murder mystery

murder mystery

37 5 1

the picture was made for my oc but I don't have the name, also this is my first ever murder mystery but I thought I would be a good idea to make thank you and please enjoy! ^^…

a tale of two souls

a tale of two souls

75 11 4

so I thought it have seen a interactive story of warrior cays and I was like "wow why don't I give it a try" I may be bad since this is my first time but hey I want to try I hope you like it and remember the fate of the clans are in your paws you may save the clans, end the clans, move the clans even make new clans but always remember your choices impact the story greatly the characters may turn good or may turn evil thanks to your choices well enough chatter let's get started shall we?…

a claw or fang in both worlds

a claw or fang in both worlds

159 0 25

( this is my first short story )…

dusk is the new down

dusk is the new down

30 5 4

this story is made thanks to a great creater called @BookWriter345, thanks to her amazing work I can make this posible!"the sky must dim for the dusk to take forth the sky and bring us a new Dawn", in a wold where only the stronge servive the battle of life and death is much more stronger then you think for the poor unfortunate Cats of, Lakeclan there leader cherrstar and deputy larkrush, a abyssinian, she-cat she was a stronge leader until she was framed, for a evil crime in which she didn't do, the clan finally choice the only choice they have left, but a prophecy is what Larkrush gets one she will not soon forget, "the sky must dim for the Dusk to take forth the sky and bring us a new Dawn" What will this she-cat do, how will she servive find out in Dusk is the new dawn…

silent wings of a raven

silent wings of a raven

52 3 4

this is not the first of the story I have chosen to recreated it, it may not be better then the first but I am definitely changing the story up a lot if you have read the old book then you will see it will be very different…

this is for a contest
the prophecy of the raven

the prophecy of the raven

160 28 12

so this is my first warrior cats book so tell me if its bad or how to improve it! thank you and I hope you injoy! ----------------------------------------------what if you were born a thunderclan kit? but a prophecy say you must leave but to were?...well the kit most go to riverclan there the prophecy can take place the prophecy says "the wings of a raven will take you far but only a army of the river can save the clans from total destruction many cats may fight you but when the raven can become one with the river the stars with be safe as well as the clans "what if your mum said she didn't want you and your littlermates don't know who you are? but only time will tell what will happen to this young kit you will have to see on the bookAlso I do not own warrior cats tho I wish I did the amazing Erin Hunter made it…

When Darkness Falls, All That's Left is a BrOkEn Soul

When Darkness Falls, All That's Left is a BrOkEn Soul

10 4 2

what if starclan is no more?, that all that's left is a broken soul of cats that lived,what if the dark forest took you away to a place where cats would fight to live?,well that's history a story some could say,a story past from queen to queen from kit to kit and elder to young bord Apprentice's,no we where given hope when starclan died for the dark forest gave us a home,land , pray and happyness all we could need right??...,well as you know all good things have a cost and this one is that every Moon we would give one she-cat and one Tom to the dark forest to train for a few days before joining the clan-games,it's life and death only one winner 12 go in and only one comes out seems easy right? well every 6 Moons they have a special games where they add a few new rules each year the arena changed's but this year on this special say they made two new rules for this one Clan-games instead of 12 it's 24 two she-cats and two Toms from each of the 6th clans what if Ravenpaw dosent want to be involved in the games you can join when you become 6 Moons old and you can leave after you have been a apprentice for 24 Moons our poor main she-cats hope is if she plays smart will the games end with blood or with hope,well I guess we will have to see right?, happy clan-games and may the odds be every in your favour!…