These Two Are One

These Two Are One

7 0 1

Two trolls are young, and married. A curse was put upon them, and it disappeared when they got married.They had a lovely wedding, and they were excited to become one.Now, it's been a few weeks. The two came back from their honeymoon.However, as soon as the newly wedded couple came back and settled into their home, things started happening.Knowing this couple are particularly vulnerable as they've been through a lot in a short period of time, will people come to their aid?Join this lovely young married couple as they go through their lives with love, romance, passion, friendships, and more.…

(M/N) (L/N) X Oscar Southwell - Book 2!

(M/N) (L/N) X Oscar Southwell - Book 2!

10 0 5

Hello again! This is Book 2 of (M/N) (L/N) X Oscar Southwell.This is a series of short stories! It features you (who shall be known as (M/N) (L/N)) and Oscar Southwell.Ages are set. You (M/N) are/is twenty. Oscar is twenty-two.Every story will be numbered and the title will be with the first part of every new story.Some chapters also have bonuses! Keep your eye for them as they're apart of the short stories.Some stories or parts may be for more mature audiences, so if it's not comfortable for you, you are free to skip it as it may be sexual or involving dark themes.Feel free to comment, but please be clean in the comments, thank you.Enjoy these one-shots!~Livi.Southy~…

(M/N) (L/N) X Jake Southwell - Book 2!

(M/N) (L/N) X Jake Southwell - Book 2!

14 0 3

Hello again! This is Book 2 of (M/N) (L/N) X Jake Southwell.This is a series of short stories! It features you (who shall be known as (M/N) (L/N)) and Jake Southwell.Ages are set. You (M/N) are/is twenty. Jake is twenty-two.Every story will be numbered and the title will be with the first part of every new story.Some chapters also have bonuses! Keep your eye for them as they're apart of the short stories.Some stories or parts may be for more mature audiences, so if it's not comfortable for you, you are free to skip it as it may be sexual or involving dark themes.Feel free to comment, but please be clean in the comments, thank you.Enjoy these one-shots!~Livi.Southy~…

"My Older Brother, Nick"

12 0 1

Leo Lyron is Nick Lyron's little brother. Only by a couple of years.However, there's a thing going on between the two.Leo and Nick are lovers, but their fathers don't know it.The reasoning for these two being together, is due to a girl who is after Nick.Luckily, this girl doesn't know Leo is Nick's brother, so she can't get Leo into trouble with his fathers.But, one night, Ethan discovered Leo and Nick were lovers.What will happen to both boys?Will they be able to keep their love while fessing up?Or will they lose their love altogether?…

Fallen In Love With Six Criminals

Fallen In Love With Six Criminals

15 0 3

Oliver Southwell is a lovely 18 year old.He moved to Alternia due to dumping his girlfriend after catching her cheating, his mates betraying and his absolutely appalling life at home.Oliver has been in Alternia for a while and has noticed something going on.While Oliver goes on night walks, he notice six shady figures causing havoc every night.It's not long until Oliver is caught by these six figures and when they properly look at him, something snaps.Something snaps for Oliver too.This is not something Oliver would do,And he knows that and knows this is a bad idea,But...Oliver has Fallen In Love With Six Criminals.{Story is entirely in Oliver's P.O.V}…

The Unfair Life Of Jake Southwell

The Unfair Life Of Jake Southwell

7 0 1

All his life, nineteen-year-old Jake Southwell was never appreciated. He did so much for his so-called family and so-called friends, but he felt it was all in vain.Jake was neglected at times and he was never really given praise, love, care, etc. he was seemingly the odd-one-out.After dealing with so much as he was young, grew up to be a child, a teen and an adult, Jake had decided that enough was enough.But just as Jake was ready to head out and start a new life and a better life for himself, immediately, he was bombarded.Will Jake be able to move past everything, forgive, "forget" and move on?Or will Jake ditch everything and everyone who did him wrong and move on for the better?…

The Poison In His Blood

The Poison In His Blood

8 2 3

This poison, is one that cannot be removed. Why? Because if it was, this male would die immediately.Nineteen-year-old, Henry Southwell was born with an extremely rare but incurable condition.He has specific poison in his blood and he cannot get it surgically removed, which is possible.If Henry was to have this poison removed, his life will immediately be taken from him.All professionals in the health department don't know why this is, yet, and why Henry can't live without a poison living inside him, inside his bloodstream.However, only Henry knows the truth. Not even his family and friends know. Only Henry knows.But, what happens when Henry must spill what's behind the poison? And what it is?And will Henry be able to survive when he spills the truth?…

The Descendant, Leo

The Descendant, Leo

15 0 2

There are twelve star signs. They are their true star sign forms. They also have their human star sign son.The human star signs are the descendants of the true star sign beings.They got sent to earth, and are there with their father. However, the group are about to meet their demon counterparts.This will be the new beginning full of adventures, mysteries, and even love in the lives of the human star signs.Yet, something felt wrong, and only one human star sign felt it.Is this feeling a warning? And can this star sign warn everyone else?Or will this star sign not be believed and everyone to be put in serious peril?…

Miss Olivia Southwell

Miss Olivia Southwell

4 0 2

Olivia Southwell is sixteen. A lovely girl, with a family who don't believe her and are very judgemental of her, friends who are judgemental of her opinions, actions and decisions and a girlfriend who Olivia is on her last wits with.Knowing she deserved so much better, Olivia knew, she'd have to make a very important decision. And this one, is one that will determine where Olivia's life heads in.With her family and friends now becoming concerned as Olivia started making her own choices and decisions for her life, it caused obstacles, distractions and redirections.For the sake of herself, Olivia knows, she's got to do something, and she's got to act fast.Will Olivia be able to escape the life that tried to pull her down?Or will she be caught in a trap to face the same problems all over again?…

Closer Than Ever

Closer Than Ever

13 0 9

For eight years, Oliver Southwell and Oscar Southwell have been boyfriends.The two come from two different Southwell families.The couple have come so far.However, the parents to Oliver reveal a horrid secret,And not only that, but have gotten a shocking surprise for him.Will Oliver and Oscar keep connected and stay together?Or will the 'shocking surprise' try to separate the couple?…

The Twenty-Year-Old With The Hanahaki Disease

The Twenty-Year-Old With The Hanahaki Disease

10 0 3

Xavier Zander was born in a family of four.Two parents and one brother.Xavier however, was born with a disease named the Hanahaki disease.The Hanahaki disease is a disease in which the victim coughs up flower petals when suffering from on-sided love. This disease ends when either the person the victim is romantically in with, loves the victim back, exchanging the same romantic love feelings, or if the victim dies. But a way to get rid of this disease, is the victim can get the disease surgically removed.But unfortunately, with that said, there is one downfall.If the victim was to get the disease surgically removed, the romantic feelings the victim has for their crush, will also disappear forever.With Xavier unsure of how long he will live due to this disease as he's a magical being, he's got to act fast and do his best to try and get everyone he knows to understand before his time is up.But, there may be some hope left for Xavier. Aka, his brother, Isaac. But will it come fast enough?And will Xavier's family, crush, and friends be able to see just how severe this disease is and try and help Xavier?Or will it be too late by the time they realise and pitch in to help?…

Royalty In Love...?

Royalty In Love...?

5 0 2

Leo Lyron is twenty-two tears of age. He's kind, caring, loving, gentle, generous, protective, strong-willed, professional, and one of the loveliest Princes.Xavier Zander is twenty years of age. He's kind, caring, very loving, soft, gentle, shy, a little quiet, innocent, professional and definitely a sweetheart of a Prince.Destiny was final. The two Princes were destined to be together. But, it turns out Leo got away with bending destiny's rules and got himself a citizen girlfriend, who became a Princess when she became Leo's lover.Xavier is left on his own, and not only that, but Xavier has a massive crush on Leo, and was hoping things would change for the better.But, when things didn't get any better, Xavier started to lose hope quickly.Leo doesn't see what he's doing, and he doesn't realise he's breaking destiny as well as Xavier.As time went on, Xavier started to change. No one took any notice.But will everyone, Leo especially realise that they're close to breaking destiny AND Xavier?Or will it be too late by the time Leo can try to make amends and make things right?And will fate has something different in store for Xavier?…

It All Started At Twelve, Midnight

It All Started At Twelve, Midnight

3 0 1

One Cleary starry night at midnight was what was started everything for Sakura Rose Cherry Blossom and (M/F/N) (L/N).(M/F/N) (L/N). He just turned eighteen. He has a lovely family. Two older brothers and two fathers. (M/N) is currently in University, attending Potential University.Sakura knows (M/N), and he knows him due to him being the University's nurse. (M/N) is a very studious student, always well-behaved, often called the teacher's pet, and the shining star of the University.(M/N) have four groups of close friends, all of them in all of his classes. The Southwell, Swan, Starling, and Sterling siblings.They know Sakura as well due to other friends. But (M/N) only knows Sakura as said, due to him being the University's nurse.But as time has gone on, (M/N) noticed three sisters who had moved into his classes as well.And as soon as that did, (M/N)'s life was starting to become hell.That one night (M/N) and Sakura were alone, was what started a relationship between them both.However. With the three sisters' sights on Sakura, (M/N) has become highly aware.But what happens when those three sisters actually start coming in between?And will (M/N)'s life be the same after everything these sisters do to try and ruin his relationship with Sakura?…

Two Teachers Falling In Love

Two Teachers Falling In Love

9 0 2

All Homestuck and their Hiveswap companions all go to school. A University named Potential University.There, many students go there, humans, trolls, angels, demons, Galantian aliens. Anyone of any sort attends this amazing University.In Potential University, there are two fantastic Principals, and many lovely and professional and knowledgeable teachers.However, there are two teachers there that seemingly have crushes on each other.Other teachers have noticed and so have the professors. But, it's up to the two trolls to see it and realise it for themselves.But, despite these two falling in love, one's got their ex-girlfriend after them, wanting them as they're crushing on too.And the other has many secrets, some are worth keeping, others are not.What happens when these two teachers become lovers?And what happens when one's ex crashes with the many secrets the other has?…

Endless Summer

Endless Summer

7 0 2

This summer, is endless. It's an eternal summer.However, knowing summer was when everything went wrong for Marcus Southwell.He went through a lot. His ex broke up with him, his friends decided he wasn't good enough, his family constantly ridiculed him, and he was made fun of by the public.Summer wasn't Marcus' favourite at all. He dreaded whenever summer came around, and now knowing summer's here again, but permanently, Marcus felt awful.But, little did Marcus know: this summer, is going to be the best of his entire life.But, will it come with downfalls?Or will it be the perfect summer for once?…

Living With Teachers

Living With Teachers

8 1 1

"His parents kicked him out, so, he's going to live with his teachers."18-year-old Oliver Southwell is University.His parents kicked him out of the house on his first day of Uni.Oliver's teachers have all come to the conclusion as soon as they found out about the news.They're going to take it in turns and take Oliver in and let him live with them.But what's going to happen, when Oliver and his male teachers in particular bond very quickly?…

Humans, Magics, Galantian Aliens, And Slykans

Humans, Magics, Galantian Aliens, And Slykans

4 0 1

Humans: the Southwell siblings.Magics: the Sterling siblingsGalantian Aliens: the Starling siblingsSlykans: the Swan siblingsFour species exist.So do four groups of siblings.All hold a species each.Each species are capable of a lot.However.There's more to these siblings and their species.Join the four groups of siblings as they go through life together.And if it weren't for that one night, these siblings wouldn't have gotten so far together.But, if you want to see their story, join them on their journeys they have and are yet to have.…