Well... I Tried (Poetry)

Well... I Tried (Poetry)

93 36 17

I tried to write a poem,It didn't go too well.I tried to grab that creative spark,I tried to ring that bell.Some turned out okay,And some are kinda bad,But then I stop, and I look backOn all the fun I had.Some were full of passion,And some were just plain dumb.And some just sort-of killed my brain cells,Leaving me quite numb. I wrote about the times I laughed;I wrote about the times I cried.They may not all have been winners,But hey, I tried.…

Poems and Prayers

Poems and Prayers

3 0 2

Some prayers and poems either written by me, or found out and about, posted here for the encouragement of fellow believers.…

The Wyvern Hunter

The Wyvern Hunter

6 0 12

Seton is the strongest man in his mountainside village, and is called upon to hunt wolves, mountain tigers, and even bears--anything that poses a threat to the survival of his people. But when the wyvern known as the Frost King terrorizes the village and Seton is sent to slay it, he begins to realize how far in over his head he truly is.Please be aware that this story contains some depictions of violence and blood. Apologies for the awkward chapter breaks in this first draft. As the story was not written in a chapter-by-chapter format, I had to just establish breaks where I could. As the story undergoes editing and I try to clean up some of the messier elements, I'll also try to improve chapter transitions.…

Luke's Artistical Artness

Luke's Artistical Artness

188 66 19

Why? Because I can.…

Diary of a Forgotten

Diary of a Forgotten

53 13 3

When the armored men came, they took all the strong men in our town.We asked. We cried. We begged. But they didn't stop. And they never came back.The left us alone. Defenseless.No one understands what happened, or why the kingdom needs the strong men from our town. Nobody bothers to explain it to us. Nobody cares.We are weak, and to them, we are worthless. We can hardly protect ourselves.We are the forgotten.…

Let. Me. Out.

Let. Me. Out.

25 0 7

[A Short Story]This is a story about facing yourself.You must face yourself. Before it's too late.Otherwise, the guilt catches up.Warning: This story contains themes of abuse and substance abuse. Please read with caution and discernment.…

Writer's Mind

Writer's Mind

116 27 22

Originally a writing journal of sorts, I am officially re-purposing this to be an anthology of older stories of mine. The original journaling and random chapters will stay here, but from here on, this will be home to older stories of my own design.Perhaps, in reading this, you'll see a little bit of me, and where I've come from as a writer. Myself, I'll be returning here time to time to remember how far I've come, and how much I've changed as a writer and as a person.I hope you will enjoy, however old the stories may be.…

Tales From Sinaloa

Tales From Sinaloa

520 120 15

1st place in the Emerald Gem Awards!Welcome to the Sinaloa Lake neighborhood. We hope you enjoy your stay.The neighborhood really isn't so bad once you get used to it, all you have to do is follow the rules. Don't go searching for strange noises, keep cats around, don't wander into the fog, don't talk to strangers--just listen to the advice of those around you and you'll be fine.But let me give you fair warning: break the rules, and you might find yourself suffering in a Hell-on-earth at the hands of the more unusual residents here.Take it from someone who's been there.Don't go looking for those strange noises you hear, or the strange things you see.It's not worth it.2nd place in the Mystical May Awards2nd place in the Undiscovered AwardsFor clarity's sake, this story is NOT set in the region of Mexico. It is set in my neighborhood in the United States, which is named after the location in Mexico. I didn't realize that might cause confusion until now, sorry!…

Chimera (Created: Part 2)

Chimera (Created: Part 2)

95 14 11

[Part 2 of the "Created" trilogy. Please see the other parts!]I never should have gone back.I don't think I could ever forget the things I saw down there, and the weight of what remains is going to stay with me for a very, very long time. I thought, if only for a moment, that I could rescue her. If nothing else, maybe I'd get some closure for what happened all those years ago.But that was foolish and naïve.Now all that remains is a thick, dead silence.I'm sorry, June.…

Coyote (Created: Part 1)

Coyote (Created: Part 1)

138 14 8

[Part 1 of the "Created" trilogy. Please see the other parts!]My grandparents' house was always my home away from home. It was a calm little house on a large property in the rural part of central California. I made so many memories there, good and bad. This is a strange story, that tells one of my darkest memories, or rather, sets of memories regarding this place. This is the story of how I met that coyote.…

A World Away From Home (Book 1: Resolve)

A World Away From Home (Book 1: Resolve)

61 35 12

Book 1: ResolveFourteen-year-old Joseph Millwater is a bright, cunning boy who finds himself in a strange and unfamiliar world with know recollection of how he got there or of his life before. All he knows is that he has to get home.Fifteen-year-old Railyn Serez is half-human, half-dragon, and feral all the way through. She runs away from the only place she ever knew with no idea where she's going. All she knows is that she can't go back. Ever.Side-by-side, these polar opposites traverse the strange world around them. A world filled with massive beasts, dangerous criminals, and alleged land spirits as fierce as nature itself. No matter what challenges they face, what monsters they fight, or what people stand in their way, they push on with an iron resolve and a common goal: a place to call home.…

The Adventures of Max [A Pokemon Fanfiction]

The Adventures of Max [A Pokemon Fanfiction]

756 74 31

THIS IS AN OLD STORY. IT WAS NOT MEANT TO BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY, AND WAS POSTED FOR LAUGHS. JUST UNDERSTAND THAT THERE IS A SEA OF GRAMMATICAL ERROR AHEAD.This is an old Pokemon fanfiction I wrote, starting when I was twelve. I finished it a couple years ago, when I was thirteen (I think).This story was published on the Pokemon Brick Bronze Wiki, a fan forum for the Roblox game known as Pokemon Brick Bronze. The game has sadly been deleted since then due to copyright issues, but it continues to live on in my memory *sniffles*. As it is based off of a now-deleted, fan-made Pokemon game, the appeal will be very specific. Primarily, I posted this story here for laughs, and to see how I've improved since then. This story DID receive a lot of praise while it was in the works, however, looking back on it... I think it kinda sucked, to be blunt. But it's my story, and the first story that I ever completed, so I'm putting it here because I love it anyways and because I can. Enjoy!Side note: I WILL be providing readers with a synopsis of the game so far, that way you won't be COMPLETELY lost. If you want all the full details of the game, read the wiki and follow this link: https://brickbronze.fandom.com/wiki/Pok%C3%A9mon_Brick_Bronze_WikiaI know the cover looks SUPER dramatic. I wanted it that way, because of how overly dramatic the story can be at times. Special thanks to a Discord friend for making the cover!…