Conquering Your Depression

Conquering Your Depression

147 2 20

I'm interested in depression topic since 4 years, since my friend suffered from it. Then I first heard about it & started to read really much about it trying to understand how it works... Now My Friend is cured & happy again, but Unfortunately about 2/3 of Wattpad users I checked so far suffer from depression ( Yes, I read your bios carefully ) so I decided to share my knowledge to help them feel better as much as I can... - Maybe this book can save somebody's life?... - I hope so, becase you know how depression ends when not cured... - let's not let it take any more young innocent lives! PEOPLE STANDING AGAINST DEPRESSION: UNITE!…

Stop Overeating & Stress Eating RIGHT NOW! - Or you may land in 'My 600 Lb Life'

Stop Overeating & Stress Eating RIGHT NOW! - Or you may land in 'My 600 Lb Life'

83 5 6

Please treat that topic Seriously! - Cause it's Always better to Prevent than Cure...…

Girls Rule!

Girls Rule!

50 4 4

About the modern movie girls who turned out to be braver than others!…



601 153 92

Many peopie here have 'Art Books' - & This is My CLOUD Book! :) - Sharing some nice clouds pictures I took myself here. ( Started on @IloveSTINE 's Birthday 20.09.2016 )…



33 5 4

My first Zombie book idea - Inspired by Reality - or by Coronavirus*( First Wattpad Ranking: #740 in Zombies & #98 in coronavirus on April 21rst 2020 )…

Funny Toddler And Baby Pictures

Funny Toddler And Baby Pictures

2,343 228 172

I first made some picture collections of The Funniest Dogs, Cats & Other Animals I could find - so it's time for Little Humans Now! ^_^ . Cause Babies & Toddlers are so Adorable & can be Also Funny Sometimes! :)( Hope this book will make you smile, *higly Recommended if you're having a Bad Day* but not only ) Enjoy! ^_^…

Bullies Suck! - don't ever let them ruin Your Life

Bullies Suck! - don't ever let them ruin Your Life

460 19 17

I'm trying to help bullying victims, give them advice what to do & what not to do to Stop the Bullying…

My List of Horror Movies

My List of Horror Movies

321 2 13

...Since December 2018…

Scary New Year

Scary New Year

21 0 7

When Completed - It's going to be The Longest Horror Movie Titles List You've Ever Seen on Wattpad! ( Started pn January 2020. - Updated daily with 50 New Titles each time till I finish it ).*I'm making This List for Myself - & All the Horror Movie Fans ( there might be some titles you haven't watched yet - So I guess it's worth checking ). Feel Free to check the updates as many times as you want to & Choose some titles for Yourself < There will be over 500 horror movie titles - or Even More than that! 🎃 )…

Cursed movies and Plays

Cursed movies and Plays

21 6 6

About movies & plays that turned out to be Really cursed... Interested?…

Ghosts & Most haunted Places of Poland

Ghosts & Most haunted Places of Poland

104 7 6

Know any Polish ghosts?... - After reading this book you will know A LOT!…

Loners NOT by Choice

Loners NOT by Choice

9 0 4

Let's talk about Loneliness...…

Smiling Depression is Most Dangerous

Smiling Depression is Most Dangerous

52 6 2

Yes, something like this Exists. And some of you may have it, unfortunately…

Best Horror Movies I Watched

Best Horror Movies I Watched

85 3 3

... & can Recommend Them to Other Horror Movie Fans! 🎃( Since February 2019 )…

We All Are Beautiful

We All Are Beautiful

32 7 6

... So Never call yourself 'ugly' again, Dear Girls!…

Some Horror Movies I Didn't Like

Some Horror Movies I Didn't Like

1,163 34 38

... & I Don't Recommend them - cause they were Not Scary Enough!…

You Can Ask my Pendulum

You Can Ask my Pendulum

7 1 1

Just Yes/No questions about Present Things or FutureReaders can ask - I'll try to Find The Answers...…

How not to make Your Social Media ANTISOCIAL

How not to make Your Social Media ANTISOCIAL

125 22 12

Some advice how to stay Social on Social Media - & what not not to do…

The Secret Life of the Garden

The Secret Life of the Garden

50 5 5

This is a story of some friendly Lawn Gnomes, Garden Sculptures & Grass Giants that come to life when no humans are looking & have Their Own Society…

Looking for Answers to Online Questions

Looking for Answers to Online Questions

38 2 2

I am trying to find out why Some things are Called This Way - not Any Other online...( - & sharing it if I manage )…