Spanish Rose In Harlem (Book 1 of the Harlem Duology)

Spanish Rose In Harlem (Book 1 of the Harlem Duology)

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Johnny and Clara both come from different lifestyles when they cross paths. Their lives will change dramatically, but will it be for better or worse? Will she be the clarity that he has been seeking? Clara never predicted what would transpire when she arrived in Harlem, New York. She never expected to meet Johnny, who is quite the charmer but again a relentless killer. Will she risk it all being with one of the most feared men in New York?I write this story in the first-person narrative. I wanted the story to be told from two distinct points of view. Those of young naïve woman, who has a sense of what the real world is, but has hope that the world is different and an ambitious individual whose side occupation is a notorious killer but deep down seeks redemption and clarity for this thing we call life. ** Has a Sequel (Thorns of Harlem) **** WARNING ** (Contains sexually explicit scenarios, also contains racial slurs that were used in this era. Also contains quite an amount of violence)Featured on:Wattpad Crime @crime - Crimes of Passion Reading List…