Parallel Universes •

Parallel Universes •

862,120 21,988 59

" In a way I think she is a star.She burns bright but at first she's faraway, just out of reach until one day she hurtles into your life, breath taking and beautiful,full of secrets and mystery hoping that you'll catch her,but if you blink, you'll miss her. "🌹MARAUDERS ERASIRIUS BLACKPART ONE -FIFTH YEAR- complete.PART TWO -SIXTH YEAR- complete.PART THREE -SEVENTH YEAR- complete.…

Starcrossed | Bellamy Blake

Starcrossed | Bellamy Blake

184,785 4,172 29

Starcrossedadjective literary not favored by the stars: ill-fated "starcrossed lovers"~~~Luna is everything a grounder should be. She could out-smart anyone, has lightening fast reflexes, can take on twice her size, is utterly fearless and fiercely loyal to her people and her commander.But all that changes when she is captured by the enemy after she was sent to lead a group of grounders to scout out the 100 delinquents that fell from the sky.Now she has to fight to stay a sane and to stay alive while the delinquents discover the ground is not all what they had thought.But now while she slips further and further away from her people, she moves closer and closer into the arms of the boy with a crooked smile who runs with wolves ~~~Bellamy Blake FanfictionPart 1- season 1 *completedPart 2- season 2 *in progress…

Hurricane- Stiles Stillinski Bk2

Hurricane- Stiles Stillinski Bk2

3,536 148 2

-Storm Book 2-"If people were rain,Then I was drizzle,And she was a hurricane"In which, it all falls apart.☁Stiles Stillinski Fancfic Sequel.Book 1: Storm- Stiles Stillinski…

Storm- Stiles Stilinski

Storm- Stiles Stilinski

347,941 7,951 36

"She was a storm, not the kind you run from,the kind you chase."Lucinda Finch was the perfect daughter, perfect grades, perfect friends, perfect clothes, perfect family, perfect life. She was happy.Until she wasn't.Until a drunk driver fell asleep at the wheel and crashed into her blissfully unaware mother on her 16th birthday and everything changed. Her grades were shit, she avoided her friends, she couldn't care less about her clothes, her Dad wouldn't look her in the eye and her life was torn apart. And that was only the half of it. Strange things started to happen, things she couldn't explain, things that weren't possible. So her Dad shipped them to Beacon Hills and left her in Eichan House hoping it would fix her. Little did he know it would change her life forever. And that it would all start with a boy with sad eyes and a lopsided smile.…