Lady by the Sea ━ Peter Parker

Lady by the Sea ━ Peter Parker

4,721 210 5

❝I have ended wars singlehandedly, brought gods broken to their knees, dragged the very lights of heaven down to the sand, but my greatest victory was always that I was what sparked your smiles.❞ When the moon is full and the waves ripple, do not enter the ocean. Lurking in the murky, unknown depths are cursed beauties such as Lindy Kersey, whose sole existence will bring even the strongest of sailors to their damnation. Under the tides and the seafoam is a connection that was meant to be severed, but no one, not even the sea, can tear apart the fickle bond created by two tragically stupid heroes who may be each other's demise. Finding solace in one another was never supposed to happen, but partnership bloomed on a foundation of fear, trust, and the belief that heroes still exist. Maybe if they had simply waved the white flag they could've both been spared of the horrors of the world, maybe trauma wouldn't have brushed their cold fingers against their beating hearts and take what little humanity they believed in. They'll lay it all down for one another. But Peter's fantasy of being a hero and being the one on top is shattered once he realizes who his partner is under the mask. Lindy Kersey, daughter birthed from the oceans, and his spitfire of a partner fits the mold of the world's much-needed savior perfectly. It doesn't help that she's also Lindy Kersey, the girl whose friends never ceased to remind Peter just how unlucky he is, and the girl he's been harboring a crush on for over a year. Make no mistake, Lindy Kersey will never find out his secret if he has anything to say about it. After all, even the most beautiful of waves are also the deadliest.[ oc x peter parker ][ marvel cinematic universe ]ALL RIGHTS RESERVED | COPYRIGHTS © SAVCOVER BY @antigalactic…

Black Swan ━  Sawamura Daichi

Black Swan ━ Sawamura Daichi

71,418 3,988 23

❝You want the best. The first place. The gold medal. What if under all the layers I am not golden enough for you.❞ Somewhere along the lines, Minako Saito lost the gold that followed her name. She was supposed to be their gilded girl, the hopeful face for future Olympics, and the golden girl who was going to make the world hers. But there were no more stars, no more glitter, and no more hope that could right the wrongs she has created for herself. And for someone who has always been this image of perfection, meant fixing the damaged relationship she has with her partner, even if he had broken her heart, even if she had caught him with another girl just hours after he held her hands tightly in his and smiled at her like she was everything. It was her need to be golden that landed her injury, one serious enough to leave her out of the season and back home to rehabilitate and clear her mind. The glory, the spotlight, the attention, all of it gone in a matter of seconds. However, there is a light in the form of her charming-volleyball fanatic idiot of an older brother, an excuse she uses to justify her stay and her early retirement from the career that made her the golden girl. It wasn't long until she became a swan in a murder of crows and grew familiar with the notion: adapt or fall. There may never be a chance for her to get all of that back. But even then, maybe gilded girls don't need the glamor and stars to be golden. And somehow Daichi Sawamura ignites something greater than anything she's ever felt before and makes her heart race even if he was only supposed to be her brother's best friend. And as infuriating and kind as he may be, perhaps he's right about one thing . . . Black swans can be just as surprising and beautiful.[ oc x sawamura daichi ][ haikyuu: s1 - ? ]LOVESICK GIRLS SERIES: BOOK 1ALL RIGHTS RESERVED | COPYRIGHTS © SAVCOVER BY @jasperhaIeHIGHEST RANKING ACHIEVED: #1 in 'Sawamura Daichi' : 5/26/2020…

Killing Boys ━  Zuko [ATLA]

Killing Boys ━ Zuko [ATLA]

18,792 1,232 7

❝As cruel as the world may be, it remains to be our choice how to answer: do I be cruel in return, or do I be kind in its stead?❞ There was a time when Lian wanted to believe in fairytales, that there was good in everybody and that happily-ever-afters existed for those who had gold in their hearts. But it's so hard to believe in such silly notions when she was never meant to be the princess that needed saving, the one who deserved the castles and the praise and the adoration. After all, no one has ever heard of saving the villain's daughter, the unwanted bastard, a daughter whose beautiful face couldn't even be loved by her own mother for it reminded her of the terrible man who forced this child upon her. And she was determined to prove that not all monsters are capable of terrible things, even those like herself with dead eyes who don't even blink at the sight of bloodshed. Even though she was raised by a monster who believed a warrior was far better than a loyal daughter, he never expected her to use the very sword he forged for her to be used against him. But it seemed as if he had forgotten that monsters are not born, but created by the wicked. Even if she is fighting for the good side, fighting in what others would say is the losing side to the war with a group of people whose only motivation is hope, they seem to have forgotten that she is still just as much of a monster as before with her own selfish reasons and destiny. Because taking down the Fire Lord is not her destiny, not the happily-ever-after to her story, but taking down her own demons in the form of her father, someone who made her a monster long before anyone else could say otherwise. But it seems as though people have forgotten to tell Zuko that she is not someone worth saving, that pretty girls like her kill boys like him for fun.[ oc x zuko ][ atla: book 2-3 ]cover by bea !ALL RIGHTS RESERVED | Copyrights © Sav…

Indigo ━  Edward Cullen

Indigo ━ Edward Cullen

12,088 622 4

❝People always tell me that I'm going to fall in love so many times in my life like that's a comfort. But if this is how love always feels, then I hope they're wrong. If love always feels, then I hope they're wrong. If love always tears me apart like this, then I hope I never fall in love again.❞ Okay, sure, she wasn't perfect, but then again who was? In her own eyes, Daphne Phan happens to think she's the epitome of perfection thank you very much. Well, besides the fact that she was thrown to Juvie for her drug problems and having a rather bad temper that has gotten her into more trouble than she'd ever admitted. But she didn't think that it would result in her eventually being in the middle of nowhere Washington, a small town that she thinks needs more help than her if they named themselves Forks and their curiosity laid in new girls like Bella Swan and the mysterious Cullen's. However, Daphne is not all that people crack her up to be. Because her daddy issues ran farther than the irony of jokes that were thrown her way, no, she wasn't this villainess with power, she was a scared little girl with her tail in between her legs who doesn't know why her dad hates her or why she's his disappointment or why her mom pretends like nothing's wrong. But of course, she'll never let anyone know that. Edward never meant to break boundaries and though his plan of getting closer to Daphne was really his excuse of not being around his adoptive sister and her new girlfriend, he realizes through their unintended conversations at night and run-ins with one another at the 24-hour coffee shop that what he feels may be deeper than what he ever felt for Bella and that scared him irrevocably. Soon enough, their hearts became . . . bruised and . . . broken and the color of . . . indigo.[ twilight: eclipse ][ oc x edward cullen ]COVER BY my little sister @remuslupoutALL RIGHTS RESERVED | COPYRIGHTS © SAV…

1 | Blurred Lines ━  Tom Holland

1 | Blurred Lines ━ Tom Holland

145,066 10,792 68

❝I NEED TO STOP WISHING THAT YOU'LL LOVE ME BACK, BECAUSE THERE'S A REASON WHY YOU DON'T LOVE ME ALREADY. AND I GUESS THAT REASON WILL ALWAYS BE HERE.❞ Rosé was irrevocably head over heels for her best friend, Tom Holland. The only problem? He's in love, but not with her. We all need to find an outlet to release our emotions whether it be confiding in those closest to us or writing our emotions out or expressing it through a song - we all have our own ways of coping and for Rosé it was through art. Before she knew it she was writing out her love story through a comic book online, writing and drawing out her friendship with Tom. Fans read and waited on the edge hoping that their favorite characters would finally be together and that Rosé would stop making the heroine suffer from a one sided love. However no one expected the author to suddenly end on such a bad note and they hoped, no, begged that there must've been a mistake. But there was no mistake whatsoever. That book is her diary, a mere reflection of Rosé's life. Theo and Reyna never got their happy ending in the book and you wanna know why? Neither did Rosé and it's all because her best friend got a girlfriend, someone who isn't her.[ BOOK ONE OF THE BEHIND THE SCENES SERIES ][ TOM HOLLAND FANFIC ]ALL RIGHTS RESERVED | COPYRIGHTS © SAVCOVER BY ( @ZELLASDAY )…

2 | Fine Lines ━  Tom Holland [DISCONTINUED]

2 | Fine Lines ━ Tom Holland [DISCONTINUED]

18,737 1,342 17

❝THE THING IS WITH WRITING IS THAT SOMETIMES YOU HAVE NO CONTROL OVER WHAT YOU WRITE. IT'S LIKE BEING DRUNK I GUESS. YOU DO IT AND THEN HAVE NO MEMORY OF IT LATER. YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU WERE FEELING AT THE TIME AND YOU DON'T KNOW WHY YOU WROTE IT. LOOKING BACK, IT DOESN'T EVEN MAKE SENSE BUT YOU KNOW WHERE WAS A LOT OF PAIN.❞ There was a time when Rosé thought ignorance was a form of bliss. How wrong she was to realize that it only brought more confusion. Because it was alright when she hid behind the screen, when she was someone other than Rosé, when she was a person without a name attached to who she is. She thought she was ready to move past him, to find and create a better life without depending on him. But things got in the way of that plan, people changed, decisions have been made, and feelings have been altered. Because he fell in love with her, twice. They love each other, but it wasn't enough to keep them together. Rosé wasn't sure when she was going to see Tom ever again. She never expected for Jon Watts to contact her asking for her assistance in the screenplay. Tom thought that he will succeed in winning the girl of his dream's heart, but he was wrong as another steps in the picture. There was another guy who wanted her just as much, if not more, than he does. He was the new Theo, but this Theo was different, because he loves Reyna and in his eyes it'll always be Reyna first. Theo and Reyna's sequel is playing out once more. But it's not certain on whether or not Tom and Rosé will get the happy ending they deserved. You have to define the fine lines in order to get the answer you want.[ BOOK TWO OF THE BEHIND THE SCENES SERIES ][ TOM HOLLAND FANFIC ]ALL RIGHTS RESERVED | © SAVCOVER BY ( @ZELLASDAYS )…