Shattered Packs: The Rebellion

Shattered Packs: The Rebellion

63 18 4

Borjin, a power-crazy lynx, and his band of wolverines, take over the home of the many wolf packs of the valley they call home.Will someone be able to rid the wolf valley of this tyrant?Join a certain wolf pack, who has suffered first-paw by Borjin's top wolverines, in this action packed story!…

The Angry Spider

The Angry Spider

21 6 1

Just a fun short story about a little spider who, despite all the setbacks, makes a grand web to live in.…

Adventures in Another Time

Adventures in Another Time

20 5 2

Zedric Blueblade tells his roller coaster of a story about his near death experience, how he was saved mere moments before his heart stopped for good.Travel through the olde ages with him where horses were your mode of transportation, a cut could turn to gangrene, medicine could get so far, and a twist of fate could bring a myth to life.…

Left Alone

Left Alone

181 38 10

Bubble, an orphaned otter pup, finds herself lost and confused by her mother's body. She is found by caring mates and adopted into Holt Rowan.Will the little she-otter be accepted within this strange group of otters, or will she be casted out and have to fend for herself?Join Bubble in her story of loss and pain.…

Gryphon Roleplay

Gryphon Roleplay

532 9 9

Let's create a plot as gryphons! Sound fun? I thought so too :DAny images I happen to use, unless I say, is not my own. I do not own them and I give the artists of said photos full credit! Their watermark will be intact, and anything else on said image!…



2 0 1

I'll be posting complete art as well as the process here for you to enjoy!…

My Creations

My Creations

195 26 12

I've decided to start describing my main characters in all my stories, even ones that haven't been posted yet. Sounded like fun! XD…

Wyvern RP

Wyvern RP

2,046 31 15

Come all wyverns, and any other creatures out there! Anyone is invited to play, but please read the rules and abide by them. Hope you have fun!Images used are not my own, unless I state they are. Copyright goes to them and given full credit! Artist watermark, if present, will be kept in all photos I use. I do not want to steal anything from these amazing people!…

A Dragon's Tale: Through the Eyes of Fire

A Dragon's Tale: Through the Eyes of Fire

174 19 6

An orphaned dragon hatchling is saved by a wandering elf who saves her from freezing solid.Rhovandir, an elf who was banned from his lands because of a dishonorable deed, comes across the abandoned den of a red dragon. What he finds will change his life forever.Join the duo on a dangerous quest filled with magic, both good and evil.…

Adventures of Slowpoke the Snail

Adventures of Slowpoke the Snail

47 9 4

A little snail goes on mini adventures. Where does he go? Who does he meet?…

The Ring

The Ring

13 4 1

People have been disappearing over the span of several hundred years without a trace. No blood, no bodies, no fingerprints.Young Alice Par comes across a curious object among diary pages in an attic during a storm. She examines the tarnished ring and sees imprints of x's along the band. The sudden appearance of another startles her, yet intrigues her. What happens if she puts it on?Officer Jack Tarsin is at work looking into a case about a lady who recently vanished. There's evidence of these same happenings from awhile back, thinking they're connected somehow. He sets himself to find out what happened that night, to find the girl and solve the mystery.…

Into the Forest: Nature's Wrath

Into the Forest: Nature's Wrath

25 6 2

What happens when a young boy comes across a curious object that is considered real only in myth?Sebastian is a twelve year old farm boy who lives with his grandparents. His father had left him there at a year old when his wife suddenly became ill and couldn't take care of them both.Now, the young boy helps his grandparents till the land, feed and water the livestock, and bring home fresh meat from the surrounding forest.It's this last visit into Kulgar Forest that Sebastian runs into a strange, green oval covered in spines, making him question this myth.Any pictures used are not mine and I give full credit to them! (Unless specifically told I created them)…



372 30 6

Rac is a female saber-tooth cat, born in the far north where ice and snow are in abundance. She is part of a small pack with her parents, brother, and three sisters.When a male saber suddenly shows up after an unsuccessful teaching lesson, what secrets are unearthed about Rac's pack past? Will the same troubles arise with the appearance of two female sabers who were thought dead or long gone?Find the answers to these questions through the mouth of these ancient felines.…

Moon's Shadow

Moon's Shadow

45 12 5

A shadow returns, bringing with it death and destruction.Run with the wolves and find out their take on the returning threat, wether it's fleeing or facing it with tooth and claw.I do not own any pics I might add to this story! All rights go to the owners!…