They can change

They can change

84 8 4

It was supposed to be a normal outing. Learning more about the other side of the Mist, seeing what goes on over there.Well, then again, by that ruling it was a normal outing.Follow our rule-breaker Aulsyphite as she gets dragged into the story of her life. Her mate, Caradonious, had made it frequent to joke that she would always have unique children. If only he knew how right he was when the brown dragon returned from the Mist.This. Is not your average dragon story. Humans don't exist, and the laws are unknown in this universe. And yes, I make you know your history-which has its own story now for convenience.Cover was made by @WindstreakRosefoot…

A Bit Too Much (Easing off of HIATUS)

A Bit Too Much (Easing off of HIATUS)

95,235 2,461 38

(I want to point out RIGHT HERE that this is NOT a Reader-Insert. I'm just to preoccupied to fix the description here, and don't want to rewrite the official first chapter again. Chances are once I start focusing all my time into the finale that I will bother changing the description.)You were planning on getting a Bitty, and had ordered some stuff for the little guy. Being the completely normal person that you were, you hung out by a gas station in the rain. You had stopped for a shake after your lessons and you needed a snack. Right before you call it quits, a person carrying a fairly large box sees you and shoves the box into your arms. Before you ask the person what it was inside, they vanish. Now it was just you and the box outside the lonely station.This is my first Bitty story, so will do what I can. P.S, the cover is not mine, it is made by Poetax Core over on Deviantart.This is also WIP, but am trying to work on it as often as I can.As of 9/11/2019 to 9/12/2019, 8 top-ten spots.That's not very impressive considering I have 25 tags, plus I'm lazy to check everyday.On 1/15/20, 6 top five spots. Your guy's votes count and thanks for the support!…

Revtal Resort [MCYT AU]

Revtal Resort [MCYT AU]

2,280 137 16

[{DISCONTINUED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE}]A tropical and woodland escape from reality sitting just 50 miles off the coast of Iceland. To come here is a luxury for the calm and a adventure to the explorers. There are just a few rules.1: Don't stay out after dark.2: Don't let any living non-human enter the cabin. And3: What ever you do- do not make physical contact with the wildlife. Especially the Ly- *CONNECTION LOST*AN: I will not be doing smut, fluff, nor hardcore shipping. If you want that, click away from this story. Smut is a large no from me, fluff I can't write even if I wanted to, and there is already too many shipping books on Wattpad in my opinion.This story starts off with the Dreamteam and BBH, but the Trio and the others will join a little later. Also, I design and draw the 'second-sona' on my own- I have no intent to steal from others. That said, I will take inspiration while adding my own twists. Heck, I will even ask for some help or ideas in the very first AN.Cover will slowly change as I get chapters out.…

In the woods (Countryhuman)

In the woods (Countryhuman)

4,778 162 36

After having left their old life behind, the four brothers New Zealand, Canada, America, and Australia finally settle down in a place called Pangaea. They find a sense of relief as the other inhabitants were just as brightly colored as they were. Other countries.New Zealand, after having unpacked some of their stuff from the move, is ready to make and actually keep bridges again. His younger brothers are on board as well.Australia, wanting new friend that won't question his blue skin.America, a chance to meet new people that will respect his poor eyesight.Canada, not having to be asked about why his skin is colored the way it is.New Zealand, true happiness for his remaining family and a chance to truly breathe freely again.But even in a land full of countries just like themselves, the four are still forced to hide secrets....Too bad America's is the hardest to keep hidden considering contacts have failed in the past.Current main characters for first few chapters.~New Zealand~Canada~America~Australia~Russia~Germany~Japan~South Africa~ChinaCharacters I plan to add in chap 21 and onward.-Ireland-Scotland-Kazakhstan -North Korea-South Korea-Spain-Brazil-Maybe ZimbabweWarning: This story may include some disturbing things that I will do my best to make note of in each chapter if I know for a fact it may trigger someone. I'm bad at remembering this however, so be forwarned. I won't say here as that may spoil some of the storyline I want to build.Notice: This is not heavy history themed, but I give acknowledgment and a nod to things that have happened. Thanks to a card game there is a very simplified version of WW2. WW2 is also the event I add in the most, obvious or not.Also, I may tease some shipping but this is not romance heavy. Rather- . . . Well. You'll just have to find out just what I've done with a certain family tree.…

Dragon-pedia pt1

Dragon-pedia pt1

259 12 11

Basically this is a character reference book for They Can Change. This covers the different zones of the lastrian kingdom, name pronunciation, appearences, and personalities. I'll cover the zones in this part, along with a few Lastrians that live there.…

Character Builder! And Doodles!

Character Builder! And Doodles!

1,599 179 65

Read the title- fill out the thingy, and maybe the character will find its way into a part of my 'books' which are not lunatic ramblings. At the very least it will get a drawing at a crappy level or higher(depends on character and pencil or computer).Basically this is a knock-off art book/ doodles.I figured if I made this its own thing then it will get more people's attention. Plus- I'm bored and should be sleeping right now.…

In the Woods (draft 2-Countryhumans

In the Woods (draft 2-Countryhumans

102 8 2

Life was quiet in Pangaea. Things were going on as usual. The Amazon sisters were still making deliveries, Brazil and his crew were still going for morning runs, and the meetings were as chaotic as ever despite a few modern countries being missing.That night afterwards, Russia had intended for a BRICS meeting, but there were a few complications that resulted in Germany, Japan, South Africa, China, and Russia spending a night out in the park. This seemed like a normal night as well, until weird noises were heard outside the tents. Pangaea was safe for countries, so the large striped feather on the ground and mauled deer brought much concern for the 5. With wary glances, they stared out into the tree line. Deep out into the woods where no one, human or country, dared enter.…

Follower Festival!

Follower Festival!

136 22 9

In here will be some contests and such, along with some prizes!And top ten anime betrayals…

Strange ties (A choose your own story)

Strange ties (A choose your own story)

148 34 11

This is the story about you. But what will you do?Will you be the one to bring peace to a world divided, or will you be the one to declare a victor?Or will you just be a servant to the queen, or the queen's heir?Or what about an old collector, just trying to make it through another day.Will you make history, or be lost forever to it.The choice is yours.…

For Howl

For Howl

27 4 4

If you ain't The morning Howl- well. Actually. How can I stop ya?…



96 9 7

Take a guess.…

Flight Rising

Flight Rising

30 2 2

Just figured I would do this for anyone wanting to join. Obviously I only own my account.…

Countryhumans sign-up. . . thingy.

Countryhumans sign-up. . . thingy.

986 11 99

I should be working on something else, but screw that. Sacrifice your countries, their best and worst traits, their personality, chuck them on here.Don't see your country right away? Complain about it to the management and we'll (I'll) get a chapter just for them set up. What will I be using personas that I have left all to you guys to figure out and plan? I'm not telling. . . But there may be a comic slip or two if I find the motivation and the time.Also- I was unable to find the original artist for the cover. And if you have tags that may help- let me know.Please. I beg you.…

OC dump

OC dump

101 3 17

Cause I was simply getting too tired to go digging through the rest of my books to find them all. This may get organized, who knows?…

My Ocs, and why-

My Ocs, and why-

182 16 12

You know what? Just read it.Basically my Ocs from my books, published or drafts, and how-(Dramatic lights and fanfare)*here we go again -_-*K: To protect the world from boring explanations.C: To unite all writers within our nation.K:To announce the evils of caffeine and drugs.C:To extend our reach to the stories above.K: Kira.C: Carter.K:Team Lystre blasting off at the speed of light.C:Imagine now, and prepare to write.R: Hey! That's right! Wait- what?! I do not approve of one of your Team Rocket rip-off lines!And how a certain pair gets me into so, so many mental conversations.Update! This is now a character builder/ OC. The best/ most ones get to be seen in an upcoming book!Update 2: This is officially my junk book full of random oneshots, possible stories, and lots of mayhem. Especially now that Paul stole the computer screen and I am I am escpeccially carefully typing this out to make sure I don't mess up.…

Random Survey

Random Survey

71 1 1

Free to take- no age cap needed. Would prefer if you don't research this stuff and go in blind. I took it myself, and I can confirm that no email is required and it truly is anonymous.…

Adopt book

Adopt book

477 10 3

Why not?…

Shifty Teens

Shifty Teens

12 0 1

A group of teens find that they can transforme into different dinosaurs. While they master their new skills, a man that goes by Ricko Rogers is trying to find ways to make a park of extinct creatures. Ricko, however is a multi-billionaire due to his success in gene splicing, and bringing back the black rhino and other extinct animals back to healthy numbers. Looking for a way to make his dream real, he goes out in every single way money can buy. Which is bad news for our group of 7Trike = ConnerStego = KrisRaptor= JakeRex= WyattSalamander= Raina Troodon= Alec patchy= Tucka…



32 4 1

Please give this a quick read.…

Art lessons.

Art lessons.

166 19 5

Yeup. This is happening.It definitely not the first of it's kind but it sure won't be the last.…