Last Project

Last Project

309 18 1

Tony's last project. !!!Could trigger harmful thoughts so please be careful reading!!!…

Dean's Thanksgiving

Dean's Thanksgiving

80 4 1

You know how in Season Five Episode 16 that Sam and Dean get killed and go to Heaven. We saw how Sam celebrated that Thanksgiving. Now we get to see how the sixteen year old Dean got to spend that holiday. Also more into why he was so upset at Sam. None of the characters is owned by me it is owned by the creators of Supernatural. The only thing that is mine is the plot of how Dean spent the Thanksgiving. WARNING!!!! This does have some abuse... you a have been warned!…

All For Family

All For Family

6,000 297 9

Everyone grows up because of the people that raise them. This is no different for Percy Jackson, he grew up to be how he was because of his mother. What happens if instead of living and raising Percy, Sally Jackson dies shortly after childbirth? When the people that raise him are gods, more specifically Phobos and Enyo, two minor gods that are on the side of Kronos? How will Percy's story end up like? What will his connections be and how will the war end? All rights go to Rick Riordan for the series.…

Thanks And Ideas

Thanks And Ideas

54 2 1

Ideas for writing…

True Hero

True Hero

302,239 7,983 21

Percy Jackson, the hero of Olympus, everything was going well for him. The war was won, Leo came back, and in two weeks he and his Wise Girl would move into an apartment together in New Rome to go to college. Finally, there was peace and he would cherish it. Unknown to him the gods above are afraid, not of another war, or primordial, but of Percy himself. After forcefully searching Annabeth's memories the gods decided that he is to powerful to leave alone. They decide to replace everyone's memories of him, striping away his identity, and finally, locking him away forever.Two hundred years pass by and now the gods are faced with another was, this one against the creator himself, Chaos. Chaos feels that the gods can no longer rule and threatens war. He has his most powerful beings his army come fight against the gods. So what has happened to Percy Jackson and who will win this war. Read and find out!…

Broken Loyalty

Broken Loyalty

247,873 6,188 21

The fight with Gaea is over, but with her death so comes others, including the beloved daughter of Athena. With grief, Athena convinces more than half of the counsel that Percy should be banished to Tartarus, a hell he barely escaped. He is thrown away.Years pass and a new war begins. The very personification where they sent their Hero comes to fight the gods. Tartarus had not only an army of monsters, but with him a powerfully being sides with him. The two together are too powerful for the gods and their children to fight, what will happen to them?Sound's kinda cliche, but there are twists like I usually put in.All rights go to Rick Riordan. Only time I will say this.…

When Blood Invades the Water

When Blood Invades the Water

62,183 1,781 12

This is a Twilight and a Percy Jackson crossover. It is after both of the series end, with of course a little twist end to the Percy Jackson series. So there have been a few of these before, but none of the ones I have found are finished. THIS ONE WILL BE WRITTEN TO THE END I PROMISE!!!!!!! So now for the description a little..ahemPercy is having a hard time after the war. People around him have died and he blames himself for it. He is traumatized from the wars. After his mother begs him to live with her and Paul they end up moving to Forks so Paul can teach. Due to his mother's request he also attends the local college majoring in Marine Biology. Now he as to make through four years of school. With everything weighing down on him it will be hard. Will he be crushed or some how find help?The Cullen family. After the skirmish with the Volturi they have been at peace for two years and things are going well. Each part of the family is doing their own little thing, but at the same time are able to support one another. What both parties don't know is that their worlds are about to intersect and it isn't the first time. What will happen when they do again?What happens when the first intersection is brought to attention? Find out. All rights to Characters and story lines go to Rick Riordan and Stephenie Meyer.…

What I Did For Love

What I Did For Love

903 58 1

Everything is going well for gods and their children. The war with Gaea is done, Leo is back, the camps are at peace, and the gods are spending more time with their children. The best it can be after two big wars, that is until demigods start to die. No one knows who or what is killing them. What they don't know is that the killer is closer than they all thought and someone they didn't expect.This story is something I thought of after listening to another song, though it is your choice whether you want to listen or not. Characters go to Rick Riordan and song to David Guetta. Also for those of you…

Hymn For the Missing

Hymn For the Missing

1,152 62 1

Okay I was listening to the song Hymn For the Missing and came up with this. I think it is very sad, like I got a little teary writing it. Thought you DO have to LISTEN to the song FIRST to get the FULL EFFECT! I will put it in the story so you can listen! Anyway I hope that you like it! All stuff goes to their owners. Song to Red and characters to Rick Riordan!…

Lustful Chocolate

Lustful Chocolate

1,751 37 1

The Demi-god Prince

The Demi-god Prince

66,184 1,368 11

NEEDS ADOPTED!!!Eight years after the Second Giant War everyone is missing their Hero. After Annabeth died Percy goes out on his own only to disappear three years later. No one hears or sees from him for five years. When he comes back everyone finds out he has been made a god because of the Fates. This Percy is colder than the Percy of old, only a select few see his caring side. Will the Hero ever find his peace?The war has passed in the Magic World and all is peaceful. Well that is what everyone thought for twenty years. Now something saying he is the true Dark One has come to destroy the peace. This is a battle that they can't win on their own. Hecate sends Percy to help the world she created. Will the Dark One win or will the Hero save the world again?Okay I know this isn't the best description, but please give it a try. It is different and I am hoping it is a good different. Also this is the one of the TWO times I will say this, I DO AM NOT RICK RIORDAN OR J.K. ROWLING, THUS I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THE STUFF THAT IS BROUGHT IN!…

The Path

The Path

526 30 1

So this is a one shot. It does have Percy and Annabeth in it. At some parts it will seem kinda generic, but I have put a twist in it so please read all the way until the end before you judge! The picture isn't mine it is Vindictev's. I asked to borrow it but never got an answer so I hope they won't mind as long as I give them credit. They only thing I did to the picture was color it in for the most part cause it was ll black and white. Anyway hope you enjoy. I forgot credit goes to Rick Riordan since I am not him.…

The Olympus High Story (Under Edit)

The Olympus High Story (Under Edit)

25,154 740 12

This is a Percy Jackson AU story about Olympus High. Jason is the star quarterback of Olympus High. He is in his junior year and everything is going great for him. He has wonderful family and friends that surround him. When a new kid named Perseus Jackson comes to Olympus High Jason is immediately taken by the boy's sea green eyes. What will happen when he gets to know the boy better?Percy Jackson lost his parents when he was younger and he now lives with his disgust uncle Gabe, whom he can't escape. After moving for Gabe's job Percy is put into Olympus High. That is were he meets Jason Grace. At first meet Jason is nothing more than a friend while Percy tries to get through his home life. What will happen when Jason decides to come crashing into his life?This IS a Jercy fanfic. It you don't like boyxboy don't read. All character rights go to their proper owners, for I also hint at other things I like to read or watch. This is the only time I will give credit, because I am too lazy to do at each beginning chapter and don't always remember what I referenced in the chapter.…

The Broken Hero

The Broken Hero

202,511 5,121 23

Perseus Jackson, the hero and two time savior of Olympus sacrificed himself to defeat Gaia and her children. His sacrifice has been mourned for the past five hundred years by the gods and his friends. As reward in their efforts his friends and the councilors of the camps were made immortal. Five hundred years of a peaceful time has passed. Now a new war arises in which many fear of the sacrifices they will have to make. With a new war comes a new ally. A boy in black with black wings and scars seen and unseen. A merciless boy with practically no emotions. The boy comes to help win the war, but what is his story? Is he really a new ally or someone else?Okay so I have been reading many Percy stories so I wanted to try my hand at one. This one is a little more dark and does have a touch of torture. I hope that you all like this. Please let me know what you think as you read. Also I doubt there will be a romance in this one, though with the right convincing and rational I might put one in.All rights to the characters and major story line go to Rick Riordan. I am not him and not as great.…