Samhain & Beltane I ONC 2023

Samhain & Beltane I ONC 2023

1,489 280 15

His voice is the sweetest dream.Reminding me of Beltane celebrations. Luke O'Brien's joyful musings were warm. Like bonfires signifying summer's approach. They conjure up visions of wild forests and flourishing fields. Of the sun dancing against one's skin. I'd never had the privilege of gazing upon Luke's undoubtedly impressive visage. It was a miracle unto itself that I could hear the kindergarten teacher during my slumber.The duration of my enchanted sleep eluded me. It felt like mere moments had passed and yet, I knew centuries had likely elapsed.Long enough for Samhain to transform from a sacred occasion heralding the beginning of winter and weakening of the veil separating the realm of mortals and the Otherworld to Halloween. A time for children to run amok. Disguised as anything but themselves as adults indulged them with an endless array of sweets.…

A Tale of Two Vampires I ONC 2021

A Tale of Two Vampires I ONC 2021

4,284 796 25

Despite the fact their hearts no longer beat, vampires really aren't all that different from human counterparts. Some are kind, some are vile, and most are stuck trying to navigate the muddy middle.Enter our two vampires:One would never manage to fit all the candles on her birthday cake even if she desired to celebrate it. Armed with her fangs, centuries of knowledge, and ferocious desire for justice, she will do whatever she deems necessary to achieve her goals. The other is modern vampire who before being turned enjoyed life's simple pleasures: video games, surfing, and flirting.…

The Seven Kingdoms' Guidebook

The Seven Kingdoms' Guidebook

465 75 8

This is official guidebook to The Seven Kingdoms has been approved by the adorable talking dolphin known as Bubbles. Within these scrolls, you'll find the answers you seek. Whether you're interested in discovering more about the different types of merfolk, their magic, adorable Familiars, hatchlings, or your own place in these aquatic kingdoms, this tome covers it all.…

Señorita Pufferfish | ONC 2020

Señorita Pufferfish | ONC 2020

4,244 714 15

Sapphire's mournful howls of despair and grief pierced through the battlefield between her fits of hopeless sobbing. It was the sound of heart being shattered into a thousand, tiny bleeding pieces as the mermaid looked upwards. It was as if she was making a vow to the Heavens themselves. "I'll never love again."The words were so soft that Aphrodite almost convinced herself she hadn't heard them at all. They felt more like the echo of a whisper hidden within a half-forgotten dream, but the goddess of love heardthem all the same. "Well, that sounds like a challenge."Open Novella Contest 2020 Entry Based off Prompt #65.You declare to the Heavens that you will never fall in love again. Aphrodite takes that as a challenge.…

Primal Fortune

Primal Fortune

12,088 1,729 21

Glamour, mischief, and mystery made Halloween the perfect holiday for a werewolf fortune teller like Ivy Winters. That was until one meddling tarot card decided to stack the deck in favor of complete and utter chaos. Starting with a sexy, matching tattoo attached to very much still human veterinarian.An entry for the Open Novella Contest.Open Novella Contest Milestones2,000 words - Towards the end of Chapter 1.8,000 words- Somewhere in the first scene of Chapter 5.20,000 words - End of Chapter 11 or beginning of Chapter 12.…