Art book!

Art book!

265 20 12

So I'm a artist, at least that's what I think. And I have seen so many art books before so I thought it's about time to show off my art. A bit of it is old but it's still art. I do mainly cats, dogs, and rodents. But I'm experimenting with dragons and humans. I would like to hear your reviews on them.…

A New Opening (A Scourge X Cinderpelt story)

A New Opening (A Scourge X Cinderpelt story)

966 16 4

"What's your name?" I asked suddenly regretting it once he said it. "Scourge." then it hit me. When Firestar gave him that wound it ripped his collar off. It's too late now Cinderheart. You've helped him way to much to turn back. "I'll stay with you for the night to make sure no one finds out your here. I'll come when the moon is at its highest and leave right before they send out the dawn patrol's leave..." I sighed staring at him. He was already drifting off to sleep once more. Poor guy... I thought, wait, this is Scourge your talking about Cinderheart! The guy who tried to murder everybody! I mentally scoled myself. Know what, just go back to camp, get your wounds treated, and leave at Moonhigh to check on Scourge. I mentally sighed, glancing back once at Scourge, and padded away into the distance....…

~Warrior cat book cover shop!!!~

~Warrior cat book cover shop!!!~

33 2 2

So I decided to make a warrior cat book cover shop! I've been debating on whether I should or not. I decided I should when my friend @Dinogoheehaw aka Emit (go check her out) asked me to make a cover for her. I've made many covers for different books but mainly warrior cats. So I'm dedicating this shop to warrior cat book covers only. I will have one chapter dedicated to just showing how to sign up and examples of how I make covers. So if your in need of a cover, I'm your guy.…