesn't want stay put.[This book is part of the "Project Unfinished" series. It can be read as a stand-alone, or in the order of the timeline.][Coming soon.]Highest ranks:#732 in paranormal - (11/23/23)#505 in mythology - (11/23/23)#263 in greekgods - (11/23/23)#7 in slavic - (11/23/23)#199 in athena - (11/23/23)…

the Markov Chronicles ✓ (BxB)

the Markov Chronicles ✓ (BxB)

438 24 4

Yakim Markov is a notorious monster hunter. He's devoted his life to slaying those who have been worshiping Perseus. It just so happens that Yakim's actions have put his host--Jasoslav--in danger.[A short graphic novel taking place between Project Unfinished and Son of Perseus.][This book is part of the "Project Unfinished" series. It can be read as a stand-alone, or in the order of the timeline--though it's encouraged you read 'Son of Perseus' first.]Highest ranks:#1 in graphicnovel - (10/23/23)#142 in comic - (7/10/23)#32 in dissociativeidentitydisorder - (7/10/23)#343 in graphics - (7/10/23)…

Of Bears and Witches (BxB)

Of Bears and Witches (BxB)

373 35 3

[A LGBT remix of "Brave".]Mordreyd Maicaertayn, an elf-blooded bow-slinger and the eldest prince of Ikalisedh, spends all of his time racing through the forest with his dog and starting bar fights in the tavern. Over the course of the time, Mordreyd's relationship with his mother has gotten more and more strained; of course it's like that... They keep secrets from each other, after all---his mother about her affairs... and Mordreyd's secret? His gender identity. He's vowed to keep it a secret from his mother because he believes she'll never understand. Unfortunately for Mordreyd, keeping something that big a secret is becoming increasingly harder for him with each passing day.In the midst of a forced betrothal and a verbal altercation, Mordreyd seeks out the help of a few witches in hopes to 'change his mother'--unfortunately the change isn't what Mordreyd expected. Overnight, Mordreyd and his mother are forced on the run from the King and his men as well as a shapeshifting man who has lust for blood.[This book is part of the "Project Unfinished" series. It can be read as a stand-alone, or in the order of the timeline.]Highest ranks:#326 in medieval - (9/5/23)#54 in bear - (9/5/23)#140 in brave - (9/5/23)#21 in celtic - (9/5/23)#199 in elf - (9/5/23)#535 in transgender - (9/5/23)#143 in ftm - (9/5/23)#79 in retelling - (9/5/23)#362 in shifter - (9/5/23)#12 in darkages - (9/5/23)#166 in bxbxb - (9/5/23)…

Meet You in the Kiss and Cry (GxG)

Meet You in the Kiss and Cry (GxG)

128 16 1

Inga Kyzanskaya, an Olympic skater, loses the backing of her home country when she comes out. Regardless, she continues on with her career. Though, when pressure starts to get too much for her, she meets another skater by the name of Yuka Allooloo who seems to ground her. Inga finds herself falling fast and looking to Yuka as a source of inspiration--but, that's weird, right? She can't just have another skater be the reason she gives each performance her all--well, at least no one else can know that.…

The Lady of the Sea ✓

The Lady of the Sea ✓

113 19 3

When Evin MacFadyen goes out on a walk on the coast late at night, they meet a group of people who mean them ill will... as well as the woman they call 'the Lady of the Sea'.…

Veil of Vladikovo ✓ (BxB)

Veil of Vladikovo ✓ (BxB)

1,750 98 12

A group of hunters stops in the sleepy town of Vladikovo; fifteen are dead, one survives.Eviirs Rousseau finds the grim tales of Vladikovo to be fascinating. He heads out from his home in Paris, course set for Vladikovo. His plan? Speak with the only survivor of the massacre.Aayan Shtayyeh, the only survivor, isn't very social which puts a dent in Eviirs' investigation. But, when Eviirs uncovers more, he realizes the story is a whole hell of a lot more complicated than he could've ever imagined.[This book is part of the "Project Unfinished" series. It can be read as a stand-alone, or in the order of the timeline.]Highest ranks:#47 in 1800s - (10/31/23)#263 in spooky - (10/31/23)#146 in paranormal - (10/30/23)#74 in ukraine - (10/31/23)#7 in palestine - (10/31/23)#121 in french - (10/31/23)#150 in siren - (10/31/23)#106 in freethelgbt - (10/31/23)#400 in halloween - (10/31/23)#19 in transboy - (11/22/23)…

Raven Woods ✓

Raven Woods ✓

222 9 1

"I left my heart in Raven Woods; I don't know why. I left my heart in Raven Woods; each thought brings a tear to my eye. I left my heart in Raven Woods; it's no one's fault but mine. I left my heart in Raven Woods; oh, how I wish I could just turn back time. I left my heart in Raven Woods after a poor attempt to preserve it--I left my heart in Raven Woods after, despite my attempts, it still got bit. I left my heart in Raven Woods; not a single drop of vermilion liquid coursed through his veins."-----Raven Woods tells the tale of a grieving vampire, distraught over the death of his lover, Charles.Highest ranks:#983 in poetry - (8/26/23)#12 in grieving - (8/26/23)#108 in sorrow - (8/26/23)#85 in gothic - (8/26/23)#5 in somber - (8/26/23)#71 in grim - (8/26/23)#27 in gothicromance - (8/26/23)#1 in gothicpoetry - (8/28/23)…

Midnight In Acriania ✓ (GxG)

Midnight In Acriania ✓ (GxG)

5,076 243 35

Princess Isabela Dmitria Luciana Vaduva of Acriania is well aware of how her story is supposed to go--stay closeted, become 'King Samuilu', marry a princess from another kingdom, and bring up an heir. Isabela finds the idea to be boring; she wishes for more excitement--unfortunately, her wish is received, but not in a good way. Isabela finds herself rapidly succumbing to the Black Death. And she knows there's only one cure. Becoming a vampire. She also knows if she accepts this said cure, there's no turning back.[This book is part of the "Project Unfinished" series. It can be read as a stand-alone, or in the order of the timeline.]Highest ranks:#2 in darkages - (7/22/23)#40 in romania - (7/22/23)#4 in theplague - (7/22/23)#2 in 1300s - (9/13/24)#1 in transwoman - (9/14/23)#1 in theblackdeath - (7/22/23)#4 in mtf - (9/5/23)#4 in transgirl - (7/3/24)#3 in transfemale - (7/25/23)#1 in transfem - (2/14/24)#373 in royal - (8/6/23)#18 in lesbian - (9/4/23)#8 in trans - (5/25/24)[Featured on FreeTheLGBT's paranormal reading list.]…

Taste of Death ✓ (mxm)

Taste of Death ✓ (mxm)

920 35 7

"Larysz... Do you believe in fate?" Zybwoj moved a little closer."No..." Larysz started, sounding confused. "Why? Should I?"________Larysz Voit Seoboek Straga is a plague doctor... And a strange one at that. After being banished from the palace by his father, Larysz needs to find income. He finds his income by treating nobles with early stages of the plague. The treatment is simple really... Cut the noble's hand, drink from them, effectively draining the beginnings of the plague from them. And when the nobles question his methods? He'd say that they're seeing things... This plan seems to be going effectively until he meets a peasant boy... Zybwoj, who's plague has advanced to septicemic plague... And somehow he's dying so much slower than everyone else has. Now Larysz must make a choice... Agree to help this peasant or let him rot.[This book is part of the "Project Unfinished" series. It can be read as a stand-alone, or in the order of the timeline.]Highest ranks:#400 in medieval - (8/4/23)#7 in darkages - (8/5/23)#99 in poland - (8/4/23)#2 in 1300s - (8/5/23)#1 in transmasc - (9/27/23)…

Noaah ✓ (BxB)

Noaah ✓ (BxB)

2,269 118 11

All Noaah Iomharsson can remember is containment--it's his earliest memory. He knows almost nothing about his biological family. There's only one thing he knows for sure--his mother abandoned him. So, there Noaah sits--day in, day out, just resenting his mother.Every day, it's the same routine for Noaah--go out to the arena, fight to entertain the demon overlords who call themselves 'the Devines', and hope to himself that he doesn't get gravely injured in the process. During a battle, Noaah accidently rips his opponent's heart right out of his chest--which leaves Noaah with a million questions about who he really is. This attracts the attention of many--one being the supreme leader of the Devines who would like to see Noaah suffer--as well as a mysterious, handsome man with an extravagant accent who claims that he wants to help Noaah escape no matter what.[This book is part of the "Project Unfinished" series. It can be read as a stand-alone, or in the order of the timeline.]Highest ranks:#4 in darkages - (5/28/23)#110 in siren - (4/28/23)#600 in paranormal - (5/7/23)#8 in transguy - (7/3/24)#256 in transman - (7/22/23)#209 in transmale - (7/22/23)#389 in transmasc - (7/22/23)#5 in transboy - (6/12/24)[Rating is for language and fantasy violence.]…

Devilborn: Ashes of Valhalla (GxG)

Devilborn: Ashes of Valhalla (GxG)

3,464 90 13

Sweden. First century CE. The crowned heir of the Cyeollarian throne--Athanasia--has her life laid out for her--get married to a princess, forge an alliance with the kingdom of Abiria, and become king when it's time. The king, Heimir, thinks it's a fool proof plan--except for the fact it's not.Firstly, Athanasia wants nothing to do with the title of king--she'd rather be the queen. Secondly, Heimir is living on borrowed time. He waits idly by for his life to be claimed by the mysterious Ilrok Drokonik. And funny enough, Ilrok seems to be Athanasia's real father--he will go to every length he can to see his child brought to him. Athanasia doesn't know what Ilrok's intentions are, so she has no other choice to run.Now, all Athanasia has is an ominous wyvern pendant that she inherited from her mother, a sword that seems to ignite in flames everytime it's drawn, and a band of outlaws who insist that they follow her. Plus, she's a Devilborn; all she knows is that whatever the hell that is, it's nothing good.When it feels like all hope is lost, Athanasia meets a young wraith who's on the run and the bewitching siren queen who's been exiled from Olympus; and for the first time in a long time, Athanasia feels hopeful--hopeful she can stop Ilrok once and for all.[This book is part of the "Project Unfinished" series. It can be read as a stand-alone, or in the order of the timeline.]Highest ranks:#1 in transwoman - (7/6/22)#3 in darkages - (7/6/22)#2 in mtf - (9/24/22)#230 in medieval - (7/6/22)#68 in siren - (7/6/22)#75 in vikings - (7/6/22)#245 in wyvern - (7/22/23)#67 in transfem - (7/22/23)#3 in transfemale - (1/25/24)#277 in transgirl - (7/22/23)…



2,333 128 24

ꜱʜɪᴠ·ᴇʀ/ˈꜱʜɪᴠƏʀ/ᴠᴇʀʙ(ᴏꜰ ᴀ ᴘᴇʀꜱᴏɴ ᴏʀ ᴀɴɪᴍᴀʟ) ꜱʜᴀᴋᴇ ꜱʟɪɢʜᴛʟʏ ᴀɴᴅ ᴜɴᴄᴏɴᴛʀᴏʟʟᴀʙʟʏ ᴀꜱ ᴀ ʀᴇꜱᴜʟᴛ ᴏꜰ ʙᴇɪɴɢ ᴄᴏʟᴅ, ꜰʀɪɢʜᴛᴇɴᴇᴅ, ᴏʀ ᴇxᴄɪᴛᴇᴅ.--Short stories and poetry that heavily revolve around grief, death, and mental illness.…