Above the Olive Tree

Above the Olive Tree

11 2 1

Above the Olive Tree is a story that my friend and I came up with together when once roleplaying. The first chapter will be on her profile, and it will keep switching. Dustin (my oc) once fell in love back in 7th grade with a girl named Olive. But soon after catching feelings for another girl in only a week, he broke up with Olive in a heart breaking way involing tears and screams. Awhile after, Dustin started to realize how much he loved Olive instead, and would do anything to re wind time and go back to having a relationship with her. Finding out Olive had moved, he dreaded the fact that he could never apologize to her beautiful self. Many years pass and Dustin has to move to a new town, where he finds out Olive also lives and goes to the same school as he will be going to. When Dustin spots Olive in the hallway while at their lockers, he is shocked to the way she has evolved. Strawberry light beautiful hair that laid just below her decent breasts. Her eyes were supposedly a brighter shade of green than he remembered, which was complimented by her grey and black pearl necklace. She had a beautiful structure, which made him go crazy. Find out in the rest of the book (from both of us) how the story shall continue.…

Emma's thoughts and Stuff

Emma's thoughts and Stuff

60 4 7

book about thoughts, photos, drawings, shit about me woop de doo…