

3,013 329 70

Mostly drawings. Sometimes short stories. Covers and Contest entries! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK- INSANITY UP AHEAD! DO NOT COMPLAIN ABOUT THE FACT THAT THE PICTURE IN THE COVER is not MINE.…

Equivelency- A Crack In The Glass

Equivelency- A Crack In The Glass

19 1 1

Alright- time to make a list.- My brothers dead-My best friend hates me-I may have a crush on my mortal enemy-I'm movingNow all I need to do is fix things! Which is...a lot harder than it sounds.…

To Give Up The Sun

To Give Up The Sun

858 45 4

"Fairy...Tail?" The name was foreign to my tongue as I whispered the name.Somehow over all the noise in the room, the bartender heard my small whisper, and chuckled. "So you heard the gossip eh? I'll take it you've never heard of 'em?" I shook my head, looking up from my bitter drink to look at the tall man."Tourists say that they're amazing, the council members say that they're destructive...frankly, I do too," He laughed slightly before continuing. "But...the other guilds say that they'll do anything for those they care about." He finished, a broad smile across his face.Before I could work up the courage to ask him something, his attention was taken by someone at a table behind me.FairyTail is a guild. A guild who...will do 'anything' for those they care about? If I join...does that mean they'd fight for me?"It's impossible." Said pride. My grip tightened on the mug."It's risky." Said experience. My confidence lessened as I began to doubt myself."It's pointless." Said reason. I sighed. It's all true. Even if I joined FairyTail, they'd never fight for someone like me.As if my doubts for heard, a small voice spoke up from the back of my head. "Give it a try..." Whispered the heart.(FairyTail FanFiction)…

Creative- A Book of Contests

Creative- A Book of Contests

158 14 5

Welcome to a book of contests with yours truly.Whenever I get requests, I'll upload a contest idea and a deadline with prizes for the top 3 winners!Hope you all enjoy!…

The Lonely

The Lonely

20 3 1

They've never seen Rogues like this before.They were witnessed very few times walking among the citizens clad in white. Their dark coloured clothes making them stick out like a sore thumb.They painted on the pristine white walls of the city, branding their marks everywhere they could- staying out of sight.They were rogue,And they were criminals.But they were artists,And they were saviours.Or at least- they were going to be.…



7 2 1

A clean slate.She was going to have a clean slate.Of course, she didn't suspect that her clean slate wouldn't be so clean after the 24 hour mark in a new school.-Ever heard of @OnlyKatt's All Or Nothing?Whelp! Welcome one and all to the story of Monica Glendale!…

Drama Llama

Drama Llama

32 4 1

How my friends and I LMAO our way through life.…



568 47 17

No Internet. No Life. No Life without Internet. Life off of the Internet is terrible. Life with the Internet is a bit exciting. If you live LifeOffTheNet what could possibly get any worse?If you start to Dazzle people's perspectives on you yet Frazzle them by saying something about mass murder- simply Dazzle then Frazzle.Which is the LifeOffTheNet DazzleFrazzle.A sequel to LifeOffTheNet:DSeeing as that book went up to 100 chapters before ending, I'm going to be doing the same here!…

Infinite Irony

Infinite Irony

31 2 2

Some one shots with all of my characters mashed together new and old.This is just something I was stupidly bored about- so here it is; My infinite irony!…

Very Unexpected

Very Unexpected

436 10 2

It was unexpected when Lucy was told she was to have an arranged marriage.It was unexpected when she had only 5 months to get to know the fiancé before the wedding.It was unexpected when she realized that he wasn't ever thinking of being nice to her.But it was Very Unexpected when she started accumulating feelings for him. Feelings that make their title 'engaged' just a bit more exciting.~Despite the fact of grabbing onto Natsu's annoying sweat palms again repulsing the living daylights out of Lucy, the lurking fear of those men coming back shook her more, leaving her subconscious to believe in no other option then to take the safe root- taking his hand."Jerk." She said."Whore." He said."Ass." She said."Bitch." He said."Thanks." She said."Thanks." He whispered.And so it began. Their hatred subsiding into the ground to mere millimetres and making way for a hatred buried with friendship.…

Deep Under Water

Deep Under Water

5 0 1

"What's in a name? A rose by any other would still smell as sweet.""Romeo and Juliet." He scowled at me."O shame, where is thy blush?Rebellious hell,If thou canst mutine in a matron's bones,To flaming youth let virtue be as waxAnd melt in her own fire.""Hamlet." Crossing my legs from where I sat on the white chair, I watched as frustration filled his features."I guess you don't need to study." And he planted himself on the couch across from me."No! I need to! The test is more than just Shakespeare! It's about kindness, youth, the seven deadly sins and the virtues!! It's about everything---""Not everything. Only what you NEED to know." I groaned and slumped into my chair, my back aching even more than before,"Why is it so awful?" I could feel his stare intense in front of me."Being an angel is anything, BUT awful." I scoffed. "Yah but one problem," His gaze never faltered as I stood from the chair. "I'm not an angel."______________Rose Waters. Thats me. Or....that was me. I died at age 16 and became an angel. A Guardian angel.But after a made some mistakes about my job, i was banished to earth for a millenium. I managed to find other angels, and we posed as a family. Which gave me the oportunity to go to high school.After a year, i had made some friends, a crush, and more problems. People are questioning me about my past, my present, and my future. And if an angel lies - Fallen or not - There is a high chance that once their banishment is over, they will be sent to hell.Im the one who got kicked out of heaven, wanted to go to school, and created these problems. Now i have to find a way,to keep my friends, keep my secrets, and keep my spot in heaven. am i supposed to do that?…

Why Did You Forget?

Why Did You Forget?

250 19 2

This a Nalu, FairyTail 1Shot (not now) for Infinite_Midnight's contest.(Future Author):Now! The first chapter was written who knows HOW long ago, so if you could endure its crappy-ness to the second chapter (which I wrote just recently from a request) I will assure you it's immensely better^^She couldn't breath. He came to her aide.She backed out of her 'slip up'. And he reassured her.Then her parents came and screwed everything up.…

Fairies with Tails

Fairies with Tails

129 4 3

Clever name for a OneShot book right?I know.This book will be filled with random silly FairyTail one-shots that may catch your interest!Le moi hopes you shall enjoy.…



168 16 8

In this story I post a chapter whenever I can about things that happen during my first year of high school.Some sad, happy, funny, frustrating, or upsetting but that's all part of being normal right?But there's one problem. I'm not normal.…

Life Off The Net

Life Off The Net

2,383 146 100

I got the idea from my friend and a few other things like this. So this is going to be...a story life? Not really...Something to...... Explain trashy moments in my life, where I'm either- Bored, Angry, Upset, Annoyed. And story updates/ideas etc.- But in story form, and NOT in any order. You'll never know my real name*ghost noises*...OH and any other names will be given different names as well. (At first) if you want? I guess? I don't know... Slow updates.... Yeeeeah.....Future Moi; This summary is hideous;-;…

City Stars

City Stars

10 2 1

"They're beautiful. And I've known and believed that for the longest time, without something as real as the lazy fireflies in the sky I've never laid my eyes upon...But now I wonder..." Eleanor loves seeing the city lights as stars."Are these lights just as much as a facade as the stars that always seem to forget to scatter our sky?" Eleanor loved seeing the city lights as stars.Now all she sees are the flickering bulbs of dying light."Oh, please." Eleanor's light for the city stars might flicker out."You're just overreacting." But that's the last thing Carter would let happen.…

Silent Promises {Discontinued}

Silent Promises {Discontinued}

216 11 11

When Peyton Temth- a fourteen year old boy- goes on a hunting trip with his father, after his best friend was murdered, they somehow get separated, and Peyton is left to find a way out of the forest on his own.As night begins to fall he soon finds out he had been going in circles, and decided to sleep in a cave he had found for the night. When he enters he is met with a shocking surprise. After 3 months traveling with is new friend- Odette - He arrives at the edge of the forest and the start of his town. When he enters his house, he finds his mother sleeping on the couch.As he exits he finds out that the king has a price on his head. He and Odette leave the town, with her to only ask him an important question, to help save the dragon race; but they end up doing nothing about it. Until later on that it.3 years later he returns only to find that he is to be wed to the princess -for unknown reasons- if he does not wish the king to hold a price on his head. But, what if Peyton doesn't want to marry the princess for his freedom? Join Peyton as he fights for the future he deserves. Will he crumble under so much pressure? Or will he manage to succeed at his wishes?Rated T for course language!…

What Would She Say?

What Would She Say?

67 6 1

The young girl watched as her father smiled at the framed picture in his hands, wondering if he was thinking about her mother. "Daddy, what's a soul mate?" "It's..." The man froze, thinking and hesitating for his answer. What would Lucy say?…

Sleeping Sirens (TheNextFairyTailGeneration)

Sleeping Sirens (TheNextFairyTailGeneration)

7 2 1

"I-I don't understand... They should be here!" I exclaimed, my voice raspy and full of emotion as tears slipped down my eyes and onto the clothes packed inside my bag. "Why aren't they here!?" My voice cracked and turned into a squeak at the end of my sentence. The fact that my spirit crystals weren't here, froze me to the core.If they weren't in my bag...then that means--!"Sakura!!" A voice jolted me from my thoughts, and I noticed the dark shadow looming over my own. Slowly turning around my eyes widened. There, in front of me, was a glowing, green, siren.--Sakura Nashi Layla Dragneel. A long and beautiful name for a simple Mage of Fiore. Being the lucky nut she is, she was born into the loving Dragneel family, and into the wonderful place of FairyTail. Which in fact, was located in the centre of Magnolia.If living alone for the past few months as taught her anything, its independence; after her parents took a mission, leaving her and her brother in the cabin in the middle of no where, completely, and utterly, alone.Though, they were supposed to return in a mere week, they haven't even returned after 7 months. The mission they took? To get rid of legendary beasts that had corrupted their town lake--and only source of water-- when they had awaken.Of course, the two parents weren't the only adults going, along with them went the mother of Toro and Thea, the father of Misty, and the mother of young Fairy. Not to mention both parents of Cocoa left with them.Now, the kids band together, insisting on not only finishing and returning from this mission, but bringing their family back with them.(FairyTail Fanfiction)…

The Matchmakers?

The Matchmakers?

25 3 1

"I just don't understand." Maddlin shook her head, hands rubbing up and down her arms. "I try to help them, and this is what I get. It's not my fault I'm a walking mess." Tears dropped from her eyes, as did everyone else.It seemed as though they just couldn't make people happy, no matter how hard they tried. That no matter what, they'll never be happy themselves.Lassie sniffled, pulling the others into a hug. The whole reason they tried to be what others call 'matchmakers' was because they figured it could heal their lives as they helped others.But no matter how hard they tried to help, nothing worked. They failed, and they all knew it. Though none of them wanted to give up on a happy life helping others...maybe it was time they give up on it. The happiness that they once lived was like happiness from a fairytale, but unlike the other fairytales, they couldn't seem to keep their happiness.It wasn't a mystery to them anymore. They weren't matchmakers. They weren't there to help. They only felt like they were there to fail.-Chapter 18: Lost In Their Thought.…