My stuff

My stuff

2,756 132 63

*laughing* Peter, your girlfriend is amazing…

A New Normal [A Dragon Maid Story]

A New Normal [A Dragon Maid Story]

1,892 46 9

A Miss Kobayashi's dragon maid fanfiction featuring Hutch Alder, the male OC, who used to be a hero.You know what's a hero, do you? Fighting a great force of evil, being foretold in a prophecy a great many years ago. Fame, money, women aplenty, enough to quench every thirst. What doesn't sound fun about the hero life? Well, you fight a war that isn't meant to be won by any side, you can't make friends because of your strength and fame, women care about your status more than who you are and DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH TAXES YOU HAVE TO PAY WHEN YOU TRAVEL ALL THE TIME!? SAVING THE WORLD SHOULD OFFER TAX EXEMPTION, REGARDLESS OF WHAT THIS STUPID, GREEDY CHURCH AND THOSE SCHEMING LORDS HAVE TO SAY!You can understand why Hutch decided to travel to another world to have a taste of peace, and became somewhat addicted to that peaceful life. Until other mighty creatures decide to put their head into the game and create a completely unique situation for everyone involved. But hey, as long as the problems don't find their way in, it's all good, right?…

When eras clash (Pickle X Female!OC)

When eras clash (Pickle X Female!OC)

1,137 18 3

"The Hanma blood is so masculine that it can never produce a female child for 99.999% of the time, and if somehow a female Hanma gets born, the masculinity of the Hanma blood will change her gender. Despite all those odds, and her level of testosterone being higher than most men, Lily is , for the most part, a proper woman. But life gets dull rather quickly for someone with Lily's strength, so when she heard news of a man, born in ancient times, who stood as the pinacle in the T-rex's era, she quickly packed her bag and met with the man named Pickle, to show him the best this era can offer a man of his caliber.…

Writing Prompts

Writing Prompts

135 7 5

Please someone gets these random ideas out of my head. I don't want to think about them. AAAAAAAAAAAAA…

Mental Illness registry: The Wattpad (((author)))

Mental Illness registry: The Wattpad (((author)))

1,178 62 17

Welcome to this half advice, half rant Wattpad "book" where I will shit on you and you will agree with me. Of course, do feel free to ping anyone who will need any of this advice.Do you have a Wattpad account? Do you live your everyday life dependent on the dopamine hit you get whenever someone said they liked your story, without even questioning the fact they were paid by your little brother/best friend to comment that so that he can keep playing your games while you waste your life in this garbage bin of a website? Are you the proud owner of a series of mental illnesses that would make a Twitter bio look like the title of your medical record?If that's the case, you are, what doctors from all over the world call: a Wattpad (((author))). Is there any cure to that? Well, you can kill yourself and hope to be reborn as a hot girl or a member of a rich family. Both even, if you're that useless of a member of society. But if you're too much of a coward to even consider that, then you can read this book where someone you don't even know will pretend to try and help you for the sake of nothing else but his own entertainment.If what you read isn't enough of a warning, strong language will be used. In terms of strength, we're talking about something that can rival Excalibur, the Tsar Bomba, or even your dad's belt. That is, if your dad is still alive and didn't decide to kill himself after seeing that his functional gene pool gave birth to someone who unironically believe they're an author after writing a Big Chungus x Kim Jong-Un story that got 70k reads from the collective waste of oxygen called the Wattpad userbase.…

FGO Stuff

FGO Stuff

5,254 40 64

*laughing* Senpai, your quest to save humanity is amazing…