Ruination Of Tomorrow

Ruination Of Tomorrow

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Before the life of humans in a far away land in the very center of the galaxy laid the Creator of planets. Well Creators, three of them to be exact. They called themselves the Ancient Ones, for they where the creatures of life as we know it. A type of god one could say, but they could form planets from the palm of their hands, and destroy them with a flick of their fingers. The most powerful creatures who ever lived. One day the Ancient Ones decided to create a planet. One bigger than all the rest. That could fit fifty thousand burning stars in it. One that would hold life until the brim of the end of the universe.After creating such a amazement planet that held all the resources that anyone could ever need for millions and millions of years. The Ancient Ones decided to bring life forms to their planet. From different types of ferns and flowers to Dragons, Angels, Warlocks and Shapeshifters.They even made new Ancient Ones, people who held the same power they did, to help keep their planet thriving and peaceful for years to come.What they didn't realize is that when creating more like themselves they had brought an unknown darkness into their planet. A darkness that would eat the corners of peace and fill it with hatred and violence.A war broke loose, and with that a member of the Ancient Ones who was casted out and bashed till death. Yet twenty thousand years later, the one who was kicked out returned to bring his old friends the revenge that they deserved. ~~~This is how our story begins; with the man who watched his only love get kicked off the planet, to saving the day like how any normal superhero would.But my dear readers, this will not end like any normal superhero book. It has a twist like death hidden away. I must warn you, if you look inside you may be surprised on what you find.…