Baby Without Benefits (ON HOLD)

Baby Without Benefits (ON HOLD)

2,588 135 8

After the death of her mom Hillary realizes that she is all alone. She yearns for a family and since all her relationships have always ended in disaster with no chance of a happily ever after she decides to visit a fertility clinic and do it all on her own. Jericho watched his sister and sister in law struggle for years to conceive through an anonymous sperm donor. Inspired by this he decides to become a sperm donor to make another family's dream come true.What happens when the two meet and decide to have a baby together?…

Beyond All Rules ✔️

Beyond All Rules ✔️

19,764 1,595 46

Kennedy's parents transfer her from a prestigious private high school and to a school in The Bronx as punishment when she gets arrested for the third time. There she is forced to navigate existing in a world where she doesn't fit in while also struggling against her new found feelings for Isaiah, the basketball team captain. For Isaiah, senior year was meant to be the year of focus, where he perfected his grades and led his team to the championships with the hopes of securing a college basketball scholarship. What he did not expect was a fiery red head with a smart mouth and a genius brain that tempted and challenged him at every turn! The new girl and the basketball captain are in for an interesting senior year.…

Queen Of The Plains ( The Matriarchy Series Book 2)✔️

Queen Of The Plains ( The Matriarchy Series Book 2)✔️

21,854 2,047 53

Lulu had been labeled the wild card of the Kiarie sisters and she lived up to that name. She lived her life enjoying every moment of it, never holding back or settling down. She never found anything worth giving up her adventurous life for until she met James, a handsome veterinarian during one of her humanitarian assignments.…



23,991 1,897 29

All Alanna ever wanted was to be normal. She wanted to be like everyone else but that became extra hard when she was diagnosed with dyslexia. She didn't have the easiest life and it was even harder to make friends. Until one special boy saw her for the diamond in the rough she was. Don't get me wrong though. Alanna was anything but a damsel in distress but sometimes you need a helping hand. For her that was Ryan Munene, a kind, sweet and devilishly handsome boy who never gave up on her no matter how hard she pushed him away.Started :18th August 2020Finished : 2nd October 2020…

The Purple Backpack ✔️

The Purple Backpack ✔️

24,569 2,229 39

Pierra Ivy has had a crush on Andrew for the past three years. When an accidental spill aligns their paths together she discovers he shares her feelings. Together they must fight against Bishop, Pierra's elder brother in order to build a relationship or let each other go and remain crushes forever because according to Bishop no one is good enough for his younger sister, not even the talented photographer.…

In Love With Mr Perfect ✔️

In Love With Mr Perfect ✔️

28,904 2,035 20

Becca had been burned one too many times by always falling for the wrong guy. None of her relationships had ever lasted more than a few months and they always ended tragically. She wanted to find her own Mr. Perfect who would treat her right and sweep her off her feet. She wanted someone who wouldn't judge her body size, someone who would look past her flaws and see the gem inside. All this was her wishful thinking because she knew that a guy like that didn't exist. She had all but given up hope when she met Mason. Would he be her Mr. Perfect or did he have flaws like all the men in her past?…



33,907 1,834 53

River, the Italian Mafia princess runs away from home after finding out she's being married off to the son of the head of the Russian mafia in order to unite the two families. She ends up in Kenya, a third world country where she meets Dean, a taxi driver who is just trying to make ends meet in a country where corruption and dirty politics rule. Their meeting was unexpected and it blooms into a relationship neither of them was ready for but couldn't escape it. It was more than fate, it was destiny.…

Made To Believe ✔️

Made To Believe ✔️

49,820 3,045 45

Diana Mumbi is a beautiful book cafe owner who is a romantic at heart and obsessed with the literary world. Five years after her heart was broken by her first love, Kareem Najib her college crush shows up in her life different than she remembered him. Kareem proves to her that she can have her own romance story with a happy ending if only she believes that love and romance can exist outside the literary world.**Contains mature scenes**…

Miss Daring ✔️

Miss Daring ✔️

50,297 3,080 30

Nia had never been in a committed relationship a day in her life. It wasn't because men were never interested in her, quite the contrary, they came for her in hoards. She just didn't believe in love, having a soulmate or spending your whole life with one person. She believed she was a whole on her own and didn't need a better half to complete her. All this changed the moment she met Gabriel, a handsome rugby player. It wasn't the kind of love that happened at first sight but the kind of love that chipped away slowly at the walls built around you that you have no option but to bear out your soul and whole being.…

Twilight Confessions ✔️

Twilight Confessions ✔️

56,074 3,838 37

Malaika didn't expect that a single, sleep deprived comment on a stranger's Tiktok video would change her whole life but it did. This book is MOSTLY a DIALOGUE story.…

Lost Ego ✔️

Lost Ego ✔️

73,931 1,688 34

When she was eight years old Tracey's heart got broken for the very first time when she saw her childhood best friend and crush Christian kiss another girl. Ever since then she swore off boys since the first boy she ever loved betrayed her. Fast forward to ten years later Christian wants his best friend back and is willing to pull all stops to win her love again.…

All Hail His Queen ( The Matriarchy Series Book 1)✔️

All Hail His Queen ( The Matriarchy Series Book 1)✔️

77,988 5,789 52

Marini always put three things first ; her faith in God, her sisters and her work in that order. She had raised her sisters all on her own after being orphaned at a young age. She would do anything for them even if it meant getting a bodyguard which was out of her comfort zone. Isaac had moved to Kenya from the US after ten years of working in the military when his grandmother died. After a rough few months of job searching he finally landed one as the personal bodyguard to one of the most powerful women in the country. Circumstances force their relationship to change to more than just professional when they have to get married for convenience. Started : 22nd October 2020 Completed : 31st December 2020…

My Sexy Mountain ✔️

My Sexy Mountain ✔️

182,508 8,481 44

Anisha wanted a man who would see her as more than a pretty face and a walking bank account . David wanted a woman who he would treasure and could fit into his simple life. They came from two different worlds but they were searching for the same thing. Forever. Started : 4th June 2020 Completed : 17th January 2021…

The Nerdy Twin ✔️

The Nerdy Twin ✔️

185,884 7,542 49

All Willow ever wanted was to be happy, take care of her younger brother Charlie and escape the claws of her chaotic mother. Moving to a new town after her mom's fourth marriage didn't fit into her plans. To her it was just a pit stop before she and Charlie took the journey of their lives. She just didn't expect to meet quiet, reserved, nerdy Matthias. He was definitely not in the plan so she either had to get rid of him or find a way to make him part of her journey.…

Loyal At First Sight ✔️

Loyal At First Sight ✔️

261,868 10,387 48

"You left, you fucking left me Maya. You were my lifeline and when you left me, I drowned so don't stand there and pretend that everything is okay."Elijah yelled his fists clenched in anger, his jaw ticking as he tried to reign in his emotions. "Joey, please..." I begged remembering the sweet nickname I used to call him when we were kids. "No! You don't get to call me that anymore. Why are you even here? Shouldn't you be in Nigeria buried in some cemetery somewhere. I mourned for you Maya so seeing you back here is just too painful to bear. Please just leave me alone."He spat spitefully. "I came here to see you Jo.. Sorry.. I'm here for you Elijah, for my best friend. I know I messed up when I left and didn't keep in touch but I've missed you and I want to fix things."I pleaded. "No!"He gritted out without even giving a second thought to my plea. "No?"I mumbled already seeing the rejection coming. "Yes, No! You don't get to come back and pick up where we left off."Elijah demanded. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°Maya comes back to the United States after eight years away. She's hopeful to pick up from where she left off with her childhood best friend Elijah but he doesn't want anything to do with her. A lot of things have changed but she is determined to show him that they can still salvage their relationship. Especially since their bond goes beyond friendship to something more sacred.…



278,107 11,321 35

After Savannah is released from a ten year murder conviction she discovers life outside prison is just as hard as she had expected it to be. With the hopes of building a new life for herself she moves to Texas. Job searching is hard for an ex convict but she finally gets one as a nanny and housekeeper. Savannah had no idea what to expect post release but it was definitely not living on a ranch and taking care of five kids for a single father who also happened to be an incredibly handsome and chivalrous cowboy.…



500,449 18,550 43

After Hannah's brother dies in prison while on an undercover mission for the FBI she starts exchanging letters with Santiago, her brother's cellmate. Soon enough her relationship with him grows to so much more than mere penpals.…