Book About Anything & Everything

Book About Anything & Everything

2,594 74 45

It's based off of PrincessSugarPie's (Olivia), but much different. You can comment anything you want, I'll post anything about my life at school, home, drawings mostly anything. I hope you enjoy and I'll do more drawings sooner or later.…

"My Art Book"

317 5 3

A book about my drawings, it'll be mostly about Orlina - But I'll add my friends too. I want to be creative just like Maylovesakidah, she makes wonderful art.I always thought drawing was my passion, but it can get fun to do too. I'll add on objects too, any object. And I'll add on skies, buildings, chairs, tables, candy, tools...etc. anything.I hope you enjoy my book, if it isn't even art then don't click on this book. But it'll offend me though, that is why I Graffiti in the first place. To be creative, and be humorous. Anyways, please enjoy while the book last.…

"Keep Calm & Love Your OC" Book

1,896 34 13

This book is easy, all you have to do is pick any number and I'll draw my OC. It's all on the OC Challenge, have fun and enjoy.…

The Demon Crew

The Demon Crew

792 59 14

This is a Season and Episode book of Orlina and her friends, BooBerry, Clamor and Aimless. They go to journeys to make their lives more fun, I decided to make this book - Because the thought of South Park, The Simpsons, Powerpuff Girls and others (that have seasons in them), I just thought making one for Orlina would be fun.For each season I'll make 12, 12 of each. If you want to Roleplay in these situations you can too, I'll put down options for you. If you like the book, Star it or comment. If you want to name the title for the next episode, let me know too. In other words, enjoy yourself. Also, I'll be putting up random pictures I find on Google too, just giving you guys a heads up.…

Story of My Life

Story of My Life

2,019 80 22

This book is about me and my family, there will be drawings involve too. The drawings were sent to me by (PrincessSugarPie25), I'll show you her drawings. The drawings contain me, my dad, Nibbles, alittle bit of my mom and Olivia <-(my Good Side version).If you like or Star the drawings, please let (PrincessSugarPie25) know and she'll take requests too. If you comment make sure they are nice and thoughtful words, NO harmful or hurtful comments. Enjoy my book and I hope you appreciate Olivia's drawings.…

Private Chat room

Private Chat room

170 5 1

This is a private chat room for people I want to talk to in private. My friend suggest I should make a chat room just for me and whoever I'm talking to and I figured - Yeah, that works. So if I tagged your account, please come talk to me. Or if you want to talk to me, just go to this book and I'll be ready for whatever the solution is. But if I didn't tag you, DON'T barge in - Wait until I tag you FIRST. Thank you.…

Princess to a Queen

Princess to a Queen

402 30 10

Ever since Orlina was a little girl, she was always called 'Princess' by her dad. Since her mother died, she followed her mother's footsteps to become a Queen herself. "I'm going to be the Queen, I can't believe it!" Orlina excitedly said, jumping up and down.Satan (her dad) bought her everything a Queen would possibly have; a throne, crown, dress, her own castle, bathroom...etc. Just before Orlina was a Queen, she couldn't stop thinking about her mother - She has always wondered what being the Queen is like.So I hope you like it, it's not much like other stories would. But I know you guys would, you guys have impressed Orlina in many ways. All of you guys are sweet, nice, thoughtful, caring and my dad would love you guys. Thanks so much for being there for me and guiding me to new things.…

Story About Orlina

Story About Orlina

419 7 14

This book is about me, I'll add some chapters and my life goes on while reading. It starts off with being the baby, toddler, teenager THEN adulthood comes in. So, I hope you enjoy this book. (Edit the cover on No Crop for Instagram.) I won't add drawings, just a simple book with words, quotes and more to it. Thanks for listening, ALSO - If you want to check out my other books, feel free if they interest you.I'll just put up some random backgrounds on top too, just to be creative and design it. (If you suggest a story too, I'll do it too. But it's gotta be about Orlina, not robots, zombies or anything. It HAS to be related to the book, something interesting to make the readers want to be entertained.)…