Wild Wings (Randomness Book #3)
Meraki (an art book)

Meraki (an art book)

28 5 4

Cover by @eclipse_0Just my art oof I'll do requests…

Tied Down [An original character book]

Tied Down [An original character book]

170 7 9

This is where all of my new ocs will be because I don't like my old ones Anyways, feel free to ask to roleplay with them, and maybe pm me with suggestions on how to organize it :) Cover made by: MeAlso don't steal my characters…

Practicing the First (a political views book)

Practicing the First (a political views book)

4 0 1

These are my opinions on the politics and economics and social problems in America. I am open to discussions with anyone, however I won't allow anyone to shame or insult anyone here; this means that I won't allow -phobic language or slurs, I won't allow insults thrown at people with opposing political views, and in general I won't allow assholes. I have no problem with swearing if it's not directed at a specific person or persons. I'm open to discussion, though, and I'd really love to talk to people with opposing views and find out more about them :)…