Art Book

Art Book

3,697 710 99

First art book! From July 2016 to May 2017took almost a year but I somehow got up 100 parts. Also, yes I did actually draw the cover and didn't just google some anime character and slap it on my book. No I wont draw you, unless I ask.…

Art Book 2

Art Book 2

1,957 462 62

OH MAN, From May 2017 to (yet to be decided)I draw people, mostly OC's.…

Story about my OC's and stuff, idk

Story about my OC's and stuff, idk

13 4 1

This book will be a collection of stories that include my OC's. These might be paired with images of my OC's to give a better description of what they look like ♥…



18 5 1

kill me⊂_ヽ  \\ Λ_Λ   \( ˇωˇ)     ⌒ヽ   /   へ\   /  / \\   レ ノ   ヽ_つ  / /  / /| ( (ヽ | |、\ | 丿 \ ⌒)n̝̪ot̡̳͇̖̼̗͈̬h̢̬̝̗̟͈͓͙Ingis-real͚--…