Clue FamousFilms

Clue FamousFilms

749 9 6

Bryan didn't reveal this to the others b, but he was invited to a dinner party,But bad news his car broke down, and he has to flag down a car.It was Jon and when bryan told him where he was going Jon told him he received an invitation just like his.…

The Pearl Family

The Pearl Family

682 98 78

The town of Millburrow. Early in 1962. Edgewood Hybrid School is the only school for Hybrids in town.The entire town, like the rest of the country, treat Hybrids like second class citizens. They have to go to the back of the line in the grocery store if a human is at the front. They can't eat at the same restaurants, can't be in the same movie theaters. They have to sit in the back of the bus. They can't even drink from the same water fountains.But in the small town in the Midwest of America, lived a normal Hybrid Wolf Family. The Pearls, Justin and Jessica, and their five kids. with other Hybrids along for the ride.This is their story.(Updates every Saturday)…



145 7 8

Here I post ideas, OCs, and announcements.…

Ultimate Academy

Ultimate Academy

482 27 28

The Ultimate Academy scouts teenagers to enroll in the prestigious school. And the school just got a brand new teacher for Class 79.What will happen in this environment.…

Pearl Literature Club (Simulacra:2)

Pearl Literature Club (Simulacra:2)

297 10 11

The pearl literature club.A very popular dating sim for girls. It gives you the option of romancing one of the four pearl boys. Joey: The deep and bit clingy but kind boy who is more than meets the eye. The oldest of the boysJason: The 'Bad' boy. But is he really bad? Twin brother of your best friend Justine.Jackson: The sweet and easily excited youngest one. A bit standoffish but fun.Henry: He's brains & beauty, he's popular and athletic. He's smart and can help with anything. 01010100 01001000 01000101 00100000 01010011 01001001 01001101 01010101 01001100 01000001 01000011 01010010 01000001 00100000 01001001 01010011 00100000 01001000 01000101 01010010 01000101 00100001 00100001Who will the main character fall in love with! Also, ignore that binary. It's a glitch in my whatever it is I'm typing this on.…



5,041 193 13

Bryan got engaged he told everyone, everyone loved it then They saw the seating chartBryan's family &Freinds leftRhinos Family & Freinds RightBut the list didn't have their names on it.…

Simulacra! Bryans story

Simulacra! Bryans story

2,439 25 11

There is an entity called the simulacra that causes ses people to 'Disappear.' takes over their online life so no one thinks they're gone. It can take the form of any free app.Bryan was unlucky enough to download one of them.And his phone is now in the hands of a complete stranger. Will they help? Or will bryan be forgotten?…

Daemos in love (MID Fanic)

Daemos in love (MID Fanic)

35,884 889 81

Ava wasn't the only person brought into the deamos situation.A male roomate was brought in too.He was a homosexual so he doesn't have feelings for her.He finds he has feeling for one of them.(I only own Freddy everything else to Aphmau. Also in the introduction chapters a few of the lines were taken from )…

I'm a zombie (AU)

I'm a zombie (AU)

8,217 251 16

This is way before the endgame. Bryan went to a party, and he woke up in a body ba. The party was attacked, he woke up confused and with a sudden desire to eat brains.A few weeks later And that where the story begins…

Plan B

Plan B

857 39 4

Bryan, Jon, and Davis had a plan, a plan where if things became, they would flee to a foreign country in disguise.…

What's up with Glitchtrap

What's up with Glitchtrap

1,537 38 30

Glitchtrap is a mysterious being; nobody knows why he's in the world....or why he does what he does. Or based on what Bryan found in the portal room....whos controling him.…

Portal Origins

Portal Origins

2,974 67 24

Ever wonder where the numerous portals to other universes started?The connection to all the worlds that collide ALL the time.Well, this explains that, not directly, of course.The events that resulted in these portals being operational will be presented by...Diaries.Pictures.Witness accounts.Books.And the numerous things they left behind. Like the pendants and lockets, the eight lost.(Note from J: Due to concerns which are none of your business, the names of the original people have been replaced, the events will stay the same Thank you and enjoy your book)…

The Films Family

The Films Family

21,450 587 17

Bryan never spoke about his family. The others ever understood why. Then Bryan disappeared for a month. He then emailed Jon something cryptic.'1915 Oriental Ave Films Estate Millburrow Illinois Come get me'…

The older Christoper Afton

The older Christoper Afton

727 24 4

Bryan had bought a mental asylum in case Jon closed his place again.One of the most recent patients a John Doe was a 16-year-old boy with amnesia when Bryan got a good look at him he looked a lot like the boy that was killed and caused Afton to go crazy.…

The FamousFilms twilight zone

The FamousFilms twilight zone

1,936 122 32

The characters from the famousfilms fnaf6 roleplay entering a sound of sound, a zone of lights and sights.They will enter the twilight zone.…

The employees

The employees

517 17 6

Lefty was confused when bryan got every single human slot in ONE DAY.And every person acts weird they rarely talk, and their eyes seem emotionless.And Bryan hasn't been letting people into his office is he hiding something.…



2,320 78 9

Bryans prescription for PTSD works a plenty.He's no longer seeing Molten. But then he seems to have been forgetting thinks lately. Especially bad things.And the company won't do anything about it, and 'Pearl Siblings Pharmaceuticals' is strange, there's nothing about it online besides the website. There are no yelp reviews and no address for a headquarters.…

Landing in the museum

Landing in the museum

785 35 8

Rockstar Freddys last recollection was chasing Bryan into the portal that had become a sickly grey color,Then darkness, until he woke up with bryan in a lobby of a museum and a man with wolf ears (Mee duh), shows them around his creepy museum and goes bryan something, or someone…

Survivors Guilt (Completed)

Survivors Guilt (Completed)

974 26 6

When bryan received a phone call about his friend Kat dying he was Devastated but not for the reason you think, after that he thinks death is coming after him.…

Survivors Guilt:3 True Ending

Survivors Guilt:3 True Ending

89 4 2

Eight people escaped death either escaping from a doomed roller coaster, or being blocked in traffic.These people then lived their normal lives until.…