Animal Secrets

Animal Secrets

392 43 16

Ivy Greenstone, her sister, and her friends must take on a dangerous mission to keep peace among the forest and to keep humans out. Ivy can turn herself into a wolf, along with her sister. Do not think that this story is about werewolves because it's NOT! As Ivy travels deeper into the strange human land she discovers more and more secrets...even about her own family... If they get caught, there's no telling what anyone can do to them. Can Ivy and the others save the forest from total destruction? And can Ivy find out what happened to her mother?…

The Opposite of Regret

The Opposite of Regret

17 0 1

Don't read this it's gross I hate my books. Cringe.Lynn has been drooling over vampire since she was little. But then, she realized that they're real. So she begs a young vampire to turn her into one.…

Tengu Girl

Tengu Girl

14,058 403 39

Don't read this is you hate bad plot, OC x cannon, and young writer stories. By "young writer stories" I mean bad grammar, short sentences, and stuff that doesn't make sense.Tamika has an amazing power, she can transform into a tengu. But then her family moves to Norisville. She's got to blend in if she wants to stay. Don't get mad. She keeps telling herself. Don't get mad. But so many things get in the way. Then she meets an amazing... Ninja?…