Dear Anne

Dear Anne

127 15 21

Dear Anne is a series of emails written by Corey Clairmont to a woman he met once before traveling from the US to Paris, France. Corey is a starving artist who is taking a gap year to discover his true self. Out of the blue, he received an email from Anne. They corresponded a few times, and he finally went to meet her while on a layover during his trip to Paris. He is falling in love with her despite their short acquaintance. Despite being nervous about the situation, he longed to grow close to her. It is a sudden and overwhelming feeling that leaves him turning inside-out and backward. Filled with emotional twists and turns, his letters grow loving, frantic, distant and apprehensive. Corey is on a rollar coaster of emotion. Follow him, if you dare.…



478 110 32

After Joel Everstow got sent down from Oxford University, he returned home with the reason for his expulsion, Miss Charlotte Plumb. Right from the start, tension grew between Miss Charlotte and Joel's sister, Priscilla. Priscilla railed against fate and longed to leave her previously happy home. Throughout all her attempts at love and a life of her own, Charlotte always stood in the way. The situation grew worse and worse until Priscilla realizes she can never escape.…

American Girl

American Girl

683 119 51

American Girl is an ambitious series of short stories. Each chapter takes place in one of the 50 States, chosen in the order in which they were admitted to the Union.MarylandPennsylvaniaNew JerseyGeorgiaConnecticutMassachusettsMaryland South CarolinaVirginiaNew YorkNorth CarolinaRhode IslandVermontKentuckyTennesseeOhioLouisianaIndiana…



1,055 185 35

Norah Chamberlain's Victorian world turns upside down following the execution of her father. Left with nowhere to turn, her mother, Isabella, takes a position as a governess in faraway Romania. Little did they know the mother and daughter duo were stepping into the vampire's lair. Baron von Helfin quickly overtakes their live, swiftly making Isabella his wife. When her mother's health declines, Norah becomes alarmed. With the assistance of the Baron's handsome ward, Ranulf Zamphir and the chambermaid, Helga Balan, Norah unravels the mystery of Castle von Helfin. Suddenly, her mother disappears leaving Norah bereft and frightened. She flees the castle and stumbles upon her English fiance. Together they return to the Castle, armed to defeat the vampire.…

No Escape

No Escape

127 14 10

Brandon Tremaine lived his entire life beneath his mother's thumb. Insisting he follow in the family's footsteps, he agreed to go to college to become an architect.However, what Brandon really wants is to study creative writing. In an unusual act of rebellion, Brandon signs up for the creative writing course and, on the first day, meets Rose Grover. Rose completely changes Brandon's life. He falls in love with her. Can Brandon break free of his mother and live his own life?…

Martian Revolt

Martian Revolt

9 1 1

Tensions rise when Mars revolts against Earth…



893 206 30

Formally known as Ivan Talbot, Ivy Masterson moved to San Francisco to start her life anew. A woman lived inside a man's body itching to be released. Leaving his intolerable life as an Army brat behind, Ivan drifted from place to place until he met Acatus Evergreen. His benefactor helped him transition from a man into the woman he always longed to be. After the untimely death of Acatus, Ivy headed for San Francisco. She had high hopes of finding acceptance in the City by the Bay. She never expected to encounter The Plague.While the plague rages across the United States, Lt. Col. Oliver Talbot awaits orders. Along with his command, Delta Force Squadron G, he spends his time in an undisclosed location. They are prepared to roll at a moment's notice. All they require is the President's final approval. When his personal cell phone jingles, Oliver is not surprised to discover that his son has arrived at his grandparents' home. His wife, Elizabeth, has disappeared with her clique of girlfriends. Annoyed, Oliver Talbot lamented his marital decisions. He loved Nicola Prescott. However, after his mother poisoned him against her, he married Elizabeth Amberley.High in the Iranian Takht-e-Soleiman mountain range, Arastoo Mazanderani and Zeeba Bahrami gleefully celebrate their success in spreading their plague virus. Arastoo believed he answered a higher calling, the call of Allah. He intended the destroy the LBGTQ community in San Francisco. His plan worked marvelously. Far more than his expected.In San Fransisco, BahAr Mazanderani is on a mission. Believing her brother, Arastoo means to play on prank on unsuspecting Americans, she releases small vials of fleas.Blissfully unaware of the raging plague, Elizabeth Talbot lives it up in Jamaica. Her fun comes to a screeching halt when the pool bar suddenly shuts down. She and her friends are placed in quarantine.…

Meet Me at Macys

Meet Me at Macys

276 50 12

Hoping to gain fame and fortune, small-town musician Maxwell Stoddard chucks his cozy life away and flies off to London. His ambitions quickly fade when the record producers and promoters ignore his attempts to get noticed. Down and out, he plays on street corners and in Hyde Park hoping for handouts. Deeply depressed, he trudges the streets by day and sleeps amongst the homeless in the subway. Until one day, by chance, he encounters Claire Ogilvie--the niece of a major record company owner.…



14 1 1

A man fears his new roommate…

Lauren's Lighthouse Love

Lauren's Lighthouse Love

410 109 8

Dig your toes in the sand and let the cool refreshing seawater rush over your ankles. Life is a Beach! Join this epic seashore idyll as Lauren Cabot recalls her first meeting with Eric Holbrook. Lauren's Lighthouse Love is an escape from the dramatic day-to-day tale. Sit back, sip a margarita and fall in love beneath the shadow of Barnegat Lighthouse.…

The Candy Gnome

The Candy Gnome

71 15 6

Matthew Blake had his misgivings about hiring his nephew, Darryl to work in his office. Before long, Darryl's old problem arose: he sees gnomes in candy machines. As he slipped his money into the slot, the little man in green appeared. Always vocal about his visions, Darryl grew excited and pointed out the gnome to his co-workers. Thinking the whole thing was a joke, Alvin Mims started teasing Darryl about the gnome. Suddenly the entire office is in an uproar, much to Matthew Blake's embarrassment.…

Blurred Lines

Blurred Lines

73 13 7

Writing about oneself is a difficult task. It's about true confessions, and you must dig deep into your background to achieve your goals. I nearly lost my life this week and feel lucky to be alive to begin this project. I've had a difficult life, to say the very least. I've never been physically strong and have always had a hard time with strenuous activities, even at the earliest age. Four years ago, I was diagnosed with cerebral cavernoma. That means that I have venal abnormalities scattered throughout my brain. If I am placed under too much stress, the cavernoma can burst, causing a brain bleed. One indicator is vertigo. This book is called Blurred Lines. I want to bring you--those of you who have read my book--into my world. Thank you.…

Yr Castell yn y Cae

Yr Castell yn y Cae

21 5 3

In the Kingdom of Walhaz, the old King is dying. His rightful heir, Princess Aerona, anxiously awaits news of her father's health. She is about to become Queen but already there is opposition against her ascending the throne. Her cousin, Bedo the Magnificent, believes he has a greater claim to the kingdom. Following the King's death, Bedo declares war against the kingdom of Walhaz. Under siege, the new Queen fears defeat. She can call upon Prince Rhisiart for assistance, but he will expect marriage as a result of his help. She doesn't want to marry him, but what choice does she have?…

The Ripper

The Ripper

121 30 5

Whitechapel--1880s London. Echoing footsteps reverberated through the concealing mist. Alone, Emma Quance stood beside the lamppost. Rapidly, her heart beats. The next gentleman to approach her might wield a knife. Five women are already dead, slaughtered by the Ripper. Fearfully, Emma waits. Will she become the next victim of the maniacal murderer?…

Whispering Springs, New Mexico

Whispering Springs, New Mexico

294 78 8

Impoverished gas station owner Hektor Estevez cringed when he saw the VW bus pulled up to his dilapidated pumps. However, in the desert, business is business. Since the new highway went in, no one passes by any longer. Reluctantly, he served the three hippies. Stepping into the gas station shop, Greg Williams discovered an old map. A shortcut across the desert would save them time. Convincing his twin sister, Gia, and their companion, Tracey McMaster, to try it out, they continue on their way. But, Hektor Estevez knows better. The road the hippies chose will lead them straight to Whispering Springs, Nex Mexico. No one has set foot in the deserted ghost town for years.…

Savor the Bite

Savor the Bite

26 5 1

Misty Martin encounters a vampire in her home town…

Moonlight & Love Song (and other short stories)
Auld Lang Syne

Auld Lang Syne

73 14 5

A couple elopes during the war…

Silent Night

Silent Night

13 2 1

Two civil war soldiers spend their watch on Christmas Eve in the Great Smokey Mountains…

The Snow Globe

The Snow Globe

58 16 6

After her husband's fatal heart attack, Eloise Parker lives alone in her Venice, Florida retirement condo. The holiday season leaves her feeling glum and a bit depressed. She tells her children not to send her gifts. However, when her doorbell rings and a voice calls out 'Amazon,' she suspects her daughter has sent her something anyway. The gift is a beautiful snow globe that plays the tune 'Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas.' The holiday tune brings back memories of a special man Eloise once knew. Contemplating the gift takes her back to the time when she first met Seth Durham. She instantly fell in love with him but their time together was way too short. When Seth disappears from her life, Eloise married Elmer Parker. They lived happily together until Elmer suddenly died. Now Eloise lives alone with her memories. Then, the doorbell rings again.…