

94 21 23

Il manuale di scrittura creativa che sto scrivendo per il mio gruppo facebook, facendo tesoro di quello che ho studiato, la mia esperienza nell'editing della gente che ho portato a pubblicare e degli scritti di Jenkins…



21 0 10

Pangea is the new earth, the new Eden. Everything was possible thanks to the discovery of the protonator, a satellite that contains a machine capable of breaking down mass into its fundamental bricks: neutrons, protons and electrons and carrying out any recombination from these. There's Hal, thesuper computer capable of reading people's brainwaves and operating the protonator.Paradise arrived on earth, causing a major technological evolution, which also became the evolution of the species.In the absence of stimuli for survival and possession, the human species has become addicted to imagination and knowledge.Multiple souls coexist, from the extreme technology of the discovery of space to alchemy, magic and the desire for knowledge.Few, unavoidable, rules still hold.Everyone must contribute to the common good according to their means and knowledge;Everything is permitted to protect the protonator and nothing must harm it;What is protonated must be removed.Eden is on earth, so who makes people disappear and why?…

The creators of coffe

The creators of coffe

31 4 3

A short story created for the contest @ILTUOCAFFELETTERARIO…

Le creatrici del caffè

Le creatrici del caffè

96 21 3

Per il contest…

Short Stories

Short Stories

121 2 15

All my short stories.…

The Mansion of the Damned

The Mansion of the Damned

30 5 4

Marco goes on the snow with his parents for a holiday. Near their apartment there is an old villa half-destroyed and, above all, forgotten. Marco will visit the villa in a dream, which will become a nightmare from which Marta, a beautiful girl, will pull him out.…

The  Prince of the Word

The Prince of the Word

17 2 1

A real story as it happened on 2nd June 2020. When I met a great character. A bookseller, publisher and author.…

The White City

The White City

48 2 1

I found myself in a city. It was a strange White city. there was no one besides me, apparently ...…

The Unattended Guest

The Unattended Guest

25 1 1

In Marco and Fabiana's house an extra ordinary guest appeared. The devil. He tells that he's having Holiday. No work. This will be not the whole truth.…



150 3 16

In a little theatre a strange actor is on the stage. The devil."Today I will bring there those who participated in the crucifixion, causing the death of Jesus." he says. He will understand that it's true but he intended something different. He will face a wide group of souls, like Pontius Pilate, Claudia Procula, Mary Magdalene, the lady and so on. He will do his work after all.An invitation to my readers and anyone who wants to participate: Help me to correct it.…



178 0 16

In un piccolo teatro di provincia sale sul palco un attore d'eccezione. Il diavolo. "Oggi vi porterò quelli che parteciparono alla crocifissione e causarono la morte di Gesù." Dichiara. Presto capirà che è effettivamente così, ma non era ciò che lui intendeva. Si troverà a fronteggiare tutt'altre situazioni e a "fare il diavolo"...suo malgrado.Recensitemi e fatemi sapere che ne pensate.Visitate la mia pagina autore su Amazon.…