my heart on paper | poetry

my heart on paper | poetry

6,019 39 2

Just the thoughts of a young girl, scribbled on paper in the form of poetry. ✨WINNER OF The Small Author Awards #1 WINNER OF The Blue Rose Awards May 2019 in the New Tales CategoryWINNER OF The Athena Awards (Poetry)WINNER OF The Blooming Author Awards2ND PLACE in the Writing Contest #1Best rank: Featured in Wattpad's Rising and What's Hot lists. #172 in Poetry [03/10/2017] #46 in #heartfelt [09/05/18]"Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought, and the thought has found words." ~ Robert Frost"Fill your paper with the breathing of your heart." ~ William WordsworthCopyright © 2017, lifeaskashvi. All Rights Reserved.…

tears in rain [on hold]

tears in rain [on hold]

1,405 171 8

"Just be happy."Sure. Tell a dead person to just be alive. They'll magically resurrect. Right? Of course.***Rain splattered like paint on my shirt. Or perhaps they were tears. Or both. Either way, I didn't care. My glasses were foggy and droplets decorated the lenses as if trying to make this tragic scene look like a beautiful melancholy. I scoffed. There was nothing beautiful about standing on a ledge, head empty and eyes tired, ready to fall into an endless sleep. "Stop," a voice whispered, a whisper that somehow sounded louder than the sound of my pounding heart, louder than the sound of the thundering rain, yet was so vulnerable, as if their life depended on my decision.And I did. I don't know why, but I stopped. Something, in that voice, made me feel... home. I did not turn back and look at who it was, for I feared I might not feel the same after I did. Instead, I shut my eyes and ran.I ran. From the voice, from the past, from everything, I ran. And now I was here. With a new life. Where no one knew a thing about me, or my past.Or so I thought.***WINNER of Watties Retry Awards in the category Undiscovered Emeralds. [04. 06. 2018.]RUNNER UP in the Blue Rose Awards May 2019 in Teen Fiction. [12.06.2019]Previously titled 'Papercuts.'TW: Deals with sensitive topics such as mental illnesses, eating disorders, sexual abuse, self-harm & suicide.THIS ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS COVER WAS MADE BY @sonderless*lowercase intended in title.BEST RANKS: #1 in #stopmentalhealthstigma #2 in #roadtorecovery #3 in #mentalhealthawareness #4 in #discoveringyourself #4 in #freementalhealth #7 in #growth #25 in #freementalilness #25 in #suicideawareness #161 in #mentalhealth#wefighton#savethesuicidalCopyright © 2019, lifeaskashvi.All rights reserved.…

the book of randomness

the book of randomness

3,134 487 125

Just a book filled with tags, rants, facts and other random stuff. Best rank: #16 in #30daychallenge [09/05/18] #407 in Random. [16/08/2017]…