Expose/Rants/Random Shit

Expose/Rants/Random Shit

209 10 3

Read the title.…

Music/Anime/Whatever Reviews

Music/Anime/Whatever Reviews

24 0 2

In a world full of weebs, shitty memes, and inanely good music, Leaf Boi, that's me, and my two best friends try to do the impossible. I sorta got inspiration for this from @LemonTheBoy, idk if that's his username atm, check out the first chapter for his username and follow his self-loathing self, jk love ya bro…

Regis Autem Daemonium

Regis Autem Daemonium

3 0 1

Description Under Construction…

Shattered Glass

Shattered Glass

26 1 2

Case File #27 Detective Overseeing Case: Jessica Lynn Subject of Case File: Criminal Organization known as Shattered Mirror Subject A: Devin Moore - While living in L.A, he had been arrested for breaking and entering, running from police, and theft, sent to live with only living relative, his uncle on his father's side who lives in New York, with financial support from the state, he would be sent to a private school, and every other week his uncle would report to me on his rehabilitation. Currently residing here in the NYPD headquarters while he explains his story of how he became the leader of the organization of Shattered Mirror…

Short Stories

Short Stories

6 0 1

Short, 1-2 chapter stories that I make myself…

~Interstellar~ (Sci-Fi Military RP)

~Interstellar~ (Sci-Fi Military RP)

87 3 4

In 2078, war had never ended everlasting peace ceased to exist; however, something close to it was born after the last world war. Alliances between nations strengthened, neutral agreements arose once again and tensions died down. Nuclear weapons and weapons of ulterior destruction were decommissioned and locked away in storage. Peace was never possible but they would get close to that idea as possible and they did. It was amazing how a violent species were able to come together. 2097, China, America, Japan, Taiwan, Bangladesh, Malta, ect. have finally decided to terraform Mars to allow life the ability to thrive on it and allow colonies to grow on it. They are faced by some of their own people and countries who disagree on it but the plan sees light and is eventually executed in 2100 2145, Mars has grown in population and has a population of two billion. People on Earth are planning to create advanced space station that allows people to leave in a sustainable environment. 2180, tensions begin to rise as an unknown project is given to the Kashidan government located on Earth. War seems likely between the two but isn't adressed. What can happen? 2200, death and destruction occurs. A space station is attacked and millions are killed. Racial slurs arise between them, Earthling and Martian being popular. Martian is used as an insult as they are considered nonhuman and Earthling being used to mock their slur. It's 2208, the war has continued to thrive and tragedies occur for both sides. Earth, Mars and SCies are fearing that overcrowding will not be a problem anymore. People are dying at faster rates and populations are declining. No one is safe...…

Playing Pokemon Y

Playing Pokemon Y

46 1 1

Me playing Pokemon Y…