Curiosity Killed the Kat

Curiosity Killed the Kat

9 1 1

Cu•ri•os•i•ty1. a strong desire to know or learn something.2. a strange or unusual object or fact.3. What killed Kat.…

Forever Mine

Forever Mine

12,085 391 34

Can you imagine being adopted by Demi Lovato? Well, Charolette Cunningham can. This book shares the good and bad sides of our beloved Demi and the one and only Charley.…

Cover Requests

Cover Requests

10 1 1

To get a cover, please comment on the first chapter. List these things:1. Title of Story2. Name, Nickname, or Author's Title3. Short description of story4. Anything that needs to be included in the cover5. Email address so I can send your cover6. Anything else you want to include!Thank you!…