In Love With Pudding {Nanbaka}

In Love With Pudding {Nanbaka}

6,729 224 13

Kailina Mitsuba is the younger sister of Kiji Mitsuba, and unlike her brother she happened to be a bit of a troublemaker , so when being kicked out of school for the last time she's forced to stay with her brother.When this girl decides to steal her brothers key card , what is to happen when she meets a Jail Breaker and a Bra obsessed Pretty boy?And what is to happen when this girl who normally only loves pudding starts to fall in love with the boys?…

A Mothers Love | Child Tamaki Amajiki x Mother Reader |

A Mothers Love | Child Tamaki Amajiki x Mother Reader |

39,779 1,291 7

"We are heroes it was but only time before he fell before the hands of a villain""All they need is a Mothers love it is what changes everything"- - -{Y/N} was left to raise her son on her own when her husband falls at the hands of a villain, with the help of her brother and his disciple she creates a new life with a new name in a place that knows little about the cities heroes, for she was no longer and S Class hero no she was just a normal women with the strength to demolish buildings in one punch.Though her son is quite unaware to his mothers strength or her heroic past he still grows to liking them, and with her love she is sure to guide him down the right path with a quirk he inherited from his deceased father, and a sense he got from his mother he was sure to be a good hero one day, though the past doesn't always stay hidden.- - -{I Don't own OPM or BNHA, or Reader}…

Do It For Her |Rewrite| Dabi x Daughter Reader

Do It For Her |Rewrite| Dabi x Daughter Reader

892 37 1

"Lee put the flame thrower down!""Sir this is a bakery not a bar"- - -Disowned by his father, left to raise his daughter on his own with the help of his best friend and neighbor, Dabi can't help but feel a bit annoyed by the recent influx of attention his little bakery had been getting lately. In which Dabi tries his hardest to be a good father, all while trying to keep a gang of ruffians from destroying his bakery.- - -{I don't own BNHA or the Reader}{Rewrite Of the original Do It For Her}{Mafia/Bakery au}…

Do It For Her | Dabi x Daughter Reader

Do It For Her | Dabi x Daughter Reader

362,849 11,660 27

"She's my responsibility and no matter what I'll protect her""She's not a waste of time, because everything I do, I'll do it for her"- - -When the mysterious 'villain' Dabi hides a secret from the little group he joined, one that they and the world do not know, before he joined he was barely getting by with the little money he was able to get by odd jobs that would hire him, his appearance had everyone on edge and he always seemed uncaring.But when the hero Hawks begins to get close the blonde uncovers a secret, one that he is sworn to keep from everyone, including his own bosses, because he learned that Dabi wasn't a Villain for the heck of it, no he was doing it to protect one person, the person dearest to him.His daughter {Y/N}, a little ball of sunshine that Hawks had decided to protect as well, because well he was a hero after all, even if he was playing the part of a double agent, children always would have a place in his heart.- - -{I Don't own BNHA or The Reader}…

Seasons {Seven Deadly Sins x Reader} Discontinued

Seasons {Seven Deadly Sins x Reader} Discontinued

31,792 764 9

{Reader x Various}- - -There are many people who hold a vast amount of power, there are those who claim to be the most powerful beings, yet unknown to them there are ones far more powerful.The Four Seasons , a group of four people rumored to be the actual seasons themselves, no one knowing those rumors to even be true, for the Four Seasons were only but a rumor, a Myth a story if you will.Yet as we know Stories don't always stay stories, a myths may just be true.…

Bubblegum | BNHA / Hunter x Hunter x Reader

Bubblegum | BNHA / Hunter x Hunter x Reader

1,310 106 3

"Well this confuses me more than you""Apparently I'm a secret love child that's just great"- - -In Which a Fifteen year old assassin finds herself in a situation involving Secret love children, odd villains trying to kidnap her, quirks and apparently heroes in training and apparently she also has to deal with her own personal Harem that she accidently created.- - -{I Don't own BNHA, Hunter x Hunter or The reader}{Au}{Started-9/25/20}…

Banshee | Rei x Banshee Reader

Banshee | Rei x Banshee Reader

336 16 1

"You have caught my eye human this man I can tell you don't love him""I do not regret my actions she is happier here than with him"- - -In which Rei catches the eye of a Banshee whom isn't willing to let her stay in the household with a man whom's mind was clouded by greed, and would do anything to keep the human and her children safe from those whom wish to harm them.- - -{I Don't own bnha or the Reader}{Au}…

From a Queen To A Cat

From a Queen To A Cat

3,135 200 3

-Rewrite of The Life Of A Cat-- - - - - - - -"She's beauty she's grace and she'll claw you in the face"In Which a queen finds herself getting reborn as a cat in a world filled with quirks, or in which {Y/N} finds herself enjoying being a cat more than a queen.- - - - - - - -{I Don't own BNHA or The Reader}{BNHA x Cat Reader}…

The Life Of A Cat {BNHA x Cat Reader}  |DISCONTINUED|

The Life Of A Cat {BNHA x Cat Reader} |DISCONTINUED|

561,246 17,161 46

In which {Y/N} {L/N} finds herself getting a second chance at life, but this time as a cat, she finds herself enjoying her new life that isn't as stressful as her last one for the life of a cat was far more fun and adventuress than her last life, the life that she will always try and forget.Little did she know that her simple cat life would be turned upside down by the fact this new world she was reborn into had strange abilities called Quirks, and with those abilities came Heroes, Villains and Vigilantes.- - -{I Don't own BNHA or Reader Chan}{Au}…

The Zombie Hero { Bnha Various x Zombie Reader}

The Zombie Hero { Bnha Various x Zombie Reader}

22,070 586 6

"Note to self, Lamps make a great weapon""I actually have no clue how this happened dude"- - -In which a Sarcastic girl agrees to become a hero in turn for some brains to keep herself from becoming a mindless walking corpse, why she would need brains you may ask? well it's because {Y/N} {L/N} is a Zombie, and she has been one ever since she died.- - -{I don't own Bnha or Reader Chan}…

Little Fox {League Of Villains x Child Reader}

Little Fox {League Of Villains x Child Reader}

170,892 5,006 20

{Y/N} is the youngest child of All For one, a man whom was indeed a villain but that didn't mean he didn't have a heart for he did love his family dearly more than anything he just only showed it when he was around them, and his daughter was just as precious as his son was.So what would happen if this sweet little girl get's some new babysitters in the form of her fathers growing league of villains? well why not read and find out for some hearts will soon be caught and cuddles may be passed around.- - -{I Don't own BNHA Or Reader Chan}{Au}…

Do It For Them | BNHA x Reader

Do It For Them | BNHA x Reader

1,397 54 3

"Whatever I do I'll do it for them""I may of not gotten to know him but at least he was there when he could of been"- - -In a world where those with quirks are being hunted, {Y/N} is on their on journey to undo what has been done and save those that have helped from the very start. raised by their fathers friends whom were the best parents anyone could ask for this Thirteen year old is thrown for a loop in this world of a mad man wanting quirks eradicated and the fact they apparently have some sort of prophecy to be apart in. Honestly who would of guessed the child of a villain would of ended up in such a situation?- - -{Sequel Of Do It For Her}{I Don't own BNHA or the Reader}…

Move On | The Big Three x  Reader |

Move On | The Big Three x Reader |

1,262 48 3

"I told you before little brother being a hero isn't for me""It seems I wasn't meant to just stay in the background"- - -In which the older twin sister of Itachi finds herself reborn in a life she always wished to have, one out of the spotlight, one not from a well known clan, and not having to endure all the pain her twin felt, he was chosen for the mission, he was the one chosen because she was Average, she was never a prodigy or so she made it seem.So this new life she was born into was perfect, she had a little brother, a mother and no father to try and force her to become something she rather not, but when gifted with a quirk that could make her a hero will she ever figure out she was never meant to be in the shadows forever?- - -{I Don't own Naruto, Bnha or The Reader}{au}…

See It My Way |Bnha/Fairy Tail x Reader

See It My Way |Bnha/Fairy Tail x Reader

984 77 4

"The world is truly not what it seems""Take my advice and open your damn eyes"- - -{Y/N} a wizard of Fairy Tail had always seen things differently due to various reasons, but unlike most the word 'impossible' wasn't in her vocabulary, she pushed passed the norm like almost everyone in her guild, even if everyone including herself were a bit destructive she didn't mind.But when Natsu decides to read off a very sketchy job request, she finds herself getting sent to a world far more advanced than the one she is used to, and this one has a far lot more laws to follow and a very weird language she has to try and figure out, and to top it off she finds herself rooming with a girl whom likes blood and a guy that has some serious scars.- - -{I Don't own Bnha, Fairy Tail or The reader}{Au}…

No Ones Puppet {Child Todoroki Shoto x Aunt Reader}

No Ones Puppet {Child Todoroki Shoto x Aunt Reader}

55,280 1,956 9

"I refuse to allow him to be raised by someone of your status""You have no Strings to tie you down you are free to be you"~ ~ ~{Y/N} had always been close to her older sister, so when she learns her sister has been admitted into the hospital she decides that her youngest nephew isn't in the safest of places so taking matters into her own hands she takes custody of her nephew seeing as she was afraid of what he would become if she let him stay with his father.Upon taking him under her wing she teaches him that Hero's and Villains are more alike than people see, she teaches him that he shouldn't always rely on his Quirk to help him, and she teaches him that this world isn't all that fair, due to her teachings the young boy would certainly grown up to be neither a Hero nor a Villain, no he'd carve his own path just like his dear aunt had done for herself.- - -{I Don't own BNHA, Black Butler or Reader Chan}{BNHA AU}…

Don't Blame It On The Butter | BNHA / Food Wars

Don't Blame It On The Butter | BNHA / Food Wars

1,773 74 5

"You got nothing on me kid sorry to disappoint ya""I would say sorry but I don't really care"- - -Ari Jones was the name she was once known by, till her untimely demise that came in the form of her ex whom teamed up with her fiancé in order to gain her fortune, jokes on them both when they find out that fortune would be going to her pet turtle Francis.Anyways after that Ari may have pissed off fate at some point because she gets reborn as Shimo Todoroki the fraternal twin brother of Shoto Todoroki, and she no he was glad to not get his looks from the bastard known as Enji he was also glad he had the mind of a twenty five year old, so at the prime age of five Shimo just said fuck it and left never turning back and he of course regrets nothing.- - -{I Don't own BNHA or Food Wars}{Au}…

Oddity | Hunter x Hunter / Food Wars

Oddity | Hunter x Hunter / Food Wars

204 10 1

"I pity those who underestimate my younger sister just because of her disability""Rune may seem innocent but she's more deadly than any viper"- - -Rune Minx was simply an oddity that shouldn't be, she had seemed to appeared out of nowhere one day confused and lost, and in time she learned she was not where she was supposed to be, but she found this world slightly boring compared to her own, she however enjoyed the interesting assortment of different dishes they had to offer.So when given the chance to go to a school in order to hone her cooking skills she can't refuse, but she learns there's more to the eye at this school, and this world for everyone so far had a long time till they caught up to her skill.She was a gourmet hunter after all, and this world would soon learn they had a long way to catch up to her.- - -{I Don't own Hunter x Hunter or Food Wars}…

Apple Candy { Eri x Mother Reader}

Apple Candy { Eri x Mother Reader}

45,813 1,076 7

"Were in this together my little Sapling just the two of us""She's no mistake she's my little Sapling that will grow into a beautiful Apple Tree"- - -When {Y/N} {L/N} finds her fiance cheating on her with her best friend no less she couldn't be more heartbroken, Especially with the fact that very day she had found out she was pregnant, she does what anyone else would she packs up her stuff and flushes her engagement ring down the toilet.She goes back to the place she grew up and opens a small candy shop, one that her and her little Sapling could enjoy together, the female would soon make new memories in her old stomping grounds and remember old ones, all while taking care of her little shop and her Daughter whom loved Apples as much as she did.- - -{I Don't Own BNHA Or Reader}{Au}…

Bittersweet Chaos | Death Note / BNHA x Chaotic Reader

Bittersweet Chaos | Death Note / BNHA x Chaotic Reader

629 43 2

"Oh my dear sweet little Light Kun you have no clue how wrong you actually are""I'll put this nicely you've fucked up"- - -To be able to hold an entire world in the palms of your hands was what most wished, they wanted to have the power of a god. But truthfully that sort of thing grew boring in all honesty, because to {Y/N} she had lived far longer than most would think, she's been around since the creation of quirks after all.And well after all the peaceful worlds she had created she had indeed grown bored of every simple plain reality, so for her own sake of her non existed sanity she finds herself jumping into one of her simple worlds and causing a bit of needed chaos.- - -{ I Don't own BNHA, Death Note or the reader}{Au}…

Watch It Burn | BNHA x Reader

Watch It Burn | BNHA x Reader

116 8 1

"Yeah you go do that dude me and Star are gonna watch you fail""And that readers is why you don't buy supplies from former villains"- - -{Y/N} was an anomaly, with the fact their quirk allowed them to 'break the fourth wall' half the time, it kinda didn't help they were in a zombie apocalypse, and not to mention their companion a floating star creature thing just wanted to watch the world burn, oh well that was life for you, anyways follow the pair as they fight zombies and not give a single fuck about the worlds problems.- - -{Bnha zombie apocalypse Au}{Gender Neutral Reader x Various, I don't own BNHA or the reader}…