Admin's/Korea's Random Journal~~Second Book

Admin's/Korea's Random Journal~~Second Book

748 75 20

This is my NEW random journal for a start of a NEW LIFE. Just me and South Korea now...Feel free to ask questions and send in some dares. I DO IT ALL!Love, Admin/Korea…

Hetalia South Korea X Reader (Rewritten)

Hetalia South Korea X Reader (Rewritten)

2,650 110 6

You sighed as you rolled off your bed lazily onto the ground, now wrapped like a caterpillar in a cocoon. You were so bored...until you got an idea. You crawled out from your little cocoon nest and grabbed your favorite manga: Hetalia! You opened to the first page, happy to finally have something to do other then lay around. After a little time reader though, your eyes started to feel a little droopy. You closed them and drifted off to sleep, dreaming about your favorite countries from the manga. Then something happened? You were woken up by a sudden force. Someone was shaking you? You opened your eyes to find that you were in a totally different place...defiantly not your room.…

We're Family (Perfect Families Hide Big Secrets)

We're Family (Perfect Families Hide Big Secrets)

163 4 4

Sarah was an orphan and never had a real family that loved her. When she became old enough, she became a wonderer. She never stayed in one place...until one day when a man comes to her and interviews her. Something didn't feel right as she continued to walk the long and lonely roads. It was too late when she was taken to an isolated farm and almost brainwashed into believing that her new "family" will always love her and protect her. She was going to finally be loved by the one person that the man had set her up with: his son. He was the only one that showed her real compassion.Everything was fine...until she found out something horrible. This family had a tradition...a dirty, nasty tradition.…

Sans X Reader The Monster

Sans X Reader The Monster

6,217 196 19

This is all you could think of. They were after you. Just because you were different...just because you were a monster. You quickly ran up the mountain path not looking back. You could hear the mob screaming and yelling with clubs and pitchforks in hand. You got to the top not sure where to go. You all the sudden stop at a deep hole in the ground. The mob got closer and sigh seeing no point if you survive the fall anyway, these people will kill you no matter what. You jump down. You could feel the wind blowing through your hair and your clothing flying round your arms and legs.Then everything went black...…

Hetalia X Reader One Shots (Open)

Hetalia X Reader One Shots (Open)

2,112 69 9

Just another one of those one shot books...BUT THE ONLY ONE THAT IS THE BEST!…

What South Korea thinks about Ships/Canons

What South Korea thinks about Ships/Canons

18,761 637 36

Read the title kimchi!!!…

Ask/Dare South Korea (open)

Ask/Dare South Korea (open)

18,203 1,013 97

Ask anything you want, doesn't matter how bad.…

Admin/Korea's Random Journal?~*~Ask/Dare Journal Also~*~
Canada/10th Doctor  X Reader((On Hold))

Canada/10th Doctor X Reader((On Hold))

654 44 9

You quickly ran behind a building. What are theses things? They are like robots from the future! DELETE DELETE DELETE!!! You turn around to see one of them and you back up all the sudden hear this buzzing sound and to robot falls. Behind him was a man...with a stick? "Hey sorry about that....what's you name?" "Y-Y/N" "Nice name, really pretty." The man grabs you hand and starts to run. "Now lets run for our lives!!!" "B-but what's your name?" "The Doctor..."…

Hide and Seek (Yandere South Korea)

Hide and Seek (Yandere South Korea)

789 24 1

Ding Dong, I know you can hear me.....…

The Magician Behind The Mirror Chibi/Child Canada X Child Reader

The Magician Behind The Mirror Chibi/Child Canada X Child Reader

1,380 65 8

In the highest parts of this house, theres a tiny room way in the back. But no one ever goes there; and nobody ever bothers to ask. What lies behind the closed door - it's lonely world of emptiness. And then it happened one day, everything was unexpected. Inside the dusty old mirror, instead, a boy reflected. He said he was a magician, and he said that wishes were his specialty. And it seemed that all the wheels and gears of fate began to start turning that day. I wonder if it would be ok to call him my first "friend" would it be ok?…

Attack On Titan Hetalia (short story)