96 12 26

Vicky a beautiful,young girl full of courage and determination.She won all the awards at school ever since elementary school and all the way through highschool.But everything changed when her family got robbed and were murdered, while she watched from a distance in fear. she couldn't even call the cops even, when one of the robbers looked back and saw her. She couldn't take it, so she ran away knowing that one of the robbers saw her face, she ran to the police and reported. She was in a state of trauma just thinking of what happened back then.So she couldn't stay in that country any more, the police took her to an orphanage in England.Two years had passed Vicky finished high school got into college with her two best friends Mi lan and Deborah they were so close they didn't want to be separated. They all work so hard together, to make it into university, but something never changed about Vicky, she kept on having those nightmares about that night and the robber who saw her face. His voice still ringing in her ears, saying "I'm still looking for you." But Vicky knew she wasn't alone she had God whom she devoted herself too ,and went to church every Sunday and at her spare time she would pray always. She loved God and trusted him to protect her from danger and block that voice that hunted her.Yet again there was another voice that comforted her that was her dad whom, she just watched in fear as he was g killed .But she loved hearing his voice. And this is how Vicky's life will continue until she will meet the one and only,who will save her from her nightmares.…

My Dream Changer

My Dream Changer

118 7 15

Hi my name is Elizabeth, you all know that.Eilzabeth Harvey Brewer. Harvey wasn't actually my real surname, my story is kind of sci-fi kind of story. my life was runied ever since I was born in this world with ice power''s an usual for people in this modern world to have powers.I was one among the eleven around the whole world who had powers.But I hide my self from the world so that I am never found with such a I lived a normal life a silent one,with my new family,The Harveys to hide from this wicked world.…